games that are in your rotation & what would you recommend?

october we get Nier Automata & Bayonetta 3 for switch also RE8 DLC & RE:verse drops. on top of that RE4 in beginning of next year.
i can pretty much say my hands will be tied for the next 2-3 years so in the meantime i have about a four month period before i dissapear into the abyss.
for game recommendations i would appreciate obscure/ hidden gems or games that you can sink alot of hours in.
my most played games are:
the 3rd birthday & final fantasy 13 & RE2 Remake & Silent Hill 3 & MGSV
so games that are similar and have great unlockables that keep you playing, thanks!!
Its not obscure but you will either love it or hate it but i enjoyed assassins creed valhalla you can put alot of hours into that
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Not the type of games you asked for but:
Identity V, basically another ''DBD'' but for mobile.
Eternal return, a ''League of legends'' type of game, you can play it solo or with a team, what makes it a little bit different is that you play for survival (vs 18 other players) rather than defending a base like League.
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I recommend Binding of Isaac repentance. It's pretty fun and you can sink tons of hours in it. It's basically a dungeon crawler type game
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So many games out there now and all I can think to recommend is Cadence of Hyrule. Every run is randomly generated and the dlc is necessary if you want the complete experience.
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I've been playing a fair amount of Risk Of Rain 2 recently, and that's definitely the kind of game you can sink a lot of hours into. I also gave a free game on Steam called "Muck" a try recently and that seems pretty neat.
Neither of those are the kind of third person action games you laid out, to be fair, but unfortunately I don't play those very much lol
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i have ps plus so this works & ive never played any assasins creeds, am i missing anything if i dont pllay the previous titles??
ive heard of Identity V but its a "mobile" game, so it kind of worries me. is it as bad as diablo immortal? lolol
ive never heard of Eternal return so ill def check it out!
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this game looks so cute.
ive checked the eshop & whats the difference between afterbirth & repentance?
im sorry to inform but im not a legend of Zelda fan ;(
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Then buy Crypt of the Necrodancer. Cadence of Hyrule is a colab title. It's basically Necrodancer 2.
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this gives me outer worlds + death stranding atmosphere, are they similar or totally different?
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Totally different in terms of gameplay. RoR2 is a roguelike, a pretty good one at that, and it has some really interesting worldbuilding as well.
Muck is... kinda like if you try to speedrun Minecraft on hardcore mode? It's weird. Pretty fun though.
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Multiplayer: PUBG as always
Single player: until dawn, Detroit: becoming human, and patiently awaiting Stray.
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Recently been playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 recently (held off after THPS5 was horrible but heard 1+2 was neat and thankfully it was), if you're in the mood to just skate on mostly good levels with a great song in a great skateboarding system for two minute intervals I can't think of a better game. But also if you're in that mood why are you so oddly specific-
With Persona 3-5 being ported on other consoles. I recommend those as well (it's the perfect fantasy where you get to be cool and have friends!)
Rivals of Aether is a really great platform fighter and with the workshop added it's basically MUGEN for platform fighters.
Honestly making this list made me realize I've haven't been playing many games lately (not as in playtime, I'm just been playing the same games over and over).
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Detroit: become human is one of the best gaming experiences ever, everyone should give it a go atleast once. it is the one & only game where you"re decisions matter. (looking at you telltale)
i had to replay since i didnt like one of my endings lol
Until Dawn, ive played that as well ://
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i remember my days when i used to play Tonk Hawk underground/ proving ground, maybe its time to rebirth my love for skate games again??
I have Persona 3 on PSP & plan on buying it for Nintendo :')
Rivals of Aether looks like brawlhala which i wasnt much a fan of :((
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Your good to go with valhalla mate i didn't play any apart from the first years ago i played it because of the viking stuff ... If you like vikings and norse mythology you will have a blast
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If you like horror Soma was really good. Prey was also a good horror/shooter.
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Solasta: Crown of the Magister, Evil Dead: The Game and Outriders.
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ive seen Soma on ps plus & always wondered what is that?? i totally forgot about Prey! i always wanted to buy it but so many games come out and so i forget :(
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ive searched up Solasta but i guess theres no ps4 ver??
i have evil dead :))
woaah outriders looks sick, its like a mix of destiny & fallout to me!! thanks for the recommendation!
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All I know is it appeared on my list of suggestions on my Xbox. It's a lot like Dungeons and Dragons (literally like a carbon copy). Lots of fun. Outriders is definitely a lot of fun. You can turn on what's called World Tiers that makes the game more difficult as you play through to earn better rewards. Or you can leave it at whatever World Tier you feel comfortable at, and even change it later. And you're welcome!
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Soma was really good, I played it straight through. I found it kinda immersive because the world looks good in it.
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Death stranding. thjis game can take up your time a lot and its the most satifsying game ive ever played. youre constantly planning your future and when it executes well, that's such a great feeling. best thing is everything depends on you, no team holding you back or game forcing you extremely unfair BS or anything like that.
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A Plague Tale Innocence might be the game you're looking for,it takes place in 14th century France and you follow a French noblewoman trying to keep her little brother safe after a horrible tragedy happened at their estate.
The game takes place in a dark and depressing medieval Kingdom filled with misery pest and vermin but it's also southern France so there are some beautiful landscapes to give you hope.
I finished the game like one year ago and while playing this masterpiece I really felt like a big sister trying to protect her loved ones and run away from the group chasing them(don't want to spoil the name you'll see by yourself)
I am currently replaying it on my PS5 the 60 fps upgrade feels so good and clean and btw there is a sequel coming in October so if you ever play the game and want more don't worry you'll get more very soon.
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Here is a list from my personal collection:
Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Portal/Portal 2, Borderlands 1, 2 and 3, DOOM: Eternal, DOOM (2016), DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM 3, Friday The 13th: The Game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, No More Heroes, Checkers & Chess (web game it if you can), Stardew Valley, Resident Evil 4 and 5, Saints Row 3 and 4, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, BoTW, Subnautica (Should warn you before you play this), Dark Souls: Remastered, Maneater and, finally, Resident Evil.
Thanks for all,
Aperture Sciences' CEO and Founder- Cave Johnson.
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it's a newer game and not all that obscure but stray is very good.
for games that fit that description a little better:
yume nikki - protagonist is a hikikomori, meaning she doesn't leave her home whatsoever. almost all of the actual game takes place within dreams. not a lot of actual gameplay or directly told story, it's very exploration focused. one of the best rpgmaker games out there. the only real goal is to collect "effects", which are sort of like powers. some are just visual, others might do things in certain areas or are just useful. would highly recommend a guide for this and the next game as both contain a lot of branching pathways to different places and it can get confusing.
.flow - a yume nikki fangame, of which there are hundreds. .flow is considered one of the best and features much darker themes and environments and a somewhat more clear story.
hylics 1 and 2 - surreal claymation rpgs with a very unique artstyle of digitized, heavily dithered clay models. music kicks ass (especially in the second one) and the visuals are stunning. first is done in rpgmaker, features a lot of randomly generated dialogue and is a bit grindy, second one is a lot more polished and is made in unity.
soma - existential horror and funny fishe.
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I just finished Assassin's Creed Black Flag this month and am playing Stray currently.
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I have been somewhat busy so I haven't had much time to play. On my free time I tend to play Persona 2, but I am advancing at a snail's pace. I suck at dungeon crawlers.
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i have it but its in the backlog :((
im a big hideo kojima fan & just buy everything he puts out lol
i havent seen this before wth :o
its def added to my amazon cart, thanks! :))
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amnesia & outlast type games dont interest me :((
warning for subnautica?? why?
ive been wanting to try DS & Skyrim but its not my type of games and im unsure if ill put the hours in ://
i have stray bc of ps+ but havent got to it yet..
yume nikki and hylics look good! gives me acid visuals hopefully its on switch
yeah i got to get to soma :((
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Assasin's creed & stray is on my list also!!
ive always wanted to get into persona but i dont like the young/ teenage main protagonist... i prefer them older like in RE & SH.
however Persona 3 is on my list for switch!!
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I personally don't recommend getting into Persona 3 first. Don't get me wrong, it's an excellent game in my opinion and it possibly has the strongest plot and characters of the bunch, but the gameplay is pretty outdated; it can get unbearably grindy and repetitive and I don't see ATLUS (the developing company) updating much for the switch version besides some bug fixes.
The version of Persona 3 they are re-releasing (portable) is missing the epilogue chapter and ATLUS probably isn't adding it. But to be honest you are not missing much, it is a very disliked addition by most of the community, although playing it may be necessary to understand minor plotlines and subtext in some spin-offs.
Persona 4 is better gameplay wise, but I also don't recommend starting with it for similar reasons. It can get tedious at times, but the story is also pretty great and the characters are really relatable.
Persona 5 is usually the recommended game for beginners, and it shows with the amount of tutorials and guides available in game. It is overall a great introduction to the Persona series.
Although, nothing is stopping you from playing them in whatever order you like: All Persona games are pretty non-linear and you can pick whichever you like without worrying about continuity issues - You may miss a reference here and there but nothing beyond that.
If you end up liking the games, I can't recommend getting into the mainline SMT series enough. The subjects and characters are more mature and the gameplay in general is way more challenging, SMT III in particular is infamous for being very beginner unfriendly. Still, no adult protagonists except for Strange Journey.
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A warning for Subnautica because in some parts of the game, Claustrophobia can become a major problem (Not being able to find the way out and knowing that you're basically dead when your Oxygen runs out).
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When I'm not playing DBD, I play a bunch of Paladins and I still need to finish Disco Elysium (which I would 100% recommend).
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hey i appreciate the tons of information :))
seems ill be picking up persona 5 and im sure thats also coming to switch right?? i just remember a huge announcement and i think i saw multiple persona games but i could be wrong. ive only played a little of 3 but i sold it years ago :(
seems like each game is self contained so i like that.
DUUDE ive been eyeing SMTV for a while now... i dont mind also if the main character is like 18 or so (judging from trailers of SMT5, she looks 18) i just dont like when its like a pokemon game where its a literal child. but i checked the eshop and the only SMT on there is 5 :(( and im unsure if i have the console for the others
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i remember when i use to play Paladins/ OW :((
the Q times are really awful in pal lmao.. and ive checked some gamplay and im still unsure what it is?? it has good reviews but all ive seen from gameplay is dialogue. is it trying to solve a mystery in a rpg??
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Hollow knight
For honor
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- seems ill be picking up persona 5 and im sure thats also coming to switch right?? i just remember a huge announcement and i think i saw multiple persona games but i could be wrong. ive only played a little of 3 but i sold it years ago :(
Yeah, Persona 3-5 are coming to basically every single platform under the sun in the following months. Persona 5 is probably going to be more expensive than the other two so I would keep that in mind.
- i dont mind also if the main character is like 18 or so (judging from trailers of SMT5, she looks 18)
Oh boy, the protagonist in SMT V is actually male. Two males in fact. It's funny, don't worry, everyone got confused at first too.
- i checked the eshop and the only SMT on there is 5
I am pretty sure SMT III is also available for the switch, look it up in the eshop browser as "Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne". If not it is also available on Steam and Playstation 4 if you happen to own one.
- im unsure if i have the console for the others
That's the tricky part. SMT: Strange Journey, SMT IV and SMT IV - Apocalypse are all 3DS exclusives. Strange Journey is also available on DS, but it was remastered for the 3DS. The rest you will probably have to emulate, ATLUS re-released the rest of the SMT games in the switch amd only for nintendo online Japan and there seems to be no plans of localizing them any time soon, but there are a couple of really good fan translations out there. To be honest by the point you are playing the original SMT titles you are already invested enough in the series not to care about that.
You can also try the devil summoner saga, I personally haven't played any of them so I can't really say much about them. They are technically not SMT titles but I have been told they play pretty much the same.
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_State of Decay 2_ and _Rimworld_ are two games that are very enjoyable as longer games: the former is pretty much playing your own "The Walking Dead" series, with the monsters coming out of_Left 4 Dead_ , and the latter a brilliant base-building sim with an amazing amount of customization and mods!
For a horror experience, _The Cat Lady_ , _Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem_ and _Haunting Grounds_:
The Cat Lady is a dark 2d horror based upon a lady who is dealing with heavy depression and through some twists of fate is elected to kill 7 other evil people, but also forced to deal with her own mental state. It does deal with dark themes like suicide, cancer and torture, but is also a trip through dealing with the darkness.
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem has you play as several people in several different time frames, from the Gulf War to the Roman Empire, which all links towards a great Lovecraftian conclusion. It also has a sanity system which enjoys breaking the fourth wall.
Haunting Grounds is a Clock Tower style game as you play a lady who is captured in a castle and has to escape the denizens who chase her for various purposes, from jealousy to hate to perversions, and all the while relying on your wits and a doggie you come across. Tense stuff, and also Fiona and Danielle would make a great chapter for DBD!
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Condemned criminal origins
A nifty little horror game where it's primarily melee based combat
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Cyberpunk 2077 (now after its new patch), I'm replaying it for the 3rd time and still seeing amazing new stuff. This game is just something else and so damn beautiful.
I literally built an entirely new rig to play this game on, only to have it crash every couple of minutes 😭 do you play it on PC?
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i have haunting grounds on my ps3 :)) its just hard to play since it's the jpn version so i cant get pass like the first hour since i dont understand the text and clues :(
duuuudeee wtffff i never heard or seen Eternal Darkness but im already interested by the little ive seen from youtube (currently on ebay looking for a good price) :)
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its only on xbox and im a playstation gal :((
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Basically, if you imagine the insanity system from "Amnesia" and crank it up many, many time, that's what it's lije. A lot of fun!
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yeah i play on PC, but i have it on both playstation and steam. i have the director's cut version on the playstation but i prefer PC because mouse and keyboard feels b
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I’ve never seen anyone really mention it but Darkwood is an amazing game. I still replay it ever so often.