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General Discussions

Wait, is a p1 before the update equal to a p3 when the Mid-Chapter hits live?

I want to make sure I'm understanding this right before I go and P1 all my survivors and killers.

For those that don't know, a new developer update just came out that covers all the changes the devs are making for the upcoming Mid-Chapter, it can be found here:

In this developer update, there is a section that stood out to me under the progression section, and it read as follows:

"In the PTB, we awarded one bonus prestige level for each prestige your characters had prior to the PTB. For the full Mid-Chapter release, we have increased this to 2 bonus prestige levels. This means if your character was prestige 3 before the update, they are guaranteed to be prestige 9 after the update, granting all the new rewards immediately. The catch-up mechanic will be limited to prestige 9, however, even if the calculated bonus would exceed this."

Now if I'm reading this correctly, this means for each prestige level you have on a character, they get a bonus 2 when the Mid-Chapter arrives. So P1 will become P3, P2 will become P6, and P3 will become P9.

If I am understanding this correctly, then I am ABSOLUTELY going to P1 everyone before the Mid-Chapter update. Yes, I will be losing every single item, addon, and offering I have on those characters (RIP all my event items), but the shear amount of grind this would cut down on in the future would be HUGE! I have every single character lvl 50 right now, and if I do end up P1ing everyone, that will save me having to prestige a whopping 118 times when the Mid-Chapter hits. This will save me an INCREDIBLE amount of bloodpoints, while also giving me every single teachable perk on all my survivors and killers.

So, did I read this right and I can save myself a ridiculous amount of grinding in the future, or is there something I'm just not understanding here? Because not having to prestige 118 times sounds like a REALLY good deal to me, even if I do have to lose all my items, addons, and offerings.

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