Does unlinking platforms from bhvr accounts still removes progress?

I wanted to unlink my epic games and steam accounts from my bhvr account.
But I've heard about people's progress being deleted after doing so. (I know my steam account has to be unlinked last so my stuff gets transfered there btw)
Are users still having this problem?
And if i unlink my steam account last, does the progress i made there (exp) gets saved?
I didn't have anything other than some shards on the epic games account and it is still empty, I'm just worried about steam.
I appreciate every comment!
What even is bhvr account? Doesn't the game automatically save to steam only?
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I am pretty sure the loss of progress after unlinking is not a bug but is actually intentional. From the FAQ:
Yes. However, if you unlink an account after it has been merged, all progress and purchases will be set to the state it was before the merge, potentially causing a loss of progress / virtual goods on that platform.
it’s an account that is used for cross progression
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According to behavior, BP's, shards and auric cells for the progress will be granted however level and characters will be reset.
Now the problem is that i connected my steam account to bhvr account when I bought DBD there since i was playing a bit on epic games before.
So i would loose months of progress just because of this unlinking system.
I do hope they'll change this in the future since this is just unacceptable.
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It's not worth it, the consequence for unlinking is too big. Why do you want to unlink accounts? Just wondering. I've never heard a positive story about unlinking.. at best it works as intended and you won't lose much, at worst you'll lose more than you thought you would. I'd just avoid unlinking entirely
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I don't need my account on any other platform than steam, i linked it just to get some shards from my epic games account lol. I didn't think it would literally erase my progress later if i unlinked it. since it seems like after an unlink I'll loose everything I'm just gonna stick with my bhvr account.
And I've read some stuff about the system and it seems to save your bp,shards and cells but apparently not levels of characters and your overall level?
I don't understand this since this is also progression just like bp and shards.
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Yeah it's complicated. I've never heard of a success story where someone unlinks knowing the consequences and is satisfied with it so I usually tell people to avoid doing so.
Honestly the cross progression system is so fragile to begin with I wouldn't mess with it lol. I can't even login anymore (on any browser, even if I delete cookies). I think something got messed up when they implemented new features recently. Not that I need to login, I've already got all 3 platforms linked.. but it's just weird that I don't even have the option to log in anymore
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Yeah this system needs some upgrades. Like saving levels i gain instead of deleting my whole process!!!!
And a strange thing is that you can't log into your account, if it's not something on your end then i hope they'll fix that soon.