The July Dev Update still didn’t address dead hard on reaction to a killer lunge

The July Dev Update still didn’t address dead hard on reaction to a killer lunge. Changing it from 1 second to .5 seconds has zero impact on survivors using dead hard on reaction to a killer lunge.
BHVR should have made dead hard 1 second total time, but the first 0.5 seconds are startup frames that won’t give endurance.
They why the ######### would anyone ever use it?
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A survivor perk shouldn’t invalidate killer lunges, just because a survivor has good reaction time.
A survivor should have to predict a killer lunge, instead of getting an automatic extra health state because they have good reaction time.
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Why shouldn't survivors with a good reaction time be able to use it as a counter?
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The distance part got nerfed which is what a lot of complaints towards the perk was on. The perk is now solely meant for dodging attacks and now that's a problem too?
What do you want Dead Hard to do then?
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literally the point of the perk.
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Because it tells many killers they should just stop using their power if a survivor is injured, and just walk up to touch range. And if they are in a situation where there isn’t enough time to get in touch range, too bad for the killer.
We were told we were supposed to be able to anticipate and bait dead hard. I still want BHVR to give us the official method to do this? Are they honestly telling killers to stop using their power so they can bait dead hard? Is there some super dev secret we don’t know about, that allows killers to use their lunge on injured survivors?
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The dodging part itself isn’t a problem. It’s the fact the survivors can dodge on reaction to a killer lunge, that’s a problem. It would be fine if dead hard could dodge hits, as long as it wasn’t a sure thing on reaction.
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It was so very rare that people used dead hard for distance against me. I’d say 10% of the time, at most? 5% of the time?
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Bald-faced lie
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dude..... jesus, what's the point of the perk then? they killed the perk TWICE already and you're still worried about 0.5 seconds? if you can't bait it out, they tank your hit, end of story. They use it at the wrong time, you get the hit, end of that story. Not everything is a guarantee and you're not entitled to a guaranteed hit. DH is by no means a "gimme" for survivors using it, they successfully tank a hit with it, they earned it.
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There are so many ways you can force it aside from waiting it out. Jagged movements can trick survivors into using it. I do it by quickly looking up as legion and it's almost guaranteed to work. Similar thing with cloak faking as wraith, faking punishment with PH and so on.
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Honestly, it'd be fine as long as it's actually difficult AND it's the thing all it does.
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Jagged movements and looking up don’t give the killer lunge noise. BHVR should remove the killer lunge noises if they want dead hard on reaction to still be in the game. Why do killers make a specific “you should dead hard now” sound when they lunge?
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I don't even pay attention to that noise but you do you.
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Tbh I'm fine with it the issue I had was the DH for distance plus DH will take more skill to use .5 secs is not alot of time...even if they use it on reaction they might still get hit because of the time.
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If survivors are waiting for a killer lunge noise, before they press their dead hard button, then trying to fake a lunge doesn’t work to bait their dead hard.
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Parries are cool, skill is fun (good reaction time), get over it.
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But it’s not more skill than before. The current dead hard is .5 seconds. Dead hard in the next patch will be .5 seconds. It’s the same duration.
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the average human response time is generally 0.25 seconds (for audio it is often cited as a bit faster, between 0.15 and 0.2.) barring personal variations to that reaction time, perspective and latency are also factors than can affect that amount, leaving a very small window to be able to dead hard on reaction, with roughly 0.25 seconds between reacting to the sound at the start of a lunge or seeing the start of the animation while looking behind.
its a pretty reasonable window, honestly. Its more for making reads now than it is for reacting, but the reaction window is both tight and yet still possible.
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Are you sure you are playing DBD?
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Killers have literally lost their collective minds over this one perk. I think they will continue to complain about it, if there was literally 1 frame worth of time where it could work. This is going to be hard to comprehend, so I'll 'splain it real good. Here goes, Survivors are allowed nice things too.
Dead hard is literally a perk that can be used once every 40 seconds, only if you are already injured. The net benefit is negated by killers holding their swing for 2 seconds. 95% of the time, dead hard does nothing.
I'm a terrible killer that stubbornly plays hillbilly, and typically if I'm careless 1 survivor per match will get a successful deadhard. Then I'm reminded to play better, and the remaining hits all land.
They get rid of the distance completely, and its still an exhaustion perk, that you have to be injured to use and it grants 1 second of time. Is this really a perk that killers fear? Get better my dudes and stopped complaining.
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The value it can get far exceeds its exhaustion cooldown, as is the case with most exhaustion perks in general (hence their shared cooldown and its limitations on sprinting.) Dead Hard has always been a pain in the ass for so many killers because of how little skill was required in using it successfully, while also being on demand unlike any other exhaustion perks which usually have some limitation based on their tiles. It has always been an outlier for multiple reasons, and its skill floor was the thing that got hit the hardest. Many killers especially will realize how much of a difference these changes make when they start consistently punishing people for using the perk wrong, or just flat out stop seeing it at all. Its a very common phenomena in other genres like fighting games or mobas, people complain that nerfs aren't enough because they are thinking about the remaining max power, rather than what its new average use will look like.
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Old Dead Hard didn't take any skill to use because of both the distance and IFrames, so unless you only had 2 brain cells and would DH into a wall then you survived the hit and or extended the chase.
New DH only had .5 secs of endurance. That's not a very big window to get it right so survivors have to be more precise on activation.
So we will see who really are skillful or were using DH as a crutch.
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Almost all my games are Blight or Nurse. And some people figured out you can dead hard towards a rushing Blight, which means they don’t even need to wait for Blight to attack.
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I see where you're coming from now that Dead Hard has 75% usage, but honestly I don't mind this at all. Most survivors will reveal a different exhaustion perk than DH after this update, and if the ones that don't reveal their echaustion perk manage to straight up parry my hit with new DH, I applaud them for that. You won't have to breathe down every survivors neck anymore cause new DH is too situational for most players to want to run.
Besides, you could always just play Legion. They went from being hardcountered by DH to hardcountering it. And I'm fine with that.
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Current dead hard only has 0.5 seconds of iFrames. It’s literally the same duration as live.
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This is extreme. Any survivor who can navigate the map and time the E right after a lunge without getting crept up on and non-lunged deserves the health state.
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Survivors with good reflexes and skill can already dodge a lunge by swaying,
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That's literally the point of the perk.
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Dead hard
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Oh my God you people are still complaining about dead hard?
It's dead now stop complaining
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Then reduce attack hitboxes, the fact that you can dodge the entire attack, but get hit by a slither of end-attack animation because the killer is still moving technically is BS.
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Normally I'm on the side of Killers when it comes to changes in this game, but this is just silly.
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this aint it chief
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what a braindead thread lmaooo
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Seriously though, I hate dead hard as much as anyone, but this is enough.
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You're lucky that making really really silly posts isn't bannable in the forums. But this post is a prime example for why BHVR should consider it.
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I would like to safely be able to lunge again.
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So the solution is: let DH simply not exist anymore, and the game would be much more interesting 😀
(reminder, I play survivor too)