Nurse (and some other killer mains) mentality thread with some data



  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,626

    those data are unreliable to say the least... you shouldn't balance around statistics because those aren't truthful (i can do a valid example: back in the days when i started to play dbd my 1st match i barely hooked someone but did a 4k cause those brats were dumb enough to try to save their teammate at all costs in the endgame... while i still had noed active... aganist a nurse... in that case data showed that i DESTROYED them, but if you saw the actual match i didn't had the chance to do anything until the end thanks to a perk and later cause i camped and they were dumb enough to try to do the save).

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    @fulltonon i think they wanted to quote you here and made a mistake.

    I think this is the desired quote:

    And yes with the combination of his power, accessability, easy learning curve and silynergy with certain playstyles bubba is the "strongest" killer ON AVERAGE over the whole playerbase.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Maybe they play this game for a living and have multiple hours of playtime/training nearly everyday and get matched with randomly mixed pub lobbies?

    Bhvr softened the matchmaking especially for high MMR players so they don't have to wait too long.

    So they "sacrifice" lower skill players to the content creators.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Ehm, you shouldn't be able to 1v1 any killer in the long term?

    This game isn't 1v1 but 1v4 so ultimately you are supposed to go down inevitably.

    20-40 seconds on average chase time (per hit) in equal skill settings below 20 if the killer is better and up to 60-90 seconds if you are better than the killer but never more.

    I'm always amazed when this argument pops up.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    So we should balance Nurse around the elite who use her, but survivor should be balanced around scrubs. Yea, sounds fair

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Streamers are NOT the casual player like most of us. Otz and others like Otz play DbD as their JOB and have thousand upon thousand of hours more than your average player. Using any streamer as a example is flawing any type of argument you have because your taking into consideration players who play the game as their job vs players who play the game as a past time.

    Also we don't have to prove anything there are multiple people on the forums that have said and HAVE shown proof that they can beat these Nurses.....and to go to your point about camping and tunneling nurses.....I have yet to see any Nurse do that...Bubba's...Ghost Faces....even a Trapper I have seen do those things but not a Nurse

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2022

    Not just "average", he is physically strongest of all killers.

    Rancor, NWO, NOED and dead lock with bubba, it's basically guaranteed 2k no matter what (because survivors can't rescue anyone, and obsessions can't dodge rancor), AND THEN nwo and noed kicks in, usually results in 3k or 4k.

    It doesn't even need any skill, just a little amount of knowledge will do, not even nurse can "guarantee" kills against ALL skill level of players.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2022

    The irony in a "Blight" main complaining about the OP state of Nurse. Lots of "he said she said" "My personal experience" anecdotal evidence. Pointing to someone who streams and plays this game for a living as their job/known as one of the best killers around. Okay, what's the pointless evidence of comp players? Posting data that actually points towards what Nurse mains say as the truth in terms of rates. "Unlike Bubba, Nurse can camp effectively" he said, unironically, about the best killer in the game at camping. End game with NOED? Yeah, sure, Nurse wins out there.

    All of this is also pre-MMR, and most Nurse's should, in general, be playing against SWF/higher MMR players, though it may vary with the changes they made to MMR. Just a friendly reminder you can be the worst player in the game and still poorly complain about just about anything in this game on forums, which is often true in my.. personal anecdotal experience :)

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Because you said that balancing around the .1% is a bad idea, yet you agree that Nurse needs to be nuked. Nurse’s kill rates are the lowest in the game, which shows that she is fine for the vast majority. Therefore nerfing her would be balancing around the best players. Do you not see how this is hypocritical?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited July 2022

    Where did I agree that Nurse needs to be nuked?

    I may not have explicitly stated that I don't, but I think a reasonably inference from my posts in this topic so far is that I don't think Nurse should be nerfed.

    So to be absolutely clear; I do not think the Nurse needs to be nerfed.

    Want to retract that 'hypocrite' accusation?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited July 2022

    Lol ok, you and woundcowboy have a circlejerk and upvote each others posts when you've completely misunderstood me and believe I'm saying the total opposite of my actual stance. 🤣

    "You're a hypocrite because you're saying things that go against what I imagine you're thinking!"

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited July 2022

    You can tell who I'm upvoting? Because you'd be incorrect.

    You can also check my comment history to see how often I respond to @woundcowboy. It might not be as frequent as you'd expect, given your comments and immediately assuming this is a circle jerk.

    Edit: Hopefully you'll realize I didn't quote you with my first response and I used 'They' intentionally. As there are multiple offenders of what he had said.

    If you continue to feel singled out, I'm prepared to humor that as well.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited July 2022

    I find it hard to believe there's a third person who also believes I mean the exact opposite of what I'm actually saying but I guess it's not impossible.

    EDIT: Woundcowboy called me a hypocrite. You doubled down in response to that post. So yeah, it did look entirely like you were also calling me a hypocrite.

    The crazy thing here is, WE ALL AGREE. But woundcowboy is pretending I said the opposite of what I actually said, and you're there patting him on the back for it. ??? ######### is going on?

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited July 2022

    I edited my last response to you because you really wanted to make this about you.

    Edit: If I wanted to call you out as a hypocrite, I would, using your name, exactly as I just did to someone on another thread. I don't follow people's 1on1's to such an extent that I know every little bit of your posts that he's responded to and vice versa. I did go back and read your posts and I don't particularly have a problem with any of them, but I'm going to leave my response to Wound up because it's still extremely prevalent, in all these threads.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Some quick points.

    Outdated stats that are no longer relevant.

    Poor interpretation of those stats that is highly opinionated and subjective rather than objective.

    Spurious conclusions that don't really follow the data provided. Backed up by arbitrary numbers based on opinion rather than measurement.

    Utilizing the results of highly invested 1% killer players (only one sample presented here from Otz) as argument against using results from single highly invested 1% SWF teams, uh ok.

    One point I'll make here "But maybe 4 man have anomaly high escape rate? Nah, it's around 50%." BHVR have stated that there is a significant increase in escape rate of SWF over solo in more recent releases.

    What you are quoting there is old raw count data with no population value for sample size and no error or mean statistic for differential comparison. Its a visual side note nothing more and very few conclusions can be made from it. Its not informative data its a press release and should be treated as such.

    "Now back to Nurse players mentality with everything we know, they win at least 60% of their games, because soloq is awful, 75% if we also take duoq, but in fact this number will be around 90%."... How'd you come by these numbers from the data presented?

    I'm a big fan of pulling numbers out of thin air based on opinion especially when you use that as rationale for changes... its more than just a bit iffy though.

    Sorry but as a genuine scientist the gross misuse and misinterpretation of data to "Prove" an opinion always irks me. I'd send this back to the authors with a rejection letter for a complete rewrite.

    It can be a train wreck watching joe public flail their arms around with so called "data" sometimes.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358
    edited July 2022

    It's not even that, it's the stupid survivors wanting to be overly altruistic and the "hero" when they are trash and don't plan anything out and just go in there and give themselves up to Bubba

    Edit: sorry, I guess "making mistakes" fall under the category of being trash, lol

  • Yagowo
    Yagowo Member Posts: 3

    My man had a bad game against a nurse and literally made an entire essay about it 💀💀

  • TheUnknown
    TheUnknown Member Posts: 16

    Bro made an entire post the size of a damn book to say a killer you can loop by breaking line of sight is OP 💀💀💀

    The thing about nurse is: she's definitely OP, but only in the hands of the right person. Even at high MMR it's easy to loop nurses by breaking line of sight and juking them if you have more than 1 functioning braincell, plus she's stupidly easy to ######### up due to her power being basically her entire mobility.

    Otzdarva is a streamer with over 5k hours, dude's so good at the game he's won various tournaments with monetary rewards, and you think it's somehow fair to compare him with your average high MMR killer because "he won without perks" lmfao... BHVR themselves literally said that killers were killing way less survivors than intended , hence the reason for the killer buff this patch. If 1 guy among 1.000 can do impossible stuff with something in the game, it isn't "broken".

    It's funny seeing people say "blight is op", "nurse is op", "spirit is op" and then you see them trying to loop a nurse by standing at a pallet waiting to get a stun, or trying to loop a blight running in a straight line. Ffs, most of the killers have unique, EFFICIENT ways to loop and no killer, I repeat, NO KILLER in this game is truly that unstoppable overpowered machine survivors make them out to be.

    Oh and one last thing, for the longest time (I don't know if this is still the case or not) the most famous DbD tournaments with real money rewards had rules, one of which was: the killer only needs to kill 2 survivors to win. This brings into perspective the SWF's capabilities, and while yes the highest ranked killers in the meta may oppress the solo survivor, this is counter balanced by SWF's stomping them anyway. The last tournament I watched was a nurse 3K'ing at 1 gen left.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    They always travel together, upvoting each other's nonsense. Don't worry too much about it.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    And you're in all of those threads too. Weird huh?

    As if thered be a list of all recently updated threads with their names displayed for everyone to see. I guess if you'd be invested in certain discussions some of those threads are kinda calling you out, huh?

    Pot, kettle. Except the pot has good arguments except nurse bad.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Not sure what you're trying to say at the end there. You might want to edit that.

    Not quite sure what you are saying at all, actually. How have I been "called out". I've provided gameplay footage which these nurse mains begged me to show. Now they refuse to do the same, even when provided with proof that players who know exactly how to play as and against nurse still think she is OP.

    I've been consistent in how I feel the direction of game balance should be.

    The ones who need to be called out are these nurse players who repeatedly lie and claim no one wants to learn how to face nurse. The game has been out for years. Everyone at a decently high MMR knows how to face a nurse.

    Is that one of their "good arguments"?

    Or how her kill rate isn't even 50 percent so she is actually not that strong?

    Yes, another good argument. /s