When will Nurse be nerfed?



  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,216

    Or if you get the double stun bug where you weapon wipe then fatigue.

    I do think the speed boost reduction is significant.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    I forgot that was a bug if I'm being honest lol..

    I know, but I would need to be able to test it out from the ptb to see if it is actually as significant as people were saying because it could virtually be the same as before. I just doubt it's as significant as people are saying like oh now you are for sure dead against every Nurse, I am on the console so I don't have access to the ptb sadly. Though I do think it is significant, just I have doubts it's as bad as people are saying because people have been doomsaying for a while now it's just getting to me ill edit my comment so it is less confusing.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495

    What we need is the ETA for the SWF removal. It is time to rework SWF who break the rules of the game in line with all the other solo-q players that play without voice communications. Can we have a date on this please?

  • Deme
    Deme Member Posts: 59
    edited July 2022

    BuT SHe hAs tHE LoWEsT KiLl RaTE!!!!!!11!!!!!1! ANd sHe iS "HaRD" tO PlAY!!!!!!!1!!!!

    Edit: i put " " in -hard- because she is not

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,216
    edited July 2022

    I mean true, but how good of a chase is it when they use Frenzy and leave?

    Then you have to M E N D

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243
    edited July 2022

    Please,just watch competitive dbd,she's the only killer that consistently 4ks in competitive unlike all other killers.

    And before you say you cant take competitive dbd seriously,it just proves that even againts good survivors,they have no chance againts a Nurse just as good.

    There is no way to dodge a Nurse hit once she has line of sight and she's within 8 meters of you.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,216
    edited July 2022

    I have an ETA for you.

    It's never going to happen, thank goodness.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited July 2022

    As long as swf is unbalanced nurse needs to exist. If swf becomes significantly weaker then I agree. Im not against minor changes. Range nerfs on her addons or her power going on cooldown after being stunned fair. Any major changes like base cooldown will break her appeal and put more focus on sitting and doing nothing while the meter gradually goes up.

    Many dont know this but a large number of nurse players dropped off dbd when they added the longer cooldown and add on changes. I know people will argue the nurse is broken plays a different game. But thats good she breaks away from monotunus looping gameplay.

    Dbd should embrace these distinct playstyles not mandate the same pallet vault loop gameplay. We already saw what happended to slinger and even if you dont like him dbd as a game is more homongenised and worse off. Fighting to preserve a killers unqiue playstyle and giving alternative more interesting gameplay trumps balance.

    Balanced games become monotonus look at hwo much hype was going on with the tank builds survivors were looking to build only to get balanced before it even went live.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    So by your logic if they nerfed nurse to not be the strongest then they will have to nerf blight afterwards because he is now the strongest. I hate to break it to you but there will always be a strongest killer and the sweaty players that play nurse will just move to the new strongest kill which will be then called to nerf because they are the strongest and the best players that want to win will play them and then you nerf blight and now PH is the strongest rinse and repeat.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    The problem of the PTB is that the matchmaking is non-existent. I had maybe 2 or 3 relevant matches in total.

    That being said, I didn't notice anything particular.

    The one thing that was noticeable was OTR that allowed decent survivors to juke me more easily (for obvious reasons). The relevant part of that perk hasn't been changed so it should be the #1 perk to use. (It will be in my survivor build)

    We'll need to see it on live and give it a few days to form a more informed opinion.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Bit of a purist arent ya? Whther you like it or not the micro for nurse is uniquely difficult. Very few games entertain a constantly blinking slow character. Its a completely different game to what other killers do in dbd and for that she's a god damn masterpiece of game design.

    So many killers play the same looping game. Pallets and vaults with the only nuances that changes up the formula the odd ranged attack. Comparing her gameplay to any other killer is impossible since she so distinct. It like saying a shooter players is better then a fighting game player. Very distinctly different gameplay and gameplay is very different espicially when your against survivors who break los constantly and will double back on occasion.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Blight may be, I'm not good enough with him to be able to judge properly. His 4.6m/s plus strong mobility makes it likely though.

    However, on multi-floor maps, I believe Nurse to be stronger.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243

    No,I didn't even mention Blight,I was just saying Nurse is too overpowered and there's little you can do about it.

    At least Blight has some sort of counterplay and if your team plays good,you actually stand a chance.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I mentioned blight because you said nurse needs to be nerfed because she is the strongest killer. If nurse was nerfed to not be the strongest then blight would take that title so by the logic of the strongest killer should be nerfed that would mean that blight would have to be nerfed because he is now the strongest killer. Just because she's strongest then everyone else doesn't make her op especially when the majority of killers she is compared with are under powered. If anything more killers should be brought closer to her level not bringing her down to the same level as bad killers. You want to try and bridge the gap between her and other killers by going in the wrong direction.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited July 2022

    Laughs in comp team. Nurses that play perfectly vs perfect survivors (admitadly everyone is human) will lose. This is heavilly visible in the smaller competitions where there are perks and items banned (a large amount of these being survivor equipmemt/perks).

    A great blight does not have counterplay if they play perfect the bump logic they can use will always net them the down unless the map is hugely unfavourable. Nurse is faster at landing downs but does not have the blights advantage of sticking to the target. There is a lot less guesswork with blight then nurse.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,216

    I was just wondering if anyone had done specific testing.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,835

    I’m sure Nurse will get nerfed at some point.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    A reasonable assertion though time to down and map design gives nurse an advantage over blight. Blights harder to counter but his map traversal is often weaker then nurses. Nurse can also chain downs much faster thanks to her map traversal. I dont mind blight or nurse they have there place in the game. A minor nerf like stuns putting both there powers on cooldown is not unfair with the ds nerf incoming but no further.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Question. Your at an LT as blight,the survivor is going for the second window you can't get them with a rush before they get the vault. What's your play to get the down?

  • shaunodhp
    shaunodhp Member Posts: 2

    People want nurse nerfed because she ignores God pallets and Loops. Let's remove 30% of the pallets, make endurance basekit as well as brutal strength, buff bloodlust, and nerf flashlight blind duration.

    Or, you know, understand that looping isn't the only way to play. I play both roles. But survivors want to be stronger than the power role. So they can bag at the gates and taunt to feel validated. Dbdl essentially hands you the game. In most cases you only lose due to mistakes or messing about. Nurse is counterable if you understand more then run to pallet, run to window, run to next loop. The only reason she's strong is due to the fact people are so adjusted to weaker killers thar all have the same counterplay.

    But cry enough and she'll get the Billy treatment. Then you can target blight. 👍

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Just because people complain about it doesn't mean it needs nerfed. Nurse requires a very high skillset to play, and I for one suck at nurse. Just because survivors are the loudest voices in the room doesn't mean they get to say what happens to the nurse. I would love for every person complaining about her to actually try and play her first. Then, they might have a say in if she needs nerfed.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243

    I'm not a survivor main.

    I played her,I play againts her,if not even nurse doesn't have valid reasons for a nerf then I'll just end the discussion here.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    It's telling that I addressed every single one of your arguments in another thread and we're right back to you being a sock-puppet.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I've played against her and survived plenty of times. When she get's ready to teleport, run back to her in random directions. Eventually she'll just teleport far past you. It's similar to playing against the Spirit. And like I said, high skill set to play as. I'm terrible with aiming her and judging where she will teleport to. In fact, I'm terrible with any killer that has to aim... Deathslinger, Huntress, ect. But I don't think they should get buffed just because I'm terrible at playing them.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    I hope so, she's way too boring to play against as a solo team

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    In regards to the first point, it does not. She fatigues, which makes attack cooldown irrelevant.

    The second point is actually basically also irrelevant for her, and I'll explain why: Normal M1s will be walking behind the survivor, come into range, attack, get slowed down for a bit, resume chase, walk up behind the survivor, hit them again, right? Thus, the 0.8m distance means less distance they need to make up for walking directly behind the survivor. (AKA, basically whether a lunge/swing can reach them sooner)

    However, for killers like Nurse/Blight/etc who move in "bursts" of movement, and especially Nurse, who has the delay while she charges (while Blight and others immediately rush forwards), the 0.8m distance is actually... pretty much negligible. She isn't able to walk up right behind the survivor to make the 0.8m meaningful, and the 0.8m is not going to change whether a survivor will leave the range compared to pre-mid chapter.

    2 blinks into a hit -> Fatigue for 3.5s (2 base + 0.5 per chain + 1 for swinging at all whatsoever) at 0.96m/s for 3.36m total -> Another 2.5s to recharge the last blink (3s per blink) at 3.85m/s for +9.625m for 12.985m total -> 2s charging at 2.89m/s for +5.78m for 18.765m total -> 1.5s at 13.333m/s for +20m for 38.765m total -> ~1.2s charging at 1.16m/s for +1.392m for 40.157m total -> ~1s for +12m for 52.157m total.

    Meanwhile, the survivor runs for 150% for (2->1.8) seconds which means (12->10.8)m gained. Then for the remaining (1.5->1.7) seconds of Nurse fatigue duration, the survivor gains another (6->6.8)m for a total of (18->17.6)m. Then during the 2.5s the survivor gains another 10m for a total of (28->27.6)m. Then during the 2s the survivor gains another 8m for a total of (36->35.6)m. Then during the 1.5s the survivor gains another 6m for a total of (42->41.6)m. Then during the ~1.2s the survivor gains another 4.8m for a total of (46.8->46.4)m. Then during the ~1s the survivor gains another 4m for a total of (50.8->50.4)m.

    As you can see, there's no actual real difference when it comes to specifically Nurse. She moves in bursts with big windups and downtimes compared to M1s: M1 lunges and hits -> Slowed to 3.45m/s for (3->2.7)s -> Resumes at 4.6m/s. Survivor runs at 6.0m/s for (2->1.8)s. Thus, pre-midchapter: Killer makes it 10.35m while slowed, survivor makes it 16m. 10.35+4.6x = 16+4x -> 0.6x = 5.65 -> Killer catches up in 9.41666667s (technically less, because non-lunge is 3m/lunge is 6m). Post-midchapter: Killer makes it 9.315m while slowed, survivor makes it 14.4m in the same distance. 9.315+4.6x = 14.4+4x -> 0.6x = 5.085 -> Killer catches up in 8.475s (technically less, because non-lunge is 3m/lunge is 6m). AKA, killer reaches 0m distance in ~90% of the time they did before. Compare that with Nurse's example, where it's irrelevant either way.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    No, you didn't. You're literally on threads with plenty of helpful advice to countering Nurse:


    You know what you did here? Insert generic "Pray." comment, and then never actually read an argument on the thread. Why should we waste this much time on you when you just want to be heard, and nothing else? @Mewishis is absolutely right about you.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    And then never get a response because once you address their argument they fall silent until the next thread where they can screech anew. What a boring loop.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Just make all her addons meme addons and then keep her basekit the same. Keep the funny addons like reverse blink, and make a bunch of unique addons like that, instead of stuff that buffs her like range or recharge.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    No? It's really the range and recharge that are a serious issue, as well as the 3 blink addon. Basekit nurse is pretty hard to use and isnt insanely rewarding, and you won't nearly have the same amount of map pressure as nurse with range addons. Is basekit nurse strong? Yes. Is basekit nurse overpowered? No.

    Almost all of my losses against nurses is when they bring range or recharge addons, or when they bring the 3 blink addon.

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285

    Devs just buffed aura reading perks with Lethal, which realistically benefits her the most, why are you guys under the impression devs are even thinking about Nurse these days when the game has much bigger problems

  • Arbmos1998
    Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 228

    If you people want Nurse nerfed you gotta give compensation with finally giving SWF some sort of debuff. The fact that you have next to unwinnable SWF squads in this game only Nurse and Blight can really compete against if you nerf Nurse (despite her getting nerfed long ago when she had her addon rework) these SWF squads would be borderline impossible to beat.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Perhaps you and @Mewishis are right. I self-reflected a bit and maybe I have been like that for a while in terms of Nurse. I’ve had strong hatred for her for a while for a reason unrelated to her gameplay specifically but I have taken it too far.

    Sincerely though, I’ll listen to Nurse advice. I’ll keep an open mind this time, I just needed some people to point out I had a wrong mentality.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    The forums have clearly gotten even me defensive, because I read this and I can't help but assume 'Sarcasm, see this kid doing the same ######### two weeks later, I bet.'

    Your counter arguments are in the link I provided. Time will tell.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2022

    Dead Hard nerfed, DS nerfed, no Off the Record lategame, shorter speed boosts after hit, no changes to Range Addons, lethal buffed, Darkness Revealed + Lethal combo now exists, yep, it's Nursin time.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Seriously dude? Wanting to grow and improve from my mistakes is sarcasm? Alright well at this point I don’t care anymore what other people think.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I answered you as a skeptic, and rightfully so given your previous comments, but also willing to be proven wrong.

    You answered with, "Alright well at this point I don't care anymore..."

    That change of heart lasted a long time.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Well maybe I read that comment wrong so I’m sorry. I couldn’t tell if you were actually thinking my comment was sarcasm or not.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    That’s true. I might start playing her more. I did play as her occasionally a while back but it’s been a minute.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited July 2022

    I've thought about asking if you'd be interested in recording 1v1s from both perspectives, but I wonder if there would be a point in posting the vid here. Could be informative. Or if you'd be interested in playing against my retired comp team

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    You will convince absolutely no people from the other side. You will get 1-2 views from people who are on the fence. But for the people that are still learning like myself, they'll get value.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    "And I just disagree on recharge add-ons. I find that they enable Nurse to snowball too easily when she has perks like Infectious Fright and she's facing solo Q survivors"

    A weakness of a nurse playing with reload addons is that it can be held if the survivor maximizes straight lines across the map.

    If she picks up, effectively, it's up to the survivors to see what they're going to do between staying in the area, and risking getting caught, or moving away, to avoid a snowball.

  • Deme
    Deme Member Posts: 59

    if you have map knowledge you only need to know how to blink

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    what learn ? be unpredictable? LoS arguments? base kit fine? get good? run meta perks and a SOLID SWF to win?.

    my man this killer needs a rework for healthy reasons same as Maps on the survivor side.

    note: they changed some Macmillan tiles , hopefully for balance on the killer side. (is dumb getting 5 connected safe loops currently)