Have survivors become allergic to unhooking?

I've noticed a trend of teammates just not going for unhooking at all. The amount of times I've died on 1st hook has just been ridiculous. Even though I've unhooked them and actually play like I'm in a team...
Or worse they unhook when I'm almost dead and the killer is back as well, without BT. What is going on?
Edit: obviously I don't mean in cases where the killer is face-camping/proxying.
Sometimes I wonder if such things are very based on region, because for me it's quite often the opposite. I have to remind myself that, 95% of the time, there's no reason for me to get off the gen to unhook because the other three survs are probably well on their way. It seems universal that people are way too wiling to unhook unsafely without BT, I do see some unhook farming every now and then.
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In solo queue, there's a nasty habit of assuming someone else is handling it and then panicking at the last ~20s of the timer when you realize you're across the map and everyone else had the same idea.
Some people are too altruistic, some people aren't altruistic enough. Get too many of one type on a team and the game's going to suck.
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Ikr! I was playing solo queue last night, that way I could finish getting my bill to prestige 3 before the new update, and I did 3 gens, was unhooking everyone, and helping to heal my teammates when I wasn't working on a generator, and I was elected to die on first hook because the other two teammates that were still alive were too scared to get me. Killer didn't have NOED or anything.
Don't even get me started on the teammate the disconnected when they were dead on hook, instead of just letting themselves die and still getting blood points, instead they wasted my time going all the way across the map to unhook them (this was when they were on second hook) and proceeded to go down within 15 seconds of me and hooking them (killer waited out BT).
Can't imagine how solo queue is going to be after this new patch, don't get me wrong, the BT being base kit is nice, but just playing solo queue now is a pain, because no one wants to go for anyone, even if you have kindred, that's not going to help you, I learned that the hard way.
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If you're gonna play solo it's a good idea to bring kindred so that way when someone is hooked you know who's doing what and when it's YOU hooked they all can coordinate better and see what's happening, unfortunately that's all you can really do as a solo and even that won't fix scared or unintelligent teammates
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That sounds like a summary of the past week of dbd, for me.
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Not looking forward to worse solo queue games with the new patch, what build do you run for solo btw, I do Kindred, BT, IW, and Adrenaline
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I only play solo so I run kindred very often and people will let you reach struggle phase sometimes they just don't care, even when killer is not camping, next patch is super sad with all these nerfs kindred should be basekit bare minimum
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Wow that's rough I don't know what to say except I'm glad I don't get teammates like that, sadly BHVR can't fix stupidity of your teammates, I don't understand how people can see whats happening with kindred and still not make the right play
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I'll trade you some of my teammates, who hear "60 seconds to unhook before stage 2" and mistake it for "16 seconds," and rush to unhook me in front of the killer.
Here are some reasons I don't unhook:
- I figure someone else is going to (it would be nice for solo survivors to communicate who's going for rescue / basekit Kindred)
- My gen is almost done and I don't want to risk Pop or Dead Man's
- I can see the killer proxy camping or trade camping with Kindred
- I think the match is lost because the killer is OP, sweaty, or both, and I'd rather make a hatch play if possible
- I don't have Borrowed Time and don't want to feed the killer
- Hex: Devour Hope is in play and I'm searching for the totem and don't want to give the killer anymore tokens
- You purposefully griefed me earlier in the match
Post edited by Nos37 on2 -
with tunneling, proxy camping and camping etc. --- being so bad
going for an unhook almost is a guaranteed hit or down for the unhooker these days
solo's arent going to be as willing to take a down for a stranger.
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It has exactly been like this! And every time I got 1 match of adequate teammates, the next 3 are worse like I have to repent for that 1 good match 💀
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Honestly, atm I feel like that would be a big waste of perk slot. Because I've seen how the other teammates play when someone has Kindred, I still have to be the one to go for the unhook, whilst they're just standing, crouching, or opening a chest... I already have 1 chronic perkslot for my teammates by equipping BT, I'm not going to waste another one 😅
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Because i run Kindred and can see the killer is 6 feet away behind a wall.
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I think this might be the rational (yet undesirable) reaction to killer camping or proxy camping.
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Well I would like to ask...
Would you prefer they leave you to die on that hook because they don't have BT, or would you rather they unhook you and pray a) they can body block, b) you have DS, or that c) the killer is merciful?
I sympathize with your post, but you cannot complain about "being unhooked without BT." Not everyone runs BT, and it is entirely possible no one in your lobby has BT. Cry all you want about being left to die on first hook, but when push comes to shove you need to be grateful someone is even attempting to trade their life for yours.
If I have BT, I know I'm the only one with BT, I can see on Kindred that the killer is camping, and I'm working on a generator across the map, guess what? I'm not running across the map to save you. That doesn't make one iota of sense--it is more time efficient for me to finish my gen, and trust the closer guys to decide your fate.
I have 2.5k hours in this game. My experience has taught me that our collective chance of escaping is higher if 3 gens are completed while a survivor enters Stage 2, than if 0 gens are completed and the survivor is unhooked during Stage 1.
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In my case every survivor that doesn't get unhooked after 0.1 second just suicides on hook, just be patient some times a gen is 80-90% plus sometimes killers are camping.
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Yes, I'd rather die and move on to the next game than get saved at the last possible moment, and have the killer down us both when there are still 4 gens left. You're missing the entire point. Ofc I don't expect people to go for unhooks when the killer is face-camping or proxying, I meant when he is clearly patrolling gens or is chasing someone else.
I'm not "crying or complaining" about people not having BT, that's an example of how it goes when the very few people (lately) that do go for unhooking, do it at the last stages of the 2nd hook stage. My main point was about the matter of the majority not going for hook rescues at all. When it clearly is safe to do so.
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yeah, but your mindset is just as, if not more, selfish than that of the survivors who leave you on the hook. No one is escaping if a survivor dies at 4 gens. Clearly your teammates realize that, which is why they are making an effort (albeit untimely) to keep you in the game as long as possible.
If you want to give up just because the going gets tough, go play something else
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I dont unhook survivors if they've been annoying - unhelpful, doing nothing, bringing the killer to me, hoping id take a hit or the killer would switch targets, stealing hook saves, etc. I'm content with losing the game, knowing that I made that survivor mad at me. Yes, I'm petty like that and I enjoy it
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You have some nerve to tell me what to play lmao. If it's just a few games where that happens, obviously that wouldn't even matter in the slightest. But when the same happens a lot during a short period of time it can be quite frustrating. But that's clearly beyond your comprehension.
I hope your every game is like that and that the goings get rough ;) have fun!
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I change it up all the time. Lately I've been playing around with overcome, built to last, kindred and open-handed.
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I have the opposite problem, they slowly crouchwalk to the hook and then immediate sprint up if someone else goes for the save
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Just got to second on first hook and tunneled out by the Nurse cuz my teammates are to scare to go for unhook, ggs
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I had a match against a Blight last night. The first survivor hooked dc'd right as I was unhooking them. Then I just ran at the Blight for the rest of the game. The other two survivors hid while I chased the Blight. Eventually they did the remaining gens and the three of us escaped. After the match I pm'd the killer and apologized for getting in their face and I said I did that bc I got so frustrated with my teammates dc'ing and playing scared. The killer responded with a laugh and said they figured thats what was happening so they ran away from me bc the situation was so funny. Luckily, the killer had a good sense of humor. That game made me want to keep playing. Although, most of my other games didn't go so well last night.
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I love when you're vibing more with the killer (not farming) than with your teammates.
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Yep, these are the common reasons when I don't unhook, though personally I would add "because you're hooked in the basement" to my list.