So, I realized T1 Ruin is about to become the memest perk in the game.

So, gens normally regress at 0,25 charges per second, which is 4 time slower than a single survivor holding m1 on a gen, right?
And gens will now take 90 seconds, which means a gen at 99.9% will take around six minutes to fully regress with T3 Ruin.
BUT WAIT, T1 and T2 Ruin actually make the regression even SLOWER than normal! T1 Ruin decreases the base gen-regression speed by HALF! You know what that means?
After the mid-chapter update, if you have T1 Ruin, a gen at 99.9% will take 12 MINUTES! To fully regress! That's actually around the average time full DbD matches take. If it stays a FULL MINUTE without being touched, it will regress only 7,5 seconds!
And as if that wasn't meme enough, it prevents you from kicking gens, which means you can't apply the base-kit 2.5% reduction, nor perks like Pop, Call of Brine, and the new buffed Overcharge and Eruption. It's a perk that makes you WEAKER and MORE LIMITED.
So, if you haven't prestiged the Hag yet, you can still get the T1 version of the perk. Grab that and put it on a build with Overcharge, Call of Brine and Pop Goes The Weasel. Now you have the ultimate meme, because you will be praying for survivors to find your totem ASAP just so you can have ANY perk and become actually STRONGER without Ruin!
(By the way, I am not complaining about the Ruin nerf, I just found this funny as hell)
tfw surge become a better automatic regression perk than ruin and it doesnt even work on like half the roster
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Surge has always been good. The half of the roster that can't use it is the side that runs Ruin
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surge has been nice but id still have rather used the pop/corrupt core w/ bbq and then another feel good perk. only guy i ever really used it on was freddy with pop/corrupt/surge/stbfl but even then surge would get the boot if i wanted to use bbq
i wish they got rid of the basic attack requirement tbh. id love to be able to chain it consistently as pyramid head, but i will more than settle for it being kinda cracked on sadako and wraith now.
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I don't know if it is more memey than No Mither, but it is definitely in the running for the memest killer perk.
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As if hex perks aren't meme perks already.
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The memest perk will always be No Mither though.
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its the way i had to double check this because i point blank refused to believe theyd actually nerf it that bad but no they went and nerfed it that bad.
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Dude... imagine that against Sloppy and two stacks of Pentimento. Also Coulrophobia, but nobody is going to heal in the killer's TR if he has coulro anyway.
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I mean, 40 seconds are already extremely ridiculous as is, even 32 seconds aren't something we can easily ignore.
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No need to imagine that when I could tell you it would take 3.81 minutes or 228.57 seconds.
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Pretty sure that's only if you're not doing anything, right? Like if you're healing I don't think you'll get crows. If I'm wrong tho...
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32 seconds was awful. i genuinely refused to believe theyd make it take over a minute but here we are.
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ruin along with dead hard was definitely the loser of this patch, the prolly the weakest regression in the next update, which automatically deactivates after a survivor is killed and in top of that, it is still a hex. There is no reason to use ruin over the new basekit kicking gens
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oh and if for some reason anyone is curious yes we can make it take over 5 minutes by adding in 8 stacks of Dying Light T3 for an additional 24% slowdown
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Yeah, I LOVE self care but I always run it with botany so I'm getting a fairly decent 24 seconds without mangled.
New patch makes this take AS LONG as current self care without botany, and god forbid any healing slowdown is in play. Then to kick me in the nuts a little harder they not only remove botany's efficiency (no 2 heals with a yellow medkit) but made it have PENALTY?? so you can't even heal with a brown medkit if you have botany.
Like alright BHVR, I get you wanted me to run other perks you didn't have to do me so dirty. I literally used these perks in place of exhuastion perks, so my health states were health states I recovered rather than 3rd states through perks and they're like "no, we want you to become what people complain about instead" lmao
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Me watching the self care claudette take 3 minutes on a single heal while I die on first hook.
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I truly don't know why they felt the need to nerf the healing speed on self care. All they had to do was get rid of the medkit efficiency. Now because of them making self care take almost half gen, they had to double nerf botany just so they could buff the healing speed to 50%.
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I'm going to use it if only because it is meme status. Wouldn't use it before. Still think it's decent with surveillance. Honestly Hex perks are tricky because too strong and they are basically a luck based modifier due to the idiocy of totem spawns and the fact hexes are random. Too weak however and they are useless.
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a lot of the perk changes were done without balance in consideration. they don't care if the perk is unusable, as long as people stop using it they see it as a win.
ruin and pop are the most obvious. absolutely dead perks that will see no usage after the update.
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Yep it’s a meme lol. They could’ve at least made it 90/95/100%. Not that tier 3 ruin is going to be good either though.
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Working as intended - Patrick and Cote somewhere
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Honestly, it's not that much better with T3 Self-Care.
I've only ever seen the bar move that slow against hackers. 😰