Wait, is a p1 before the update equal to a p3 when the Mid-Chapter hits live?

I want to make sure I'm understanding this right before I go and P1 all my survivors and killers.
For those that don't know, a new developer update just came out that covers all the changes the devs are making for the upcoming Mid-Chapter, it can be found here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/341
In this developer update, there is a section that stood out to me under the progression section, and it read as follows:
"In the PTB, we awarded one bonus prestige level for each prestige your characters had prior to the PTB. For the full Mid-Chapter release, we have increased this to 2 bonus prestige levels. This means if your character was prestige 3 before the update, they are guaranteed to be prestige 9 after the update, granting all the new rewards immediately. The catch-up mechanic will be limited to prestige 9, however, even if the calculated bonus would exceed this."
Now if I'm reading this correctly, this means for each prestige level you have on a character, they get a bonus 2 when the Mid-Chapter arrives. So P1 will become P3, P2 will become P6, and P3 will become P9.
If I am understanding this correctly, then I am ABSOLUTELY going to P1 everyone before the Mid-Chapter update. Yes, I will be losing every single item, addon, and offering I have on those characters (RIP all my event items), but the shear amount of grind this would cut down on in the future would be HUGE! I have every single character lvl 50 right now, and if I do end up P1ing everyone, that will save me having to prestige a whopping 118 times when the Mid-Chapter hits. This will save me an INCREDIBLE amount of bloodpoints, while also giving me every single teachable perk on all my survivors and killers.
So, did I read this right and I can save myself a ridiculous amount of grinding in the future, or is there something I'm just not understanding here? Because not having to prestige 118 times sounds like a REALLY good deal to me, even if I do have to lose all my items, addons, and offerings.
Im making sure its confirmed before i jump the gun.
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Yeah same, really hoping a dev or community manager will pop in and give us 100% confirmation so I don't end up screwing over all my characters for nothing lol.
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Based on the dev update it seems like yes. Originally it was just one bonus, i.e. 1->2, but with this update it is going to be 1->3.
Btw, i think even with 1->2 it is worth to prestige if you are around level 40+ and don't care about losing items. With 1->3 it is definitely worth it.
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For sure, honestly if it is true that P1 will become P3 I'm still comprehending how much grind that will cut down. I will be able to play any surv or killer I want with any perk build that I want, and that's just plain amazing to me.
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Yeah, would be amazing for us!
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If this prestige conversion is true, it would make me play killer so much more. Right now I mostly play surv because I haven't grinded enough killers to get good perks on them, or perks that make for interesting and fun builds on specific killers. But if I had all the teachables at lvl 3? My goodness there would be soooooo many builds I would want to try out! This whole revelation is very exciting if it does turn out to be true!
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Yeah... I was telling for a long time that they should give out the perks a lot easier... The grind should go only for add-ons, offerings, etc. But perks are such a basic thing, and often one of the selling point of new DLCs... But what if you can't use them...
I think that's how it works, it is in the new update. Prestige 3 would result in 9, so 1 will result in 3.
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Gosh all my addons though for killer specifically are telling me not to p1 everyone lol. I did it to survivor without a second thought because i didn't really care.
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Yeah... With killer you need to think a bit. What I did is to make sure that I have enough perk tiers for the next level. E.g. i had 110 perk tiers on one killer, so levelled up to 121, because from 120 is two levels of prestige.
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Just curious, where are you getting these perk tier to prestige level convergence rates? I've seen some threads with these numbers being thrown around, I just haven't seen where they actually came from. If I could just lvl up the characters with event items to have a p3 giving lvl of perk tiers instead of P1ing them and losing them all, that would be great!
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In the PTB patch notes:
Search for section "Progression".
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Patch notes for 6.1.0 has all the numbers. Each rank of the perk counts as 1 point, so a level 3 perk is 3 points. 70 for the first catch up prestige, 50 more each level.
BHVR just confirmed that ANY prestige level will give two extra prestiges on twitter - https://twitter.com/DeadByBHVR/status/1546861237572702208?s=20&t=fGHANH2GlQKkFGCmpCOfhw
So it works out like this: Prestige level = amount of perk levels converted to prestiges + 3 times current prestige
Whether you want to give up all addons and offerings... I'm still debating on it. A killer at prestige 2 based on the perk count calculation would be easy to P3 after the patch, but killers that have only made it to 1 based on it may be worth to just prestige and take the instant 3 levels.
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Thank you! And just to confirm, since its measured by tiers and not how many perks you have, a lvl 1 perk would count as 1, a lvl 2 perk would got as 2, and a lvl 3 perk would count as 3 perk tiers correct? So if I has 30 lvl 3 perks for example, that would be 90 tiers which would grant me a single prestige level?
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Well thank you very much that answers all the questions I had! Very glad BHVR confirmed on Twitter!
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@fogdonkey claimed it would take 120 + 1 tiers, not 90 to be counted as prestige I and thus bonus bumped to Prestige III in 6.1.0. At least that is the math I am sticking with for now just to be sure.
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Well now I'm just confused again.
From what I was just linked with the 6.1.0 PTB patch notes, it should go like this:
-If the character has 70 or more Perks unlocked (Counting each tier of a perk separately):
-1 level for 70-119 Perks
-2 levels for 120-169 Perks
-3 levels for 170-219 Perks
-4 levels for 220-269 Perks
-5 levels for 270-319 Perks
-6 levels for 320+ Perks
So a default lvl 50 character with no prestige with anywhere between 70-119 perk tiers will get p1 when the update hits, p2 if they have 120-169, and p3 if they have 170-219 perk tiers. From the developer update, I understood it as ONLY the prestige levels getting doubled in how they will count towards the prestige, NOT perk tiers. So from what I can gather, a prestige 1 character with 70 perk tiers on them will be p4 in the new Mid-Chapter. They will get p3 from having p1 before the update plus the 2 bonus levels per prestige, and then an added prestige to make it p4 for having 70 perk tiers. Am I missing something or is this not how it would work?
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120 would give to prestige levels. I am doing 121 for safety.
Here are the details:
Search for section "Progression"
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The resulting prestige levels is: Your current prestige + prestige bonus + perk tier bonus.
Prestige bonus is 2 for each prestige levels you have before the update.
Perk tiers bonus is based on those numbers you wrote.
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Okay so just to 100% make sure I got this understood, I'm just gonna make up a random example.
A prestige 3 Meg with 147 perk tiers unlocked.
This would be 3 + 6 + 2 using the formula you gave, so in this scenario I would end up with a prestige 11 Meg? However it would be capped at 9 for the update, I just want to make sure I am understanding how these are all added.
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I feel like its such a massive change to the grind for us because we already have everyone lvl 50, and are going to be able to benefit from simply prestiging once before the update to get teachables on everyone. I definitely have sympathy for all the new players though that aren't going to be able to do this, since their still gonna have to prestige a whole lot to get the perks they want.
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With the changes announced today, any character that is P3 before the update will be P9 after, regardless of perk tiers (since 9 is the cap)
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I really hope that a P1 Lvl 1 character prior to the update, will be P3 after, making it so all my characters will have ALL perks at tier 3.
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You and me both lol, the amount of killer and survivor build diversity that will come from this will be immense if its true!
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Same here! All my Killers and survivors are at least P0 Level 50 (Others are P3 with all the perks anyway but that's not relevant) so I just need to hit prestige before the update goes live and then every character will have every perk. Good stuff, although it'll be a pain when a new survivor and killer comes out because we'll have to get them both to P3 for the rest of the characters to unlock their tier 3 perks.
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Think I'm gonna stick to P1ing the newest characters, and then getting Tier 2 and 3 through the Bloodwebs of characters I play often enough, unless the new perks are really good or really funny.