I noticed an increased number of other Exhaustion Perks other than DH. I appreciate Survivors going Balanced Landing , Lithe and Sprint Burst. These exhaustions perks unfazed me as I'm as I'm Billy and Blight Main.
But I still encounter the Players who are still bringing Dead Hard. I always type "GG" on post game chats then type "GG = Git Gud without Dead Hard" as I have pure hatred to the Perk.
So yea... You! if you are still bringing Dead Hard into games. Why? Git Gud without Dead Hard.
Top tier quality post 10/10
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What if you GG = git gud without Blight. See what I did there?
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I have my Billy but I do love to play other Killers to keep it Fresh. I was a Clown Main in the Past... Clown is the one who farmed the BPs on all my Prestige 3 level 1s. His sacrifice will never be forgotten.
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I don't think that's how abbreviations work buddy.
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Who are you to tell other players which tools to use and which to not? :P
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My skill doesn't necessarily correlate to the perks I use. Your terrible if you think a person is bad for bringing a perks.
Stop insulting people for using the perks they want!!!
14 -
Cringe post
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I don't think it stands for that
Also let them say their farewells, it won't be for much longer.
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Ohhh! I get it!!
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1000 iq post.
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Just play the game for what it is dude.. a game. If you won, be humble about it rather than trolling players post chat.
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Don't know why you'd essentially admit to engaging in player shaming, as that is very much Not Epic to say it in a diplomatic way.
Who cares what people want to use? I know too many people do, but the desired answer to that question is "No One".
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of course I will bring dh and iron will every game now esp since I am soloing, once those are gone and you get ######### on by competent survivors who will move on to different perks you will just ######### about other perks since that is always easier than to learn from your mistakes
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i'll limit to show my appreciation to those who bring that perk by accompany them out of the game asap... words aren't needed
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GG= Goofy Goober
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You sound....D3spair
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How dare people use a perk in the game.
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I hate Dead Hard too, but this is cringe, sad, and lame.
What's cool and awesome is complimenting players who play well without exhaustion perks, or use other exhaustion perks than Dead Hard.
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People on these forums are constantly player shaming for camping and tunneling, and for using specific killers, and for using specific meta perks. I'm not sure why that's ok, but dead hard shaming is not ok?????
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If I've learned anything from this game, survivors will find a way.
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Cringe gonna tbag and message ez with dead hard now till the update
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Nice post, OP. Can't wait til Dead Hard is completely useless
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Why type it at all, I mean it's kinda petty.
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You play Blight but also Billy, so you are forever trapped in the black hole that lies between cringe and based.
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Yes, and they should also stop to bring the total amount of people doing it closer to the desired number (0). I never implied differently whatsoever.
And I'm also not telling people they can't dislike a perk, a killer, a survivor, an item, a strategy or whatever else. All I'm saying is going after players for simply using it is Not Epic, no matter if they're doing it over Dead Hard, NOED or whatever else.
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Gg= good game
Don't turn a good-mannered abbreviation into something twisted only to have it blocked by the chat filter.
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Watching survivors whiff their dead hard on ptb has been therapeutic to say the least.
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Imagine people being allowed to use perks.
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5 days left
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So, two things. I've indeed noticed survivors starting to use other perks and good for them.
But the new DH is still strong, it only requires more skill than the current one. Good players will manage using it just fine.
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Some of my survivors still have DH equipped. I don't plan on taking it off. Thanks.
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First world problems.
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No way. In a game where you can equip 4 perks? Thats just blasphemous. Nobody should be using perks. It's unfair and it makes games last longer than TikTok videos. What we need are games that last 3 seconds and the killer always wins.
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All i see is prejudice and stereotyping. You need to make a new post honoring me for never using Dead Hard in the first place. Do it now. Then come up with a coded gg compliment that you pm me after every match that I play.
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This is implying you would even do better against survivors not using Dead Hard.
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I will certainly be using Unrelenting this weekend for the great battle ahead
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This thread just about sums up the killer mains of this forum in a nutshell.
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So you're salty they bring the one exhaustion perk not hard countered by mobility killers. Got it.
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At least blight needs skill
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Your ancestors will smile upon you with pride.
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Blight main and you hate dh? Understandable
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Depends. Is what they want to use a cosmetic that has zero affect on me, or a perk that has broken the game for a long time now?
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I don't think you understand acronyms.
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I personally hate going up against Nurse, because there is not much you can do against her except try to dodge back and forth to mess her, but 90% of Nurse players my game don't miss.
So I changed my Steam name to "Nurse = DC", just because I hate playing a 2 minute game.
I agree about Dead Hard tho, I never ran that perk and its a dumb perk to have.
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It shouldn't matter. It's in no way their fault that this or that is in the state it's in, and they shouldn't be attacked in any way for simply using it.
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If you are contributing to something that is a general detriment to the game, and do so knowingly..... actually, yeah. You do.