Least favorite killers to go against? Favorite Killers to go against?

I feel like every survivor has at least one killer where they're just like "Nope. Just get me out of here."
For me personally it's Nurse & Legion. As soon as I hear the Legion's music I let out the biggest sigh. Then it's Legion + Thana. Just get me outta here. If I have the choice of throwing myself at the killer and getting out of the game in 1 minute VS staying in the game for 20 minutes...my choice is made for me lol.
And Nurse is self explanatory.
There are killers that I simply find boring. Trapper, Wraith, Hag. But I suffer through those games. It's not enough to make me wanna throw or anything.
My favorites to go against are probably Billy, Huntress (dodging hatchets can be fun.), Demo (just because he's cute.), Oni (He has some of the best atmosphere in the game. Although his current bug is very annoying to deal with.), and Blight (minus his add-ons.).
As a Ghostface main I approve this message.
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Billy is my favorite yet I see him 1 time every 200 matches. Trickster is probably my least favorite.
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to be honest it's just cenobite, onryo, oni, pyramid head, and demogorgon i like playing against, which is 5/28.
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You shouldnt be trying to get out of a match. Just ruins it for everyone else you’re playing it with. I personally dont mind legion.
i cant stand nurse and blight. After this patch blight will be more tolerable since he cant hold down a match with the typical blight build. Nurse is just busted as poo and im solo q with higher mmr so if its a nurse shes likely good but my teammates not so much.
A lot of bubba players play bubba like turds so hes kind up there too but a good bubba is ok to face.
i like messing with hag and trappers traps so those matches are usually fun unless they are planning on just camping a hook.
I also like stealing pokeheads box. Idk why but I find it amusing.
Wraith clown is a bit boring to face.
i actually am not a big fan of PH because if hes bad it just feels like im picking on someone trying to practice their m2 and if their good they’re oppressive. Half of the good ones like to hard tunnel too.
I like huntress because if she smokes me its impressive but if shes unable to its fun to mind game her.
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Atm, it'd be
Favorites: Oni, Huntress, Deathslinger, Trickster
Least: Myers, Spirit, Artist, Demo
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"You shouldnt be trying to get out of a match. Just ruins it for everyone else you’re playing it with."
yeah yeah yeah yeah I've heard that one a lot. However, I'm not sitting in a 30 minute Legion match playing mending simulator. And after the Thana buffs and slower gens in the next update? Lol. Sorry to the ppl I'm playing with ig but I will be getting out of those matches ASAP.
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Most killers I'm indifferent to, but I like playing against:
Oni, Sadako, Demo, Billy, Bubba (when they don't camp), Deathslinger
and dislike playing against:
Nurse, Hag, Plague, Twins, Pinhead, Huntress
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Least: The Deathslinger. He just seems "meh" to me. I don't find him that scary. Also, the Clown is just annoying. I think he laughs and coughs way to much. Must be the covid.
Favorite: Several in fact... Pyramid Head because I love Silent Hill (god I miss those games), Sadako because she has me on edge, the Oni because I'm always running and literally screaming as I run, especially when he comes out of nowhere. The Twins, the sounds they make just send chills up my spine. Every single stealth killer.
As you can tell, I like scary killers.
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Favourite : legion I have always liked playing against legion and I know I'm in a very small minority as a survivor main
least favorite Hard tie between trapper or nurse for me
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Favorite in order - Oni-chan, Demopuppy, Spirit (As long as they don't just tunnel hooks), Death Slinger, Pyramid Head, Sadako, Nurse (as long as they're at my level), Non-camping Bubba and Doctor.
Least favorite: Toilet Water (Aka The Artist) I hate everything about her. Trapper- I like to play him but I hate the anxiety I get when against him. He makes grass scary and its so annoying. I don't like stealth killers like Myers and Ghostie, but I wouldn't say I hate them.
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Screw everyone else playing so long as you get to do what you want right?
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You get it!
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Least: Artist/Nurse
Favorite: Myers
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I change my answer. Spirit is my favorite.
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I only hate bubba, being unable to save facecamped player because no counter exist in the game is so stupid, I don't think i've seen worst design in any other game
they all run noed 9/10 times too because it's so cool and based, kinda cringe honestly
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Yay Spirit
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Least: Hag
Favorite: TBH i dont have one, im usually satisfied if I go against different killers that are not Hag
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I've always like going against her if they player wasn't lazy and didn't tunnel from the start. Now that they gave her the best music in the game, she's become a favorite.
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She’s always been my favorite. I know I said a while back I left her but my love for her is inevitable and she’s meant to be with me at all costs.
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Due to my knowledge and expirience with all killers, here's my conclusion...
- Survivors love chases. They don't like other mechanics that some killers have (traps, range hits, blinks)
- Survivors love to play against M1 killers, insta down killers (aside from bubba), stealthy killers.
The most favorite killer to play against for survivors is: Ghost face. (Yes, it's not Myers guys).
The most HATED killer to play against for survivors is: Hag.
So why Ghost face? He's funny from survivor point of view, he's not very strong (basic M1), he's stealthy killer who can jumpscare for even more funny situations,
he can teabag(sorry), and yeah. The match for survivors against ghost face is usually not that stressful.So why Hag? She has "Anxiety" abylity, which is traps. She is the killer who constantly camping a hook (even within 35m away from, and yes, survivors don't like campers) hag has only 2 counterplayes, which she can counter with 1 perk and 1 addon, she's not a chase killer (for most survivors it's boring), she feels too cheap to be that strong (i'm not even kidding, you just placing traps and spamming "ctrl" or other button), and for last... She is the only killer, I have constant DC's from survivors in maybe 8 matches out of 10.
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Hag would be OKAY to go against if she couldn't place traps around hooks.
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Favorite: Myers
Least favorite: Bubba. 95% of the ones I get just camp.
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Favourite killers:
1. Myers with a mori. It is the best animation in the game (imo)
2. Demogorgon - Mr.Cute Flower.
3. Trickster. I love his visual design, outfits, sighs, laughter and phrases.
Also Legion, Twins, Deathslinger because i like their music.
I don't like Spirit with her annoying sounds and antics and tryhard Nurse and Oni.
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Least: Twins
I still play though. Running to the killer to get killed without any regard for your team would be despicable. (Not to mention missing an opportunity to improve.)
Most: Nurse
I just love the mind games.
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Most Favorites:
Twins, Cenobite and Demogorgon
Chase music is great and I love to interact with their power.
Least Favorites:
Trickster and Legion
Trisckter is still an awful addition to the game imo and chases with him are boring. Legion is just a Mend simulator game.
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least favourite: legion
favourite: killers that aren't the legion
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Least Favorite: Pinhead, most of the Pinhead players I go against are ######### like someone pissed in their cereal. Legion, forever Legions make me wanna just gen-rush and leave.
Favorite: Ghostface, it's a 50/50 whether or not the player is toxic, or just playing normally, but his mori is cool, so toxic or not, they get a pass. Also Nurse, when I face a good Nurse player, it gets my heart pumping cuz I can't juke her out like a Nurse player who just picked her up.
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Favourite: Billy, huntress and Oni
Least favourite: Nurse, Pig and Artist
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Go next: Nurse, Blight, Oni, Pinhead, Spirit
It's Christmas: Bubba, Pig.
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least favorited : plague (getting a hard counter to a healing build feels awful) - Nurse (everyone knows why) - blight (always running the most strong addons)
favorite: Myers (if is not tumbstone) - Legion (i main legion so is always funny to me when i face one and i know exactly what things counters there power) - Pig (RoaaaaaaaaR XD)
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Least: Nurse, Artist, Pinhead, Trickster, Clown
Favorite: Huntress, Myers, Oni, Blight (if they aren't running ruin, undying, Tinkerer and alchemist ring and compound 33 anyway), Legion
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Least Favorite: Anyone camping/tunneling.
Favorite: Anyone not camping and not tunneling.
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He is back🥹🥹🥹
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Fave: Legion, Spirit, Artist, Doggo
Hate: Trapper, Doc and Nemesis
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Favorite: Dredge, Demo, Myers, and Freddy.
Least: Huntress, Doctor, Legion, and Trickster.
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I am indeed back ☺️