Tunneling and camping have gone out of control

Well, I just wanted to see if it's only me, or if you all have gotten into matches lately, got chased, got hooked, camped, or tunneled, and then out of the game, with this particular loop put on repeat on each and every single match. Cause that's what's been happening to me lately. And I absolutely got tired of it. I am not a survivor main, btw, I actually main killer, but I have also come to enjoy survivor gameplay as well lately. The problem is that this cycle put on repeat forever has become so frustrating. I promise I am not even baiting BT hits or DSes, I just try to play the game normally, but the killers still just want to tunnel. And I am done.
The last drop was this match I just had against a Nemesis on The Game, that tunneled as I've never seen before. He didn't even try to hide it or to cycle a different survivor in between my hooks. He just tunneled straight in our face and we could do nothing about it because he just tanked all the BTs and the DSes and still went after the unhooked survivor. And he literally tunneled each hook state of each survivor individually. Sometimes I get tunneling a person after 2 or 3 gens have been finished, but I cannot understand a Nemesis that tunnels like that from the beginning of the game till the end of it. It's like that was his sole mission in that match like he was doing an only tunnel challenge.
Because of this tunneling issue the game has, I've been taking it easier lately, playing DBD maybe once or twice a week. Well, I just wanted to say and also let Behaviour know that if they don't do something about tunneling and camping, all the survivor player base will just follow the same path as me. And that is, leave the game. As much as I love DBD and its core design and the 4v1 aspect of it, I cannot physically take more tunneling than I already have. Therefore I must proceed and say goodbye to this game for the time being and look into other games that can actually be fun to play, and not frustrating.
I'm always left surprised and shocked when a killer is not tunneling, camping or proxy camping. That 1-2 K is too important to most, and you know these are the same people that complain of BT and DS. I don't play killer much but when I do, I don't camp or tunnel and I don't get hit by DS or tunnel the poor BT survivor. These perks are easily avoidable, and it's more fun to alternate hooked survivors than sit next to the hook and wait.
Some people just enjoy ruining other people's time whilst wasting their own. It's really the individual person's choice on how they want to play, and it seems most prefer to sit at hooks and chase the same person.
Taking a break from the game is healthy, I took a few years break and seeing how the game is not offering much, a new break might be coming.
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As a killer main I also try to avoid tunneling and camping, cause I try to have fun. Maybe that's why I don't understand why other killers have to play like that. For example, when I play Blight I literally play him perkless, just for fun.
On the break topic, I guess it's a good thing that Smite has grown on me lately. Maybe I can swap to it being my game of choice for a while.
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Necessary depending on the situation.
It has also been proven time and time again to be the most viable strategy to win, most people who play video games play to win by the way.
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I don't know if it's my luck or my area or if everybody is secretly lying to make me feel bad but it is incredibly rare that I am either tunneled or camped (outside of EGC).
It certainly does happen but I think there's maybe one in ten games when I'm getting tunneled or camped (and I can't say for sure because I can't see everything but at the very least for camping, the same with my teammates).
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People want killers to act like cute little pets, always prioitizing the other party's enjoyment over their own. Winning is the most enjoyable thing and as it goes, killing survivors is no matter which way u do it. The only reason u are angry and u stroke post on the forums is because u lost. Either quit the game or consider improving at it. Honestly if u managed to get tunnelled and lose against nemesis on the game it screams skill issue.
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This is exactly how I feel when camping and tunneling doesn't happen. Its been out of control since I started playing over 2 years ago. I imagine its been a problem for longer. These actions are a huge deterrent from wanting to play the game. The OP mentioned this as well and I do believe camping and tunneling is one of the biggest reasons survivor mains play less often if even at all anymore.
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As if there was a time those two were in control.
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I always prioritize hooks over kills and I have the most fun this way!
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Aaaand I can tell which kind of killer you are. It's much more satisfying when you 4k with no tunneling and survivors dying on their 3rd hook than having half the team dying or tunneling and having the survivors quit or die on their first hook. Putting in the extra work and succeeding without the exit gates being open is a different kind of win satisfaction.
You just need to learn how to pressure survivors and believe me gens come to a big halt when this happens. When you tunnel the same person, and camp, or commit to super long chases, you just give free time for the survivors to do gens as quickly as possible.
I play only Hag and I can tell you Make your Choice makes my games more fun than tunneling the same person. The hook swaps are the best.
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Tunneling is not an issue there is counter play the counter play is looping well and the more you get chased or tunneled the better you will get. Camping just means you suck at the game or you just want to ruin someone's game. Unless its camping end game that's completely fine and adds more excitement to the end game.
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My brother in christ the survivors i play against get 3 gens done before corrupt while i got 1 person in a hook and 1 person getting chased. U cannot 12hook with most killers against competent survivors and even with those u can its very hard. I wanna see u switch the hag and play ghostface or any M1 killer tho and see for yourself.
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Is hag suddenly not an M1 killer?
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DBD is an 4v1 elimination game. The killer is trying to eliminate the survivors from the game. Forcing a death as quickly as possible helps you snowball to eliminate the rest of the survivor team.
Camping is also useful at times to force hook states since spending some time to make sure a survivor goes into next state is more beneficial than letting them get unhooked and having to hook them again. Especially when you the hook survivor near gens you want to defend or the survivor team is around the hook waiting for you to leave.
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Is her power even comparable to other m1 killers?
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Hag with MYC? Bro…your free to pretend your an upstanding Killer who can play with the survivor rulebook and still have “fun”, but I fairly suspicious that your a Grade A camper haha. Bet my bottom dollar that you trap up the hooked area, only venture far enough to be able to proc MYC, then teleport back, down new survivor, same hook, some trap-set up, basically keeping your Campsite and cooking your s’mores lol.
Your not less of a camper because you use a Killer that can camp via ‘her power’ instead of physically herself xD
This is like a Nurse Main telling Killers they need to be better at adding pressure by ending chases early lolol.
Sorry, I’m not trying to dump on you, just the whole statement caught me off guard. To stay on topic, I mostly play Killer but when I do play Survivor, I rarely get facecamped, I might get tunneled out but that’s fair game and I should get better at running loops and my team should get better at body-blocking. It’s a team game after all. Getting tunnel is a strategy that I understand and respect and I only blame myself for being identified as such a weak looper that I’m worth the small time investment to tunnel out OR I consider it a badge of honor if I looped better then usual and the Killer specifically gave up the game to kill me.
Some survivors are so soft, Facecamp and tunnel isn’t as terrible and detrimental as they make it out to be. Now T-bagging and flashlight clicking are what is truly terrible (/Sarcasm)
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Yeah, that's the best way to play with people who prioritize chests/bones over gen.
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When I play hag and have a survivor hooked, I do other things like retrap, kick gens, break pallets, chase other people if I find any. And yes, if MYC goes off and the survivors trigger my trap, you're right I will teleport back, but I will go for the person that unhooked and NOT the person that was unhooked.
It's called MYC for a reason, and unlike other killers Hag doesn't have a 1 shot power or add-ons.
I give 2 chances. If you trigger MYC and don't trigger the trap then the chances are I won't be able to find you even if I ran back manually. Hag is a slow killer.
If you trigger MYC and my trap, you deserve to go down by it. It's simple to not trigger my trap at the hook, it's your choice. And that the 2nd chance, 2nd make your choice. You can either save without triggering my trap or you can be confident in yourself and do it anyway.
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You are simply describing camping, but with extra steps. You are still putting the same pressure on the hook regardless if you are physically there or not.
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Im describing use brain and dont trigger traps. Why wouldn't I go back if you make noise on purpose whilst knowing you're one shot from MYC. I think you need to understand what camping is. I'm letting you save and giving you a choice
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U fail to realise that your way of playing is entirely specific to the killer u play. MYC is useless for any killer that isnt demo, hag, nurse. Like if u cant comprehend that most killers need to kill a survivor asap to have a chance to win the game then i dont know what to tell u. But sure if u play against new players 12hook is deffo more enjoyable ig
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I know what camping is. And you are playing a hag build designed to allow you to pressure hooks and get trades in the same way as if you were camping the hook.
You can put whatever noble spin about how you consider it to be different, but trapping hooks as hag is still effectively camping.
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Unlike most killers hag is not able to camp gens or run around gens. She has to put up traps and constantly retrap, she can't put much pressure on gens by going to them. She puts pressure with hooks and spends much time not chasing to put traps and she is utterly useless as a slow killer without having her traps preset up. You have to play her differently and MYC is magic on her but its not necessary, I just personally enjoy it
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Its not camping if you don't trigger the traps and its a simple thing to do - crouch or flashlight the traps. Let's not act like people don't know how to avoid her traps at hooks and NO I don't put all 10 of my traps at the hook. People trigger the hook trap on purpose and cry camper later.
Again, it's your choice on whether you want me to come to the hook or not
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U keep dodging the main point so i wont bother no more.
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I don't main killer, so I can only speak for the killer I play and the only killer I have leveled up. You find a way to best complement your main killer, I've found what I can do to have fun with my killer and for me its a small game - I don't go for the unhooked survivor and I go back to the hook if my one and only trap is triggered and if MYC is active all the better. I take make your choice to the level of - you trigger my trap, I come, you don't trigger it, I won't.
And again, avoiding triggering the trap is easy - just crouch.
I either play with no add-ons or brown ones for distance and time on the phantasms.
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It’s not just you.
It will plague this game until the devs do something about it. I’m not talking about a 5 second BT that acts like a bandaid.
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Since one or both of you wanted some sort of an example. Here is Hag an M1 killer. This is my clip.
As we can see, I'm hooking a survivor in the basement, perfect opportunity to camp, especially on Hag. What do I do after the hook - retrap, walk around trying to hear gens and oooh a survivor. She gets chased and downed and hooked and what happened to the basement hook, he got unhooked but my trap at the shack remained untouched. :)
I will be leaving you to enjoy. I've explained and repeated and even given you an example in video format
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Were you playing as Jill?
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There is probably no good solution for tunneling than wouldn't break the game, so one is likely never coming. If a killer is determined to tunnel you out, even to the point of throwing the game, they will do so regardless of whatever changes the devs make, short of making an unhooked survivor straight up invincible until another surv is hooked.
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The sad side of this game is that if you want to achieve a victory as a killer (at high MMR) you necessarily have to camper and tunnel, otherwise you have to work twice as hard and you don't always succeed.
Some people even achieve streaks of 80-90 wins with camp and tunnel, I personally took 34 victory and 7 ties.
So you have to choice between a secure victory or an almost certain defeat if you play killer. The problem is that in soloq and at low levels it is a terrifying experience if you play survivor because you have literally no countermeasures and no helps.
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Statistically this cannot be happening to you every game, because there are four survivors in a game and only one survivor can be camped and tunnelling out first.
So you're definitely exaggerating. I'd say this is happening to you 1/4 of the time, or if it's more than that, you're doing something wrong and getting caught. Or, you're one of those survivors with a very loose definition of 'camping' and 'tunnelling'.
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Kill one survivor is the most efficient way to win in high mmr, is that or a lot of TB in the exit gate.
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When people like OP say they're being camped and tunneled I wonder exactly what's happening in their games. Typically when people say this stuff they have a real loose definition of camping and tunneling.
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I am a killer main all day long. The way I have the most fun is I don't care about a win or a loss. I play how I want. I mainly play to the situation. If I feel I need to camp or tunnel I will.
If I feel I have the game in a good spot I will spread out and try to go for more chases. I like a challenge in my game. I don't want easy games. If I wanted to win all the time I would play Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
I never let the survivors dictate how I should play and I will never give them a hard time for how they play. We need to remember, it's just a game. Win some lose some.
Just try to win and lose with dignity.
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If you go by the fact that she can only m1 yes, but hag can play chases differently, she isn't a puching bag like say ghostface, myers and even sadako who depend on survivors making mistakes or horrible pallet RNG to get downs.
The definition of m1 is used differently by some people and even tho yes its more intuitive to consider m1 killers the ones that can only m1, then nurse is an m1 killer as she can only hit you with m1, I consider m1 killers killers that have no absolute way to get hits aside from just traditionally chasing.
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Hey man. I love playing with Ace in the Hole, Plunderer's, Streetwise, and Built to Last! So yes!
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A lot of killers have been begging for more incentives to prioritize hooks over kills. This patch will be giving them even less.
Don't expect any changes anytime soon.
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This! I loop as if I’m going to be camped and If I do get it unhookerd I try and position myself to loop again as I’ll prolly get tunneled. At my MMR most killers are lucky to get 1k doing this strategy(minus Nurse/Blight)
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The thing you all don't get is: I am not talking about the occasional tunnel of one person out of the game because the killer is behind in hook states. I am talking about systemic tunneling. Killers that tunnel every single survivor regardless of the situation. That is what I have to come up against lately, almost every single match.
That's why I know that it's not a me problem or a skill issue. Usually what I go up against is either systemic killers or killers that after I loop them for 2-4 gens, will camp me out of spite.
As I said before, I am also a killer main and I somewhat understand the occasional tunnel when you are behind in hook states, but I don't get tunneling systemically or out of spite. That's my issue with the state of DBD right now.
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gonna be honest, if you're a killer main you wouldn't think running the killer for 2-4 gens would be them tunneling you out of spite, its them trying to get a 1v3 as fast as possible to make their map pressure more sustainable. especially since it could have been 80 seconds or less into the match at that point.
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"Its much more satisfying when you 4k with no tunneling and surv dying on their 3rd hook....."
Just wanna say, although I do not agree with this statement, I also do not disagree. That is entirely your opinion on how a killer match is enjoyable to you.
Some killers just wanna actually kill and not juggle surv on their hook status.
Some killers are forced to tunnel because a surv is constantly getting in their way or the surv is being toxic and therefore enticing the killer to send em back to the lobby either by tunneling/camping/slugging.
Having pressure on a match as killer isnt always guaranteed, lets not forget that there are some maps that don't favor a killer no matter how good you are.
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He just tunneled straight in our face and we could do nothing about it because he just tanked all the BTs and the DSes and still went after the unhooked survivor.
Bro, if a killer waits for the Borrowed, Gets DS'ed multiple times and focus only one survivor until he's dead you have more than enough time to get the gens done and get 3 people out E A S I L Y.
Btw there are only two killers in this game who can camp effectively, leaving no counterplay for the survivors: these are Cannibal and Hillbilly, only on account of the instadown. And the only one who can effectively tunnel is Pyramid Head IF you run into his Trail of Torment, since he can then skill decisive/power struggle and other saving perks entirely.
Tbh I feel like this last update awoke some sort of sense of entitlement on survivors who now come to the forums, not even Reddit anymore for some reason, to complain about the slightest, easily manageable and completely counterable things. Camp/Tunnel might not be easily counterable and not a "slight problem" but it sure as hell is easily manageable by the least coordinated of teams. Hell, even by solos who played the game longer than a day.
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One could say the same the other way around. If your only way to win a game is make sure you get one hook and then keep taking down the same person before he can recover, it screams skill issue. Specially taking into account the way you talk, as it sounds like the only way a hook happens is survivor poor skill and not a good killer player
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There's too much focus on potential chances that survivors don't get and not enough on the one they do. Focus should be on objectives, avoiding attention, and successfully escaping your first chase.
A survivor gets 1 hook as a result of individual efforts. To get any additional chances falls upon teammates (Not the killer) to provide. Camping or tunneling does not guarantee the kill as they are counterable by coordination alone.
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skill issue or balance issue? because the answer to both is yes, its just a matter of how much of each.
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Dont see why killers wouldnt "tunnel" and proxy camp, even if they play "fairly" there will always be t-baggers at the exit gate. Killers wants to have fun too.
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Perhaps killers need a new surv animation so they can give them a hug
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It all comes down to this, no matter how much u scream about tunnelling. If you think the killer (excluding nurse and blight) has a chance to 12hook and not tunnel even a bit against very efficient and good survivors on all these maps, u clearly dont play against efficient and good survivors.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Funnily enough you have no idea what I want. It turns out I want a hard fought match where maybe I escape maybe I don't.
What I don't want is to play generator simulator while the killer engages no one and stands under the hooked person. I sure as hell don't want to be that person that got downed in the first 30 seconds of the match and then is subsequently camped to death.
To accomplish this better game balance I am not asking killers to do one thing differently. I want behavior to crush that killer behavior completely. Make generator repair speeds climb the longer the killer is next to the hooked survivor. Behavior do something!! This right here will ultimately be the downfall of the game.
Post edited by EQWashu on0