How do I deal with 360's?

I play on Switch and the game runs pretty well on it, but some of my matches I lose like, a LOT of hits that could have possibly changed the game because of 360'ing.
Anyone have any advice to counter it? I mainly play Nemesis, but will sometimes swap, so if that helps, there's that.
Along with that, any tips to getting better at using Tentacle Strike?
- Identify 360'ers
- Get close and fast hit (no lunges)
- Don't turn, step back so he won't disappear completely from sight.
Problem is that killers have huge blindspot right in front of them for some reason.
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Honestly, it does take some practice. I tend to turn when they turn. Also don't hit immediately, wait a second longer than normal to make sure they aren't gonna Dead Hard or turn. Also, try the Perk Unrelenting. It is very good for practice, it let's you hit quicker after a missed hit. You can use that to practice until you get better and then switch it out. =) That's what I did.
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Ok, I'm on the game right now so I'll try that out. Thanks!
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If u try to lunge and they 360 u need to follow them with your i guess finger using the joystick
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K, Thanks! I'll try that sometime.
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Don't lunge when you swing close to a survivor, when you're first starting it's easy to get in that habit but it's better to get close and then tap the swing button instead of hold it and sometimes it's better to wait it out and then tap it depending on your surroundings
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Don't wan't that surv. to get to tht pallet if you don't have to.
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Controllers are forbidden from having a decent camera turn rate, which makes 360s way more powerful against console killers than mouse and keyboard PC killers.
On PC, with a half decent DPI, killers can spin their camera to follow a survivor that is doing a 360. Controllers can’t do that at all, so 360s are massively unfair to console killers.
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In the texas chainsaw massacre, you don't see people 360'ing Bubba's chainsaw, yet here we are. lol
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You can hit a 360 with a lunge but you have to be fast enough to track them as they spin around (which I am not always able to do personally because I’m old and feeble.) But yeah, quick attacks are more reliable.
And yes, I think patience is key. As soon as they start juking or spinning around stop automatically walking forward and keep turning to face them, and only swing when you can see you have a clear shot. The times I whiff a juking survivor are the ones I don’t follow that advice.
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I play with a controller and I find the most success simply taking a step back and looking a bit downwards. They'll put themselves into your hands.
Another option is to move sideways (to the other side they are 360ing) while turning your camera in the same direction they are going. You will be able to track them through the entire movement and hit them when you feel comfortable.
It takes a while getting used to not just try to hit them right away, but this deals with most juking survivors can do without requiring a mouse with massively high dpi configuration.
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Stand still.
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Patience, practice, and most importantly high sensitivity
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Does shadowborn help with this ? I don't feel like playing multiple games with the perk until someone is 360ing but this might help
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Get lucky, lol
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Yea for sure, alot of newbies will lunge at everything though and that's why most 360 happen in the first place, it's way more efficient to not lunge if you don't have to because if you do get spun you've just restarted the chase and tapping the button when you're close enough is basically a auto hit because the animation is quicker
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Just don't'll beat out most 360's unless you get borked by 'Aim Dressing'
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Good advice, especially #3. I play killer mostly on console, and I figured this out after a lot of frustration. Plus, lots of survs will glue themselves to you to screw with your FOV, and then you get screwed by aim assist a good portion of the time as well.
Backing up a bit helps a lot with these types, and with half decent timing many times the surv will end up 360ing right into your swing.
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Everything everyone has suggested should work I just want to add that sometimes survivors will click a flashlight before they spin so sometimes your going to have a warning and you can just not swing until they finish
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Shouldn’t exist tbh, killers like legion get punish heavily for missing an attack. Especially on console when auto aim is too slow for the instant 360ing and killer fov is so crappy that a survivor can spin into you and you can’t see them without backing up.
I play on console and getting 360 as legion when I have like 3 seconds left of my power is stressful. Most other killers I can just wait it out and take a step back to get a clean hit. even then most of the time they spin into the killer blind spot which is literally the killers feet and I get lost.
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In the movie Leatherface take you onto the hook and you stay put.
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It can help but I highly discorage using shadowborn because you will get addicted to having it. If you can go into settings and turn sensitivity to max then try that. However if you do not mind losing a perk slot, Shadowborn increases fov and will allow you to see more making it easier to hit survivors attemping to juke you.
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raise the sensitivity to the max
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I always just go for lunge and turn with them. It works 80% of time but would be nice to have something that work always. I have tried stepping back but for me it does not seem to work. I play on console so it's harder than on pc I believe.
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They should make legion lunge easier to hit while in frenzy for console players.
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You may not want to say that. might start a mob.
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Play on PC, to start.
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Fun tid bit. 360ing was originally a bug in early stages of the game where survivors were able to turn faster than they were supposed to. Instead of fixing the bug, they left it in and called it 'skillful' gameplay lol. Much like blights hug tech, it wasn't intended initially.
To me I think it's pretty ridiculous that these supernaturally strong and powerful killers are completely countered by survivors standing in one place and turning in circles.
Like if your goal is to make killers feel powerful maybe remove some of those things that break that immersion and that make them feel weak?
Like, yeah I'm a super powerful killer that can turn nearly invisible and rip out spines, but for some reason I can't see my toes and am absolutely destroyed by repetitive left turns 😂😂😂
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It's not a bug...It's a feature! -Bethesda
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Basically same deal with survivor. Controller play is completely gimped.
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360s existing are mostly just yet another middle finger to the poor sods still attempting to play killer on ps4/xbone/switch
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I'll still try. As the red flavor text on the Plus Ultra shield in Borderlands 3 says, "Remember why you started down this path."
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Then I wish you well (I just caved and switched to PC in the end 😭)
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I play Portal 2 multiplayer (worse than DBD). I can deal with a couple frustrations (until it becomes bad.)
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I was watching a streamers match post game where I was the killer. I'm on pc. He was complaining so much because I could keep hitting his 360s. "I give up. He keeps ***** hitting my 360s! #########!"
PC definitely helps with countering that 360 immunity nonsense.
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Also, to add onto that, I think Mad Grit is a Legion perk, and it let's you attack faster when carrying someone.
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dealing with 360"s on switch??
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Just don't deal with 360s. Stand like 0.6m behind the Survivor and wait until he has finished his 360 and then click m1 :)
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Kai, thanks!
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I'll 360 a majority of impatient killers successfully, a patient one almost always gets the down unless I start doing weird movement and going against their FOV and mindgaming.
As said above, patience is key. Short swing - no lunges.
Also lol @ the people complaining that 360's shouldn't exist.
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Unrelenting is not just for practice. It allows you to get grabs at pallets, windows, and hooks that are normally not possible. It is also a good bait tool, even for the new dead hard.
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It is, I'm just saying it's good for practice too! I used it when I started playing and people were looping me left and right and doing 360's. I was SO bad at aiming. XD
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Think of it like tank controls. Back up a step and attack. Oh and no lunges.