cheaters make legit players look like cheating

Alright this is really nuts and dangerous issue for all the legit players.
Cheating survivor gives the killer ALL PERKS and make the killer looks like cheating. What you gonna do about it as Killer, you just #########
not seen this happen.
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You immediately dc the second you notice and report it to bhvr, all you can do. Its not like they're any good at stopping cheaters anyways
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I could link a VOD where that happened rn but BHVR probably will ban for name and shaming
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report to BHVR exactly?
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You just tell them what you saw so its documented, so there's some kind of paper trail when they inevitably try to ban you for 'cheating' because they cant moderate their own game to save their life
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I've had that happen to me, I simply reported the cheater and they got banned, nothing happened to me since
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I haven't gone against anything like that but I have been going against a lot of subtle cheaters.
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Just to clarify here, people don't get randomly banned without any proof.
When stuff like this happens, record your match, report in game and open a ticket here with all the information required:
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tell who what where?
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well the "proof" would be "hey look this killer was using 30 perks at once. He must be cheating. Here is also video evidence showing it"
Well what you gonna do about it fr?