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Bloodpoint Cap Changes are Good but Who Realistically Caps BP as Survivor?

Saw the BP cap being raised to 10k in each category. This is great for killers where it's not at all uncommon to hit 32k in a game just playing normally.

But for survivor, even if you tailor your build around it and play with the intent to farm BP it's still not great easy to cap BP especially survival.

Ive put far more time into survivor probably 70/30 or 60/40 split. And I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I've got 32k. Whereas with Killer I've lost count despite playing much less than survivor.

Not suggesting we nerf killer BP gains but who realistically is going to hit the new 40k cap ever as a survivor? Would be nice to see some increases to at least the survival category.

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  • Member Posts: 516

    Run Prove Thyself and Bond, you will see the value. This was one of my favorite changes.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    On the other hand, who realistically gets an even spread of BP across all categories as a survivor?

    It's much easier to cap out on Objectives and miss out on a ton of Altruism or Boldness if you don't get any hook saves, heals or chases. Or maybe you get tunnelled the entire game and ONLY get Boldness. Now you get more BP for that.

    You could be tunnelled and only have the opportunity to max out Boldness for 8000 BP, well now you'll get 10000 BP for that. And if you do escape after running the killer for the entire game, then you're walking away with more BP than you would have, even if you didn't break 8000 in the other three categories.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I've maxed out on Objectives, Boldness and Altruism while the game is going on but never in all three in the same game, virtually never in two categories and it happens but it's not common in one.

    The bump to 10K will help but I don't think any survivor games will hit the 40K. The only times I've seen 32K survivors is when I've been farming while playing Killer (and I did it once as a survivor with, once again, a farming Killer).

    The extra points might encourage more Killers to not camp though as camping as a Killer is a great way to tank your BP gain and that might indirectly help survivors. Hard to say at this point.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    kinda wish they just got rid of bp caps as a whole, and instead made an overall cap of 32k/40k bp

    obviously certain bp gains would need to have a limit (like prove thyself BPs), but at least itd make it so you could get a lot more bp as survivor if you ended up getting tunneled all game.

  • Member Posts: 516

    The only thing I see this not affecting is the survival category. All other caps can be reached if you play for them.

    Only exception is when you are tunneled or the killer goes afk.

  • Member Posts: 734

    I've had plenty of games where I reach 30k as survivor, and those games are just games I play very well and that go on for a long time, usually 3-gen situations where the team plays smart and safe to get them done.

    Also, the point in raising the max amount in each category wasn't to max out all categories. It's for the people who get stuck getting points in only one and letting them have a chance to get a few more points for their efforts. They stated it clearly in the update that this was the purpose. Obviously, killer has an easier time maxing the categories because the killer doesn't share objectives, but this is nothing new.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    If I'm not camped out at start of match I definitely will max out atleast one category at 8k, the only category that is difficult to max is out survival and that's because there really isn't much that puts BP into that. Raising the caps is more so giving players the chance to get more BP per category, not necessarily get 40k BP cap per game.

    With current 80 second gens it only takes a couple gens to max out the 8k BP objective. After update gens will take 90 seconds so increasing BP cap allows you to continue earning BP from the increased amount of time you'll be on the gen instead of maxing out early and not earning any BP.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    If you do gens, saves, are being chased, ... then you max out.

    If you slam the gens and leave, probably not.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I do wonder if they will atleast increase the escape and sacrifice one

    Especially escape. Can you even get 10k points in that category?

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Not really, with the 10 seconds increase and the new regression perks youll find yourself fixing generators for a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long time.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Its not an equivalent 1 to 1 comparison though so take care with comparing it to killer.

    You'd expect killers to max out BP's earlier they aren't sharing their game experience between 4 people. Every chase counts for 1, every hit counts for 1 etc etc.

    Ideally what you'd want to see is just a generic boost across all survivor tasks in addition to a points cap increase, so if you are contributing to the survivor objective then you are earning. Be it being chased, rescuing a fellow survivor or fixing a gen.

  • Member Posts: 8,330
  • Member Posts: 36

    Rarely cap bp completely but pretty commonly I'll cap one or two categories so it helps a bit I guess

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Funnily enough, the best way to make use of these changes as survivor will be with Prove Thyself and No One Left Behind since their BP bonuses take effect during the trial and not after (like WGLF used to). I find that funny because Bhvr's whole reason for nerfing BBQ and WGLF is that they didn't want people to use perks to get more BP, but the most realistic and efficient way for survivors to actually be able to benefit from the category cap increases is to equip perks for their BP bonuses.

  • Member Posts: 624

    This would also make it feel a little better when you get killed super early. Even if you flop super hard as killer you typically will have higher bp than the survivor that did best. Increasing those gains couldn't hurt.

  • Member Posts: 20

    Not saying they never happen. But Getting 30k+ as survivor is a rare scenario or one in which you Tailor your entire build and playstyle around whereas 30k+ as a killer is almost a given.

    I don't think asking for some BP increases to certain categories or changes to survivor BP gains in general is a ridiculous ask. Especially when at a given time 2-3 of the categories are out of your control which isn't the case as a killer.

    If I get chased all game there goes any chance at Objective, Altruism and maybe even survival if you die

    On the other side of that situation the other 3 get basically 0 altruism and a miniscule amount of Boldness.

  • Member Posts: 20

    which yeah is a strategy but you have to tailor half your build around it, whereas killer you can run literally anything.

  • Member Posts: 133

    NO ONE LEFT BEHIND ENJOYERS SURE DO REACH THE CAP <3 also those who last in chase more than 1 minute without dropping 50 pallets

  • Member Posts: 133

    but seriously yeah i hope something is done at least to survival category. i wish it gave u points for escaping a chase and for being healed by someone else

  • Member Posts: 241

    I usually cap 1 of the 4 emblems each match. So, I'm picturing 1 to 2K more per survivor match.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Thats actually not true. Decent survivors can earn just as much bloodpoints as killers and when you die super early, then just move on to the next match. Killer has to stay until the match is over.

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    In normal gameplay you wont max out as survivor while killer could have easily double maxed out. Thats common knowledge.

  • Member Posts: 734

    Yeah, that's the problem with gaining bp as survivor. You can't really control the pace of the game as a soloq. That's why I'll open chests and do totems, because I like trying to get more bp when I can. Usually the close games is where you can get a lot of bp on both sides, without even dedicating your build to getting points on survivor side.

    It's not a huge bump they did, but I guess it's something. It would be nice if they had a base mechanic that rewarded a certain playstyle that would give a bp modifier. Playing survivor will definitely be more of a grind for bp now, especially for those who play when killer is more in need.

  • Member Posts: 495

    I honestly think that it's just to get more killers to play to make the queues faster.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Killers getting more bp is not a bad thing because they need it more, but base BP gain for survivors are seriously abysmal.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Many survivors play to escape and not to get points so it depends on what you call "normal". Gen-rush and gens-before-friends will certainly not max-out the points. It's pretty common for survivors to avoid interactions with the killer, especially at lower MMRs (but not limited to it) and that's certainly not helping.

    When a killer does the equivalent (camping, tunneling) he doesn't get much points either.

  • Member Posts: 9,420

    Players with thousands of hours waiting for the next chapter.

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    survivors dont have it in their own hand how many points they can acquire.

  • Member Posts: 598

    I do... even though I suck as Survivor

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    prove thyself is new BBQ. now we'll get the posts that go along lines of: I only use this prove thyself for blood points. oh man

    can those guys rework distressing to do something useful for killer?

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Best way would be using Self Care, Head On, Boil Over and DS to get some self heals, perk-stuns and wiggling free, while also making yourself the obsession.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    weren't they going to make survivor score a team thing? like you get points for everything your team does till you die something..

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    No, they were looking at making MMR a team thing, so even if you die, but 3 other survivors escaped, your efforts would still be rewarded with an MMR increase.

    But I'm not quite sure how either can work. Your score, and MMR, will be calculated when you leave the game. If you die first, then what? Will you be forced to hang around until the last survivor dies/escapes to get your full fair score?

  • Member Posts: 5,304
    edited July 2022

    I think you may have it wrong don't sound right at all.

    the scoring should be a team thing like as your getting chase or on the hook getting face camp you should get points maybe a little bit for every gen totum that get done till your die.

    should keep people from dying on first hook

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    Only if farming.

    Killer camps or tunnels you? 5-10k

    Killer camps or tunnels someone else? 10-22k

    That's it

  • Member Posts: 20

    Im not talking about maxing 1 category.

    Are you saying you regularly hit 30k+ bloodpoints in a game as survivor?

  • Member Posts: 86

    Honestly, bp survivors gain after a match depends on the play style of the killer in that match. You can have 4 escape and give the killer a hard time, but the killer's bp will usually be higher than the well-performed survivor in that match.

  • Member Posts: 6,141

    I probably average 20k a game. If my new average becomes 25k a game then I'm not going to complain, but I get your point. It occurred to me as well when I read the change

  • Member Posts: 16,670

    Hatch Escape grants Objective Points (on top of the 5k for Survival for escaping), if I am not mistaken.

    Very hard. Especially with the DS-Nerf (this gave you 1k BPs for escaping the Killer and then 1k/1,5k BPs for either dying or escaping as Obsession).

    If we remove this, because DS will not be useful anymore, you will have to go against a Doctor and Snap out of it A LOT or play a bunch of Mending Simulator against Legion to max out the category.

    And I am still wondering why they dont just remove the Category Cap at all...

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    Sacrifice is in a similar boat, it's basically calculated to max out when you get 12 hooks and 4 kills.

    With the BBQ/WGLF bonuses removed, these could be baked into the basekit by way of giving one-time score events in these categories instead. Increasing the potential to gain in these categories and potentially reach the new 10k cap.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Does it? So weird it goes to objective instead of survival like exit escape. They should really adjust the BP for survival.

  • Member Posts: 16,670


    Also just checked it, 2500 BPs for escaping via Hatch in Objectives.

    And yes, it does not really make sense. But at the same time, we had Self Healing-Skill Checks which gave Altruism Points for many years...

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