People who camp or tunnel shouldnt get a Pip
Please punish them more on the scoring system for Pips
Its ridiculous how these campers still get a pip and get away with it , they should derank if they facebook / camp 1 survivor the entire match
You have Patrick to thank for encouraging camping.
We know now that DBD is like hockey and the "goals" are kills. If you dont get kills then you lost.
We have all the other devs to thank for 6 years of progress that keep giving the survivors more/better tools to win the game. Killers feel like they need to camp/tunnel/slug because it is the only way to win.
Otz did it the last time I watched his stream and so does any other big name streamer when they need to apply pressure.
You need to take a minute and look at the game from both sides - not just the Survivor perspective.
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First that wouldn't really stop people from tunneling or camping. Matchmaking doesn't even use grades so it wouldn't accomplish anything anyways.
Second tunneling and camping isn't against the rules and there's no reason to punish killers who do so. Killers do lose some emblem scoring if they stay around a hook the entire time and survivors can just do gens and punish the gatekeeper emblem.
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Im a killer main and tested, face camping ppl first survivor, hook him then guard him, wait till hes dead on hook, repeat on next survivor. got 2 kills. still get pip at the end by doing this. its so dumb and stupid. this sort of behaviour should be punished by the emblem. and i shouldnt be getting a pip at all
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People still play this in 2022 for rank what the actual.
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tunneling and camping needs to be removed BECAUSE IT MAKES THE GAME NOT FUN. IT'S A GAME. FUN IS LITERALLY THE POINT OF IT!
I've had enough of this crap. just had 2 rounds in a row where killer hooks one person then stands there defending the hook. one of the rounds last 2 ppl were downed and he let them bleed out instead of hooking.
There's a simple solution - add a BLOCK option to the game so you can block ever getting into a round with whichever player ever again. the toxic ######### will have longer and longer queue times, everyone else has more fun, more players play the game long term instead of getting fed up and quitting, behavior makes more money, it's literally win win.
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Just finished playing about 11 games of survivor. The tunneling and camping is absolutely rampant. There was even a killer that came into the stream and said "sorry for camping, but..."
When survivors have to DEPEND on the killer "playing fair," when people have to relay on someone on the internet to play "a certain way" something is wrong. Now, it's true that some killers don't know what the accepted way to play is. There are some killers that simply don't care about "community accepted" styles of play.
Just yesterday. I was watching a stream, turtle something. The streamer was queu'ing as survivor with a killer main. I forget his name, but he was bragging about how easy killer is. He also listed all the things he would to punish survivors of the NEXT if his PREVIOUS game was a lost.
Please take in that last statement and let it settle in. This is the type of behavior that DBD has created, fostered, and currently supports.
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I agree with dumb camping and tunneling getting punished.
People that tunnel vision onto the best survivor, get looped for 5 gens and then kill them should not pip.
People that camp someone to death like basement bubba should not pip.
But people like me that use camping and tunneling in certain scenarios to punish survivor's mistakes (unhooking in fornt of me without BT, not saving a survivor so i camp them until the next stage, camping someone because ik nobody is doing gens) should not get punished for simply playing well.
Is it unfun to verse? maybe
But i like playing how i like to play: to win
So either change the way the game is played so tunneling and camping is completely suboptimal OR punish dumb camping and tunneling only. You can't reward bad plays by one team by punishing the other side. Punishing one side because the other one made mistakes is really dumb.
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bloodlust is this type of reward
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Bold of you to assume campers care about the game itself
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Just because it isn't against the rules doesn't mean it shouldn't be removed. They are simply not fun and, like missionhunter said, DbD is ultimately a game, and games should be fun. I simply do not understand this logic of "it's a valid strategy, people should not be punished for it". Like, nah bruh, you should get punished for essentially stopping others from playing the god damn game. Literally no excuse for not removing these strategies entirely. Killers want survivors to just accept deaths because they want kills, well I say maybe killers should accept that they can't get 3-4ks every game, or literally any kills at all sometimes.
Game should not be balanced around kills, around camping and tunneling, it should be balanced around playing fair. The devs should put less emphasis on killing and escaping and more on actually participating in the match. Put more emphasis on chases!
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Survivors who complete Generators shouldn't get Pips.
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Getting pips for face camping 2 ppl in a row shouldnt happen, the killer should derank and lose a pip instead
its just so dumb and stupid, the killer should getting emblems for chasing and new survivors, not camping the same old ones
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It's a player elimination game. Of course the game is going to balanced around killing survivors.
Just because you personally don't like these tactics does not mean they should be removed.
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Dude, it's a game, games are meant to be fun and this "tactic" is unfun and unhealthy for the game. This is not a competitive game. Also what is with these excuses. You sound like someone who never plays survivor, which would explain a lot. If a tactic removes a player prematurely the tactic should be patched. I have never seen any other multiplayer game that literally lets you eliminate an opponent early and have them do nothing for the rest of the match but watch.
And mind I remind you, DbD is the only asymm game out there that is popular and still going, you can't just say "It's a player elimination game" as if you can compare it with any other game. Every other game still gives you a chance to get revived after elimination and are usually so high-paced that matches end really quick so it doesn't matter that you die. You go in, have like a 5 min match and it's done. Or you die first round, but then are back next round all healthy and ready to go!
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I've played more survivor this year than killer. Tunneling and camping are not something that need to be removed from the game. There are valid reasons to tunnel or camp.
And there's nothing premature about dying as a survivor in dbd. The point of the game is survivors try to escape and killers try to kill. If a killer kills you there was nothing premature about it.
And yes I can just say it's a player elimination game because that is what it is.
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No, it's not a player elimination game, because only killers get to eliminate survivors. You can only apply that logic to actual PvP games, where both teams are balanced and both teams can eliminate the competition. THAT is player elimination, this is a cat and mouse game. It's not the killing that is fun, it's the thrill of the hunt, the chases.
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It's still a player elimination game, just an asymmetrical one. If you don't like the fact the game is designed around the killer killing survivors and removing them from the match, then maybe dbd just isn't for you.
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Just because one of the five players in a match is immune to elimination doesn’t mean it’s not a player elimination game. It clearly is, and having player elimination midmatch is what drives most of these so called tunneling and camping complaints in the first place. If the game were hypothetically designed from the beginning so that killer simply collected tokens when they hooked survivors and when survivors were left in the downed or hooked state for too long but survivors never actually got eliminated midgame then you wouldn’t have these complaints about facecamping or being downed twice in a row because there would be no reason to do it at all.
Unfortunately that ship sailed a long time ago, the game is never going to be one where all the players stay in the game the whole match, so with that you’ll get players being eliminated early because they were “tunneled” and you’ll have killers sometimes guarding a hook area to make sure a survivor is actually eliminated.
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Not sure how the argument started with Crowman, but in a way you're both right. It's not fun to always camp and tunnel, but how else should killers secure at least one kill per game in the state it's in right now? I'm hoping after the update, we'll see many of the killer mains who left the game return and less camping/tunneling. All in all, you said it best. It's just a game. It's not supposed to be about competition. Survivors survive, killers kill. Plain and simple. But do understand you're both right.