What's the highest devotion level you've ever seen?

I just saw devotion 62, level 91.
That might be the highest I've ever seen.
Now it's 63, 4
(That is a very short window!)
He seriously might play more DBD than anyone else in the world. I wish I spoke better Korean so I could pick his brain and ask him his opinion on certain things in this game.
Better - how many hours would you assume i have if my devotion is 5?
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We're gonna swap "dollars" for "hours."
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im making this about me, if you guess right, i will give you a virtual cookie 😊
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I gave you my guess. One million!
(It's a very logical, and highly probable, guess)
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I'm gonna guess around 1000 to 1120.
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Fairly close but nop
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The highest I've ever seen was 26 and the person had roughly 10k hours.
62 devotion is intervention worthy.
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Highest I've seen was someone with upper 30's. Can't remember who for the life of me.
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. . . lies! ALL LIES!
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Devotion is another one of these meaningless numbers the devs have added. It's time played somewhere after 2018, 2019, who knows. Just like these prestiges they're going to add. Imagine spending 300 mil on a character before this patch, and getting prestige 11 just like everyone else with p3 level 50 maxed perks. The only thing it will do is confuse people, just like Grades, Ranks, Devotion, mmr... Well.. you name it
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At a Devotion 62 someone might have way too much free time. Obviously doesn't work.
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I think this guy streams 12+ hours a day/daily (or at least, almost daily).
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You were close, so for the effort, I give you half a virtual cookie 😋
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Thanks for the cookie. I made my guess based on myself, because I'm devotion 7 and have a very close number to yours.
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Actually you'll get presige 9, it's hard capped. Kind of depressing that it isn't based on BP spent per character instead of perk tiers.
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Well, are you going to provide the allegedly correct answer?
Thanks for the cookie ;)
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Highest One I,ve seen is a spanish killer with 36 Devotions. Like 9500 hours played
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62??? Yikes I don’t know how anyone can put up with this game for that long.
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That doesn't sound right. I have 10k hours and have devotion 41. Maybe most of their hours were spent idling and not playing
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I actually had the same thought, The Gann Man.
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Mine is 88.
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Welp . . .
That is . . . something.
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Either we're gonna need to some some proof of that, or you're confusing the player level with the devotion.
Devotion 88 would mean you've gotten 8800 player levels. That is...beyond insane.
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I've seen a lot of streamers with devotion in the 30's; Otz, Tru3, Tofu and the like. The highest I personally saw was some random streamer in the forties.
62 is something else entirely though.
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I'd believe 62, but not 88. At 62 that person probably has at least 12k-15k hours.
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At first I thought you were talking about Otz, but Otz plays both. Do you remember the streamer's name?
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My bad. Player level. LOL
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hahaha okay that makes a lot more sense!
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Total XP required for 1 devotion level is 348,270
In game time is the biggest factor, as a 10 minute match results in 600 XP
Let's say that your average per match is a bit less than 600. It will probably take around 580-620 matches.
If your total match time including queue, lobby, loading, end game screen averages about 20 minutes, it would take about 200-250 hours per devotion level.
So devotion 62 would most likely be around 15,000-20,000 hours of play time.
The highest hour count I've ever seen on a steam player is 16,000 hours.
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I don't know how he can play this game for that long, that consistently. I like watching his streams though. He's a good Survivor and Killer.
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Yes, Lionnek is his name, it´s Otz friend I think
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I'm devotion 22 at 3800 hrs. Can't imagine 62
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Yeah I had a "holy #########!" moment when I saw it.
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If only I loaded into solo queue with teammates like this lol