Soo since we will get a second Resident Evil chapter...

Any Lady Dimitrescu juicers here? 😤
Wesker would be also appreciated though
Also 4k posts of nonsense on this forum ... yaay
Lady Dimitrescu would never happen. The amount of players that spent hours just following her around with a fly swatter was a lottttt.
Now imagine that in DBD with this community lol
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would Lady Dimitrescu be chasing me or would i be chasing her??
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BHVR: "Really, we don't know what to do anymore. Lady Dimitrescu's kill rate wad waaaay over the top and through the roof. We nerfed her 4 times and reworked her twice, but nothing seemed to work! So we had to kill switch her."
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This is exactly what would happen. It would go from DBD to being ass slapping sim 3000 lol
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And survivors have the animation for it too perfect lol.
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Can we at least get Mr X tyrant skin.
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"Lady Dimetresu juicers" ngl I like the sound of that. How do I sign up for such a position?
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I'd like that too.
A legendary Mr X skin for nemesis
Wesker as a new killer
RPD rework
Aida legendary skin for Jill.
Boom, DLC genius lol
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If you believe in the greatness then you are already in my friend.
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I wish Lady Dimitrescu would kill switch ME! 😻
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You bet! :D
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i swear i saw somewhere that the killer is alex wesker and the survivors are ada wong and rebecca chambers.
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While Project W was mentioned in RE5, Alex may be possible...It'd have to be mutated Alex though, and I don't know why the survivors would be Ada & Chambers (as I don't think there is any connection, but since when did DBD have connection?)
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They didn't plan on RE getting a second DLC release. Ideally if they planned ahead it would be Chris/Claire/Leon/Jill as the main survivors with Ada/Barry/Rebecca/Carlos as Legendaries.
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Lady D can kill me, BHVR should add her.
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Inb4 they give her the pyramid head treatment and nerf her butt.