This D-Ranking needs to be Addressed.

People in the general Dead by Daylight community know of this issue and it needs to be addressed. I know the Dead by Daylight team is hard at work on this game and they're! doing a fantastic job. However this Constant Disconnects and people just trying to D-rank so they can verse new players. They want to feel powerful they can make a video how they juke killers or pallet slam and being in general toxic. These actions can and will cause new players who are actually coming into the game to shun away from this. It's disgusting.



  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @CookieDog said:
    People in the general Dead by Daylight community know of this issue and it needs to be addressed. I know the Dead by Daylight team is hard at work on this game and they're! doing a fantastic job. However this Constant Disconnects and people just trying to D-rank so they can verse new players. They want to feel powerful they can make a video how they juke killers or pallet slam and being in general toxic. These actions can and will cause new players who are actually coming into the game to shun away from this. It's disgusting.

    Deranking is not the problem, its an integral part of every ranking system.
    The problem is that there are no reasons to rank up, that you rank up too easily and the unbalance at high rank

  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    fcc2014 said:

    Since rank doesn't matter or offer any reward, matchmaking should be based around hours played to keep new players from getting trolled or smashed. The ques could be easy to sort 0 to 200 hours, 201 to 500 hours 500+ all together. SWF ques would take the person with the most hours of the group and place them with a matching killer.

    Or player level
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @JanTheMan said:

    Or player level

    I think we are thinking the same way. Explain player level.

  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    edited February 2019
    fcc2014 said:

    @JanTheMan said:

    Or player level

    I think we are thinking the same way. Explain player level.

    That thing that gives you shards and resets at 100
    Post edited by JanTheMan on
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    When you disconnect, you shouldn't lose pips, you should lose bloodpoints.

    And if you have 0 bloodpoints, there should be a negative way like -30000 bloodpoints.

    After that, people can't derank. I mean you can argue that they can derank by immediately killing themselves on the hooks or leaving the killer AFK but it is going to be a long and painful process.

    They will not do that. @fcc2014 Even though your suggestion is good, they will not that too. They don't want to address this issue. If they wanted, the threshold for DCing would be much less than what it is now.

    Yes, people have real life emergencies and we can not force them to play the game. However, as I have stated that in another thread, your father can't not have 50 heart attacks in a row, your brother can not have 20 car accidents in a single day, or week or even years.

    As I have said, they don't want to do anything about this.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited February 2019
    Don't survivors get an automatic 5k when a killer disconnects, plus the points they accumulated up to that point, though?

    I don't ever DC by my own hand, mind you. Any depipping I do is rank reset.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @JanTheMan said:

    That think that gives you shards and resets at 100

    devotion level could be good. Separate casual from hardcore players. We need some type of fix even if, bhvr tries something and it doesn't work. The current system is a joke. In another post about SWF with a 4th perk the op is a prestige 3 Michael at rank 15 complaining about swf. Does that make any sense?

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Delfador said:

    They will not do that. @fcc2014 Even though your suggestion is good, they will not that too. They don't want to address this issue. If they wanted, the threshold for DCing would be much less than what it is now.

    During the holiday double bloodpoint event dcing was insane. It isn't a surprise to see fellow survivors dc when they get downed the first or second time. I've had 6 games during the current event when the killer hard dced when all generators were done and i had a lantern. The threshold % is too high.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    fcc2014 said:

    Since rank doesn't matter or offer any reward, matchmaking should be based around hours played to keep new players from getting trolled or smashed. The ques could be easy to sort 0 to 200 hours, 201 to 500 hours 500+ all together. SWF ques would take the person with the most hours of the group and place them with a matching killer.

    Pretty good Idea, and also SWF should take the survivor with most hours as preference.
  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Delfador said:

    They will not do that. @fcc2014 Even though your suggestion is good, they will not that too. They don't want to address this issue. If they wanted, the threshold for DCing would be much less than what it is now.

    During the holiday double bloodpoint event dcing was insane. It isn't a surprise to see fellow survivors dc when they get downed the first or second time. I've had 6 games during the current event when the killer hard dced when all generators were done and i had a lantern. The threshold % is too high.

    I will never understand a player who disconnects when losing. I would never give up 1 bp I earned in battle even if it is a "loss".

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Well the simple fact that BHVR chose a couple streamers who openly depip as "Fog Travelers" shows the devs are fine with rank manipulation. They give them free auric cells and what not to represent the community by deranking.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    When you disconnect, you shouldn't lose pips, you should lose bloodpoints.

    And if you have 0 bloodpoints, there should be a negative way like -30000 bloodpoints.

    Hit them where it hurts! I like that suggestion.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @ColonGlock said:

    I will never understand a player who disconnects when losing. I would never give up 1 bp I earned in battle even if it is a "loss".

    Still it happens even during this grindy event. 3 generators done someone is tunneled and quits. you got 12 points why leave? Same thing during double bloodpoints.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    fcc2014 said:

    Since rank doesn't matter or offer any reward, matchmaking should be based around hours played to keep new players from getting trolled or smashed. The ques could be easy to sort 0 to 200 hours, 201 to 500 hours 500+ all together. SWF ques would take the person with the most hours of the group and place them with a matching killer.

    Pretty good Idea, and also SWF should take the survivor with most hours as preference.

    Also hours as Killer and Survivor should be separate. The last thing you want to do is discourage someone from playing both sides of the game.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    What about only gaining devotion when earning new ranks after each reset. D-ranking would hinder shard collection and staying within the same rank wouldn't be beneficial. This would stop better players from backpedaling and everyone would be tested by others of the same skill level. I am sure the Dev's could improve upon this idea and patch concerns I may be missing.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Unless you tie rank to a reward system ie..gaining shards at a faster rate or devotion just get rid of it. Match players based on hours played. You create a bigger pool and it stops players from deranking. you would get a larger variety to play against which is the excuse most derankers use for why they do it.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Part of me thinks the Devs aren't too concerned about Deranking, People openly do it to have easy game at the expense of lesser skilled / new players and nothing is said or done about it. The same is done with SWF, High ranked players will have a lower ranked survivor in their group to get matched to a low rank killer.

    The problem is that with this game a lot of the time, not all but a lot, the Survivors and Killer's fun is at the expense of each other. I feel so bad for the newer players who are getting the brute force of this, I can't imagine newer players enjoying the game and continuing to play if that's what they have to go against.

    The matchmaking and ranking system need a rework for the Game's sake.

  • Kriimson
    Kriimson Member Posts: 1
    CookieDog said:

    People in the general Dead by Daylight community know of this issue and it needs to be addressed. I know the Dead by Daylight team is hard at work on this game and they're! doing a fantastic job. However this Constant Disconnects and people just trying to D-rank so they can verse new players. They want to feel powerful they can make a video how they juke killers or pallet slam and being in general toxic. These actions can and will cause new players who are actually coming into the game to shun away from this. It's disgusting.

    Okay since rank doesn't really matter I can't seem to care if they don't want to face a sweaty game 24/7 then sure but swf needs a balance it shouldn't be who ever hosted the group gets placed in their rank it should be highest so a rank 17 makes the lobby and a rank 5,7,12 are queue with him then it should be a rank 5 or in his color rank not a rank 17 killer that annoys me as killer.  But rank needs rewards like example fifa has this system where based ur rank u get certain rewards and choose which you want reward 1,2,or 3 and it can be blood points, bp and shards,shards only maybe the cells thingys 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Don't survivors get an automatic 5k when a killer disconnects, plus the points they accumulated up to that point, though?

    I don't ever DC by my own hand, mind you. Any depipping I do is rank reset.

    Yes, its the killer that is screwed by ragequitting survivors.
    Survivors keep their items aswell

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2019

    I don't get why people derank anyway TBH. You just get matched with more potato survivors or super hungry killers and the game is actually less fun.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    I don't get why people derank anyway TBH. You just get matched with more potato survivors or super hungry killers and the game is actually less fun.

    Swf don't have to worry about potato survivors, and killers are more counting on it, some becoming those super hungry killers.
    Surviving at lower ranks is somewhat easier imo. More likely to run into killers that are new, or don't have the doctor's club wedged up their butts. 
    Yeah, there's the depipped that just want to bang out a 4k as quick as possible, but I think you're more likely to run into those as you rank up.
  • Autoliny
    Autoliny Member Posts: 76

    @CookieDog said:
    People in the general Dead by Daylight community know of this issue and it needs to be addressed. I know the Dead by Daylight team is hard at work on this game and they're! doing a fantastic job. However this Constant Disconnects and people just trying to D-rank so they can verse new players. They want to feel powerful they can make a video how they juke killers or pallet slam and being in general toxic. These actions can and will cause new players who are actually coming into the game to shun away from this. It's disgusting.

    Listen nobody wants to play with the scummy Red Ranks, you want to solve the D-ranking issue then you solve the pathetic players that hold Red Rank, they seem to think they're the best that the game has to offer, using exhaustion add-ons, Ruin, Sloppy, Instadown, camping, tunnelling, slugging.
    I've been trying to do a daily for dwight, who I have almost all ######### perks, what I've faced at rank 2

    Clown- Camped, Tunnelled, Slugged, Ruin,NOED, Sloppy | Pinky finger, addition bottles
    Doc- Tunnelled, Ruin, Distressing, Unnerving | Iri King | 3 gen strat
    Legion- Tunnelled, Ruin, Thanata, Sloppy | Dirty knife, Franks mix tape
    Nurse- Tunnelled, slugged, Ruin, NOED, Sloppy | 5blink
    Nurse- Ruin, MYC, Sloppy | 5blink | Ebony
    Legion- Pretty much the same as above
    Pig- Tunnelled (even though trapped) Ruin, Sloppy | I never checked the add-ons

    Why do people D-rank, the issue is all of these pathetic noobs would be rank 15 before all the nerfs happened to survivor, alot I agreed with, like the exhaustion nerf, some pallet changes were needed, I feel the Devs went way overboard on it though for some maps. The healing nerf ######### Really?? Sloppy was buffed yet nobody used it, even though survivors would take 15 secs to heal, now that it would take 20 secs to heal 70% of red rank killers need it, along with their RUIN and NOED, but they're clearly skilled.

    Don't gimme any excuses about it's needed or anything like that, I play Bubba in Red Ranks, using BBQ, Whisp, End and Fury, I don't camp, I will only down someone off a hook if close to me and almost never re-hook them unless I need pressure or BBQ vision, I rarely slug either again, unless I see someone else, they got farmed off a hook or I need to get some pressure.

    The state of this game is holding the hands of killers to much, it's a bunch of rank 15's thinking they're awesome running those awesome crutch perks, Games go to fast (ok well lets remove every incentive for survivors to do totems, chests, sabo){wow did survivor focus more on gens} healing is to strong (nerfed healing now){wow survivors are not healing and rushing gens for the adrenaline}
    Killers need to stop bitching about stupid ######### and focus on getting better, stop blaming everything else but your damn lack of skill, bunch of damn snowflakes.

    Simply put, 90% of Red Rank killers are sweaty tryhard noobs relying on crutches,camping,tunnelling OP add-ons and slugging. only around 50% of purple rank killers do this and about 20% of green rank killers, where would you prefer to play as survivor?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Autoliny said:

    @CookieDog said:
    People in the general Dead by Daylight community know of this issue and it needs to be addressed. I know the Dead by Daylight team is hard at work on this game and they're! doing a fantastic job. However this Constant Disconnects and people just trying to D-rank so they can verse new players. They want to feel powerful they can make a video how they juke killers or pallet slam and being in general toxic. These actions can and will cause new players who are actually coming into the game to shun away from this. It's disgusting.

    Listen nobody wants to play with the scummy Red Ranks, you want to solve the D-ranking issue then you solve the pathetic players that hold Red Rank, they seem to think they're the best that the game has to offer, using exhaustion add-ons, Ruin, Sloppy, Instadown, camping, tunnelling, slugging.
    I've been trying to do a daily for dwight, who I have almost all ######### perks, what I've faced at rank 2

    Clown- Camped, Tunnelled, Slugged, Ruin,NOED, Sloppy | Pinky finger, addition bottles
    Doc- Tunnelled, Ruin, Distressing, Unnerving | Iri King | 3 gen strat
    Legion- Tunnelled, Ruin, Thanata, Sloppy | Dirty knife, Franks mix tape
    Nurse- Tunnelled, slugged, Ruin, NOED, Sloppy | 5blink
    Nurse- Ruin, MYC, Sloppy | 5blink | Ebony
    Legion- Pretty much the same as above
    Pig- Tunnelled (even though trapped) Ruin, Sloppy | I never checked the add-ons

    Why do people D-rank, the issue is all of these pathetic noobs would be rank 15 before all the nerfs happened to survivor, alot I agreed with, like the exhaustion nerf, some pallet changes were needed, I feel the Devs went way overboard on it though for some maps. The healing nerf ######### Really?? Sloppy was buffed yet nobody used it, even though survivors would take 15 secs to heal, now that it would take 20 secs to heal 70% of red rank killers need it, along with their RUIN and NOED, but they're clearly skilled.

    Don't gimme any excuses about it's needed or anything like that, I play Bubba in Red Ranks, using BBQ, Whisp, End and Fury, I don't camp, I will only down someone off a hook if close to me and almost never re-hook them unless I need pressure or BBQ vision, I rarely slug either again, unless I see someone else, they got farmed off a hook or I need to get some pressure.

    The state of this game is holding the hands of killers to much, it's a bunch of rank 15's thinking they're awesome running those awesome crutch perks, Games go to fast (ok well lets remove every incentive for survivors to do totems, chests, sabo){wow did survivor focus more on gens} healing is to strong (nerfed healing now){wow survivors are not healing and rushing gens for the adrenaline}
    Killers need to stop bitching about stupid ######### and focus on getting better, stop blaming everything else but your damn lack of skill, bunch of damn snowflakes.

    Simply put, 90% of Red Rank killers are sweaty tryhard noobs relying on crutches,camping,tunnelling OP add-ons and slugging. only around 50% of purple rank killers do this and about 20% of green rank killers, where would you prefer to play as survivor?

    Why do killers tunnel? Because thats what you have to do if you wanna keep up with genrush

  • Autoliny
    Autoliny Member Posts: 76

    @Master said:

    @Autoliny said:

    @CookieDog said:
    People in the general Dead by Daylight community know of this issue and it needs to be addressed. I know the Dead by Daylight team is hard at work on this game and they're! doing a fantastic job. However this Constant Disconnects and people just trying to D-rank so they can verse new players. They want to feel powerful they can make a video how they juke killers or pallet slam and being in general toxic. These actions can and will cause new players who are actually coming into the game to shun away from this. It's disgusting.

    Listen nobody wants to play with the scummy Red Ranks, you want to solve the D-ranking issue then you solve the pathetic players that hold Red Rank, they seem to think they're the best that the game has to offer, using exhaustion add-ons, Ruin, Sloppy, Instadown, camping, tunnelling, slugging.
    I've been trying to do a daily for dwight, who I have almost all ######### perks, what I've faced at rank 2

    Clown- Camped, Tunnelled, Slugged, Ruin,NOED, Sloppy | Pinky finger, addition bottles
    Doc- Tunnelled, Ruin, Distressing, Unnerving | Iri King | 3 gen strat
    Legion- Tunnelled, Ruin, Thanata, Sloppy | Dirty knife, Franks mix tape
    Nurse- Tunnelled, slugged, Ruin, NOED, Sloppy | 5blink
    Nurse- Ruin, MYC, Sloppy | 5blink | Ebony
    Legion- Pretty much the same as above
    Pig- Tunnelled (even though trapped) Ruin, Sloppy | I never checked the add-ons

    Why do people D-rank, the issue is all of these pathetic noobs would be rank 15 before all the nerfs happened to survivor, alot I agreed with, like the exhaustion nerf, some pallet changes were needed, I feel the Devs went way overboard on it though for some maps. The healing nerf ######### Really?? Sloppy was buffed yet nobody used it, even though survivors would take 15 secs to heal, now that it would take 20 secs to heal 70% of red rank killers need it, along with their RUIN and NOED, but they're clearly skilled.

    Don't gimme any excuses about it's needed or anything like that, I play Bubba in Red Ranks, using BBQ, Whisp, End and Fury, I don't camp, I will only down someone off a hook if close to me and almost never re-hook them unless I need pressure or BBQ vision, I rarely slug either again, unless I see someone else, they got farmed off a hook or I need to get some pressure.

    The state of this game is holding the hands of killers to much, it's a bunch of rank 15's thinking they're awesome running those awesome crutch perks, Games go to fast (ok well lets remove every incentive for survivors to do totems, chests, sabo){wow did survivor focus more on gens} healing is to strong (nerfed healing now){wow survivors are not healing and rushing gens for the adrenaline}
    Killers need to stop bitching about stupid ######### and focus on getting better, stop blaming everything else but your damn lack of skill, bunch of damn snowflakes.

    Simply put, 90% of Red Rank killers are sweaty tryhard noobs relying on crutches,camping,tunnelling OP add-ons and slugging. only around 50% of purple rank killers do this and about 20% of green rank killers, where would you prefer to play as survivor?

    Why do killers tunnel? Because thats what you have to do if you wanna keep up with genrush

    Maybe stop camping the hook and apply pressure to gens??? just a thought, if I can manage it on a Bubba then I'm sure Spirit, Nurse, Billy, Legion can all manage to do it also, considering that's the most types of killers I see in red

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited February 2019

    @Autoliny said:

    @Master said:

    @Autoliny said:

    @CookieDog said:
    People in the general Dead by Daylight community know of this issue and it needs to be addressed. I know the Dead by Daylight team is hard at work on this game and they're! doing a fantastic job. However this Constant Disconnects and people just trying to D-rank so they can verse new players. They want to feel powerful they can make a video how they juke killers or pallet slam and being in general toxic. These actions can and will cause new players who are actually coming into the game to shun away from this. It's disgusting.

    Listen nobody wants to play with the scummy Red Ranks, you want to solve the D-ranking issue then you solve the pathetic players that hold Red Rank, they seem to think they're the best that the game has to offer, using exhaustion add-ons, Ruin, Sloppy, Instadown, camping, tunnelling, slugging.
    I've been trying to do a daily for dwight, who I have almost all ######### perks, what I've faced at rank 2

    Clown- Camped, Tunnelled, Slugged, Ruin,NOED, Sloppy | Pinky finger, addition bottles
    Doc- Tunnelled, Ruin, Distressing, Unnerving | Iri King | 3 gen strat
    Legion- Tunnelled, Ruin, Thanata, Sloppy | Dirty knife, Franks mix tape
    Nurse- Tunnelled, slugged, Ruin, NOED, Sloppy | 5blink
    Nurse- Ruin, MYC, Sloppy | 5blink | Ebony
    Legion- Pretty much the same as above
    Pig- Tunnelled (even though trapped) Ruin, Sloppy | I never checked the add-ons

    Why do people D-rank, the issue is all of these pathetic noobs would be rank 15 before all the nerfs happened to survivor, alot I agreed with, like the exhaustion nerf, some pallet changes were needed, I feel the Devs went way overboard on it though for some maps. The healing nerf ######### Really?? Sloppy was buffed yet nobody used it, even though survivors would take 15 secs to heal, now that it would take 20 secs to heal 70% of red rank killers need it, along with their RUIN and NOED, but they're clearly skilled.

    Don't gimme any excuses about it's needed or anything like that, I play Bubba in Red Ranks, using BBQ, Whisp, End and Fury, I don't camp, I will only down someone off a hook if close to me and almost never re-hook them unless I need pressure or BBQ vision, I rarely slug either again, unless I see someone else, they got farmed off a hook or I need to get some pressure.

    The state of this game is holding the hands of killers to much, it's a bunch of rank 15's thinking they're awesome running those awesome crutch perks, Games go to fast (ok well lets remove every incentive for survivors to do totems, chests, sabo){wow did survivor focus more on gens} healing is to strong (nerfed healing now){wow survivors are not healing and rushing gens for the adrenaline}
    Killers need to stop bitching about stupid ######### and focus on getting better, stop blaming everything else but your damn lack of skill, bunch of damn snowflakes.

    Simply put, 90% of Red Rank killers are sweaty tryhard noobs relying on crutches,camping,tunnelling OP add-ons and slugging. only around 50% of purple rank killers do this and about 20% of green rank killers, where would you prefer to play as survivor?

    Why do killers tunnel? Because thats what you have to do if you wanna keep up with genrush

    Maybe stop camping the hook and apply pressure to gens??? just a thought, if I can manage it on a Bubba then I'm sure Spirit, Nurse, Billy, Legion can all manage to do it also, considering that's the most types of killers I see in red

    Well most of the survivors rush the hook, so why should I go away and give a free unhook?
    Blame the invention of all the free unhook tools like BT, unhook invulnerability, new unhook animation etc for that. Survivors feel so safe, they have nothing to worry when they rush the damn hook

    Oh and the BBQ nerf didnt help either

  • sjayc1
    sjayc1 Member Posts: 9
    ...and I have read all of these suggestions while sitting in a damn lobby. They need to fix matchmaking first, then worry about the douche bags that disco
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Master said:
    Well most of the survivors rush the hook, so why should I go away and give a free unhook?

    Because if they save right away then they lose time on the hook and are closer to death. Sitting there waiting for the guy to die on a hook is very inefficient.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    Doubtful they have any stats on games played without a DC vs games played with a DC. I would imagine that % being fairly high, much higher than the developer might think. This is a touchy subject for sure and how to handle it . . it's an imperfect system. Might take an imperfect change creating player backlash, but once implemented hopefully it'll be the change we need.

    Still if someone DC's more than 2 times within . . 30 minutes (less or more) they should receive an accumulative ban 1-2-4-8 + hours for each occurrence. Maybe that's a bad idea, but there are many others out there.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @TrAiNwReCk said:
    Doubtful they have any stats on games played without a DC vs games played with a DC. I would imagine that % being fairly high, much higher than the developer might think. This is a touchy subject for sure and how to handle it . . it's an imperfect system. Might take an imperfect change creating player backlash, but once implemented hopefully it'll be the change we need.

    Still if someone DC's more than 2 times within . . 30 minutes (less or more) they should receive an accumulative ban 1-2-4-8 + hours for each occurrence. Maybe that's a bad idea, but there are many others out there.

    Too add. What's the problem with disconnecting? It's losing blood points, pips and event points. Maybe instead of harsh punishment they should give all event points possible to the player(s) and a portion of potentially lost blood points by the DC.

  • TheEndOfSolace
    TheEndOfSolace Member Posts: 16
    Maybe multiple dc over a short time results in BP loss and a soft ban cause survivors dont need anything to survive just knowledge of loops and mind games
  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    @fcc2014 said:
    Since rank doesn't matter or offer any reward, matchmaking should be based around hours played to keep new players from getting trolled or smashed. The ques could be easy to sort 0 to 200 hours, 201 to 500 hours 500+ all together. SWF ques would take the person with the most hours of the group and place them with a matching killer.

    this would be nice but you'd still get lip from those streamers saying "Red ranks dont have V-A-R-I-E-T-Y!..."

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    They should make the ban for disconnecting stricter.
    And also add a progressively worse waiting period if you disconnect more than x times in an hour.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Master said:
    Well most of the survivors rush the hook, so why should I go away and give a free unhook?

    Because if they save right away then they lose time on the hook and are closer to death. Sitting there waiting for the guy to die on a hook is very inefficient.

    Sitting there waiting for the survivors to rush a hook is very efficient

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @ItsYourBoyGuzma said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    Since rank doesn't matter or offer any reward, matchmaking should be based around hours played to keep new players from getting trolled or smashed. The ques could be easy to sort 0 to 200 hours, 201 to 500 hours 500+ all together. SWF ques would take the person with the most hours of the group and place them with a matching killer.

    this would be nice but you'd still get lip from those streamers saying "Red ranks dont have V-A-R-I-E-T-Y!..."

    You would still get issues from many people once they have to play people consistently at their own skill/knowledge level but it would be more fair than the current system.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ItsYourBoyGuzma said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    Since rank doesn't matter or offer any reward, matchmaking should be based around hours played to keep new players from getting trolled or smashed. The ques could be easy to sort 0 to 200 hours, 201 to 500 hours 500+ all together. SWF ques would take the person with the most hours of the group and place them with a matching killer.

    this would be nice but you'd still get lip from those streamers saying "Red ranks dont have V-A-R-I-E-T-Y!..."

    You would still get issues from many people once they have to play people consistently at their own skill/knowledge level but it would be more fair than the current system.

    I am a much worse survivor than a killer, but if I had to play against 4 survivors playing like me, then I would simply quit the game tbh. Theres no fun being genrushed

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Master said:

    I am a much worse survivor than a killer, but if I had to play against 4 survivors playing like me, then I would simply quit the game tbh. Theres no fun being genrushed

    If you see i also suggested your hours as survivor and killer would be separate for match making. You don't think you should play people with the same skill level as you? Everyone agrees rank doesn't matter. If we separate ques by hours invested you can determine changes that need to be made in the game.

    if you breakdown matchmaking and see that higher skilled matches 3-4 players are escaping because of gen rushing you can balance around that because less experienced players would also need to adapt as they grow in skill as they play players at their same level. The game is balanced around insufficient and faulty information as long as players can derank and smash new players. It throws data collected off.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Master said:

    I am a much worse survivor than a killer, but if I had to play against 4 survivors playing like me, then I would simply quit the game tbh. Theres no fun being genrushed

    If you see i also suggested your hours as survivor and killer would be separate for match making. You don't think you should play people with the same skill level as you? Everyone agrees rank doesn't matter. If we separate ques by hours invested you can determine changes that need to be made in the game.

    if you breakdown matchmaking and see that higher skilled matches 3-4 players are escaping because of gen rushing you can balance around that because less experienced players would also need to adapt as they grow in skill as they play players at their same level. The game is balanced around insufficient and faulty information as long as players can derank and smash new players. It throws data collected off.

    I used to agree with this logic that first the unbalance needs to show such that the devs realize and can react to that.

    But then the depip experiment happened, the devs acknoledged the balance problems and were like "whats the point, we already knew". Still nothing has happened so far. You just have to face it, BHVR doesnt want to actually balance the game. Its probably not even realistic in an assymetrical game if you wanna keep population. Survivors gameplay is far too dull if you ask me

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Master said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Master said:

    I am a much worse survivor than a killer, but if I had to play against 4 survivors playing like me, then I would simply quit the game tbh. Theres no fun being genrushed

    If you see i also suggested your hours as survivor and killer would be separate for match making. You don't think you should play people with the same skill level as you? Everyone agrees rank doesn't matter. If we separate ques by hours invested you can determine changes that need to be made in the game.

    if you breakdown matchmaking and see that higher skilled matches 3-4 players are escaping because of gen rushing you can balance around that because less experienced players would also need to adapt as they grow in skill as they play players at their same level. The game is balanced around insufficient and faulty information as long as players can derank and smash new players. It throws data collected off.

    I used to agree with this logic that first the unbalance needs to show such that the devs realize and can react to that.

    But then the depip experiment happened, the devs acknoledged the balance problems and were like "whats the point, we already knew". Still nothing has happened so far. You just have to face it, BHVR doesnt want to actually balance the game. Its probably not even realistic in an assymetrical game if you wanna keep population. Survivors gameplay is far too dull if you ask me

    in the end theres nothing that can be done every game is now a grey area no more black and white is always the same tryhard swfs and poor killers just there to be abused

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @friendlykillermain said:

    in the end theres nothing that can be done every game is now a grey area no more black and white is always the same tryhard swfs and poor killers just there to be abused

    That is the problem You have killers deranking to beat inexperienced and less skilled players and survivors or swf doing the same. Nobody has any real data to show what is actually happening in the game. If you had the ability to show survivors at a certain hours played skill level matches last less than 5 minutes you can use that to adjust game powers, perks, and time to complete objectives.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @fcc2014 said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    in the end theres nothing that can be done every game is now a grey area no more black and white is always the same tryhard swfs and poor killers just there to be abused

    That is the problem You have killers deranking to beat inexperienced and less skilled players and survivors or swf doing the same. Nobody has any real data to show what is actually happening in the game. If you had the ability to show survivors at a certain hours played skill level matches last less than 5 minutes you can use that to adjust game powers, perks, and time to complete objectives.

    its a sad sad world we live in

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    Rank is like life. The higher you go / older you get, at first it's fun, you get some progress in and have some fun, but the higher you get/older you become the more issues start rising.
    In the end you are just old and weak, it sucks more than it is fun and you wish to go back...what wait, you are telling me I can go back? To a rank where it is fun to play for me? All I have to do is to play potato? Sign me up!
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Cymer said:
    Rank is like life. The higher you go / older you get, at first it's fun, you get some progress in and have some fun, but the higher you get/older you become the more issues start rising.
    In the end you are just old and weak, it sucks more than it is fun and you wish to go back...what wait, you are telling me I can go back? To a rank where it is fun to play for me? All I have to do is to play potato? Sign me up!

    this the mindset that worrys me deeply

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    @Cymer said:
    Rank is like life. The higher you go / older you get, at first it's fun, you get some progress in and have some fun, but the higher you get/older you become the more issues start rising.
    In the end you are just old and weak, it sucks more than it is fun and you wish to go back...what wait, you are telling me I can go back? To a rank where it is fun to play for me? All I have to do is to play potato? Sign me up!

    this the mindset that worrys me deeply

    I dont care who judges me I deranked recently because I'm not gonna stare at lobby simulator for 2 hours waiting for someone who is actually gonna play and not dodge,  I used to despise deranking but I did it for the first time and I'm finding instant lobbies now and alot of killers that were at rank 1 before the event are down here as well because they did the same, you guys can report me all you want I'll gladly take it as long as the game works I couldn't give a ######### either way what anyone says , I'm not breaking any rules or going over the threshold
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @OrionsFury4789 forget rank for a minute and you having to derank to get lobbies. I understand the long wait times and it sucks. If we had a match making system that was based around hours played and that is what determined what pool of players you played against would that be better?

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    fcc2014 said:

    @OrionsFury4789 forget rank for a minute and you having to derank to get lobbies. I understand the long wait times and it sucks. If we had a match making system that was based around hours played and that is what determined what pool of players you played against would that be better?

    I would totally love it if that were implemented we need something to keep it even , I just hope they address the dodging  with it because it's part of that issue as well
  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Deranking is not the issue. Some people don't like playing in the tryhard region. They just want to have fun with less toxic people. Personlly, I hate playing the red ranks, not about the challenge, it is about the attitudes. I can chill out and play fun matches in mid ranks and let people go. The only time I play survivor is with my legally blind wife who is not all that good, so ranking up is not usually an issue. lol

    Blame the game, and the toxic community. I play this game for fun, if I'm forced to play the toxic reds all the time, I'd quickly lose interest.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @OrionsFury4789 said:

    I would totally love it if that were implemented we need something to keep it even , I just hope they address the dodging  with it because it's part of that issue as well

    Hopefully if/when they implement the new match making everyone spawns in at the same time and we get less dodges but i doubt it. We could hope that they implement a timeout on the lobby closer.

  • jeridan
    jeridan Member Posts: 77

    I'm kind of hoping the killer will be able to cycle like the survivors when dedicated servers come out.