Pig might actually be nerfed



  • XerraFox
    XerraFox Member Posts: 157
    edited July 2022

    I'm crying reading this crap..

    I'm crying even harder seeing that video..

    Pig.. Too op.. I need alcohol, quick


    Stupid idea.. Still.. Ya, gens take 10secs longer to be done.. Which means that traps take longer to get activated also.. So you even have MORE time to run around the map looking for the boxes or am I thinking wrong here?

    Post edited by XerraFox on
  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    Pig will be fine now after the update. But they should look at them addons perhaps.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Yes but I was explaining why she got changed. The devs are hyper focused on the low/middle rank player experience.

    Otz is quite often guilty of "cherry picking" for his videos. It makes sense as he runs an entertainment channel. From what I seen as a comparison - Otz often plays against "the bottom of the barrel" compared to many other streamers. Does he have a lot of skill? Yes. But more so than any other killer main DBD channel he has people that look as if they are paid actors who were hired to fail. The sad part is that it's just some random person playing the game the best they can.

    If you're not playing Nurse/Blight and you play against a SWF it's pretty much hook 1 person lose 2 generators. You can only avoid this pattern if you hook someone right next to a generator that was being worked and you use Pop/Pain res on it. Then you patrol a bit and tunnel the person when they get unhooked. Now there are 2 generators showing but in reality it's more like one and a half. You catch the same person kill them and one generator is left. You have about one and a half more chases (or one long chase) before the last gen is finished.

  • Babalonkie
    Babalonkie Member Posts: 153
    edited July 2022

    That is not what Otz is talking about.

    The "RNG" was implemented long ago. Otz is talking about the increased gen time + the trap disarming time giving the killer more time to kill the survivors.

    Personally i think it's a welcomed addition to Pig who suffers in her default ability and is often a boring killer. As someone has already stated, her actual ability need buffing and talking about purple addons actually being somewhat useful and therefore "killer needs a nerf" is absolutely silly and think the heat has got to Otz.

    Post edited by Babalonkie on
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    And I agree with that. I was simply pointing out that unless the killer or survivor does something to prevent the search of all boxes, survivors should always be able to search the required boxes regardless of addons or map.

  • Wesu
    Wesu Member Posts: 57

    Honestly all I want is her terror radius back to 24 meters again so I can use Whispers without Monitor and Abuse to be able to get ANY value out of her stealth...

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Is Pig getting reliable head pops now? Because the system Otz is complaining about has been in place a while.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    All I know was it was a bit of issue before on certain maps with certain addon changes. The 5th box likely has solved the issue, but I honestly have not seen enough pig gameplay to state accurately whether or not it's a problem.

    I was just stating that if that was still the case, it would justify nerfing her.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited July 2022

    No, he’s specifically complaining about how the system that was implemented a bit ago that makes it so it takes 12 total boxes to remove her traps is what will be the primary reason he thinks she will be nerfed. He’s very explicit about that in the beginning of the video

    (0:30) “… (the changes in the midchapter patch) are nice but it’s not just those things that will get the Pig nerfed in my opinion, it’s the changes that we got some time ago to her box RNG. …”

  • Babalonkie
    Babalonkie Member Posts: 153
    edited July 2022

    Yes... which means a squad of survivors take longer overall to get traps off... taking traps off means not doing gens, the first survivor will be quick, the rest will be slower. Hence the "increased gen time + the trap disarming time giving the killer more time to kill the survivors." statement i made...

    "12 total boxes to remove her traps" when EVERY survivor has a trap... and that does not actually mean anything bad, it just means OVERALL slow down IF you get a trap on everyone. EACH survivor has a maximum of 5 tries... not 12. It's only a potential problem if you use slowdown addons, with slowdown perks and the new patch that has more slow downs.

    At the moment (Without the patch) pig is far from the strongest killer and most games don't look anything like what Otz showed. Infact, people who only feature one game to make a point should never be listened to. People who show multiple games back to back with the same perks and addons are the ones who will get listened to... as they actually have evidence.

    In the last 6 months i have been against 40 or so pigs... i have never died to a trap in those 6 months and i have died on hook to a pig only once... i have escaped every other scenario. The 6 months months before that, i found her harder, dying to 2 traps and around 2 hooks. I am also a terrible survivor... but when i am up against a pig... my hopes are up on escaping. She is not at all scary or intimidating and easy to counter and loop.

    I also own pig and found her more powerful before the newer system... however with the upcoming patch... she may return to the old strength hence Otz's statement that she might get nerfed.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m not agreeing with Otz, I’m skeptical Pig is going to be nerfed. I was just correcting you when you said he wasn’t primarily complaining about the system they put in place a bit ago that changed the way the boxes are handled.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,383

    I went up against a pig like this earlier. Two heads popped and I barely got mine off despite immediately searching. Might be a bit much.