Pity Wins
What's your guy's take on them? For people who don't know, a pity win is when a killer/survivor realizes the other side isn't doing to hot and decides to give them a pity escape/kill.
The reason I ask is cuz that just happened to me while in solo-queue, my teammates were dropping like flies to the Legion and I was trying to save them and help with gens. Unfortunately, I'm not great with looping so I ended up going down and dropped down into the basement of Sanctum of Wrath. Well turns out Yui was chilling down there injured and the Legion chased Feng down there and they both went down too. Legion took pity on us cuz she let me wiggle off and pick the other two off. I ended up letting myself die in the end cuz it didn't feel right taking a free win that was handed to me, and I assume the Yui felt the same way.
Context dependent. I'll let survs go if they were screwed by their team, or played particularly well and carried. A lot of potential reasons there.
As a surv I'll occasionally give myself up, but that's rarer.
But being on the receiving end of a pity kill from a surv has a whole different feel than being spared by a killer, and I don't care for it (it feels more patronizing, since as a killer only you are responsible for your performance).
I had it happen to me the other night for the first time ever (at least that could tell). It was on Garden of Joy and I didn't play well at all, plus they were a really strong TTV SWF and I got absolutely bodied. Got zero hooks for the first time since I was a baby killer in like 2019.
One of them gave themselves up at the end, and I tried to carry him to the gate a few times, but they wouldn't go. Felt bad, man.
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During the Masquerade I basically didn't kill anyone during the first week because survivors needed to make end game collapse in order to keep their mask. 2 hooks and you're done. I think this hurt my MMR though because the quality of players I'm up against has dipped notably which then runs into this problem...
I give out pity more then I probably should. If someone is very obviously new, I find it very hard to kill them. Like they need all the blood points and experience with skill checks they can get. Eliminating them from the game just doesn't seem productive to the game's health long term. I'm one guy and I know they are likely to get victimized by the next person who doesn't think about anyone but themselves but still... some are grateful.
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I don't like getting them so I don't like giving them either.
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Pity escapes I have seen, a pity kill? I can count on one hand how much I have seen that and I can tell you I don't even need 3 fingers for it (also I have 4k hours.)
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I often give out pity wins, or a least a freebie "downed, but leave them alone." Sometimes I find there is just this ONE SURVIVOR I keep finding. Over and over again. Not trying tunnel them out or anything, just keeps showing up in front of me. I'm going "Dude, why is it ALWAYS YOU I keep finding. Damn." So I down them, then just shake my head "no" at them and walk away.
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I usually let everyone escape anyway. I still get tons of bp. I'm really only playing for bp's anyway. Do people actually play this game to be famous or somethimg?
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No, it's just a sucky feeling that the other side thinks you need to be pitied just so you can get a kill/escape, it's patronizing
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I've never felt that way when that happens to me. Im usually happy when that happens. Are you a streamer or something?
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If I'm playing killer and I noticed that one or two survivors dc, then I'll usually give the remaining survivors a pity win all the while ensuring that I hooked everyone at least twice. The biggest downside about dead by daylight as a survivor is having your teammates disconnect, because it all but guarantees that you've lost the match.
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What you see as pity/patronising I see as a gesture of good sportsmanship
The sucky feelings are when you lose, then the opposition has the gall to gloat like they did something impressive
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I don't give killers pity kills.
I sometimes give pity escapes if I feel like it.
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i dont feel that way at all.. i think its an EGO thing
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It's pretty common.
I almost always give hatch. Sometimes when players are s######-over by two DCs I'll even let two go (there is no fun in an easy win anyway)
For some reason don't do it for killers. (And I would not accept a pity kill)
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Not really, my self esteem is pretty low, probably due to some other reasons that are personal and I don't wanna get into though ^^"
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I give both free escapes and kills. I've also gotten both in about a 60/40 ratio. I don't view them as pity escape/kills but rather good sportsmanship and helping another player. For brand new survivors it completely sucks trying to get BP and 5K for survival plus however much they get hitting my Killer with plywood definitely helps.
For Killers that show good sportsmanship but are struggling I'll give them a free hook or kill as well. I think the gesture is misunderstood a lot of the time because some, not a majority but some, smack me on hook after.
I also only two hook as Killer unless BMed if a survivor plays a group 2×BP offering. With how scarce BP is I'm good with letting survivors go as that's at least a potential 10K BP per survivor for the escape and only 3 or 4K for me if I kill them.
Anyway, I don't view it as a pity thing and more of a sportsmanship and I'm trying to help out a fellow player thing when I do it.
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Garden of Joy is miserable. So honestly I might do the same as the map is outside of the killers control.
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I have only ever gotten one, I remember it extremely vividly... Because it was the only one. That being said, I pay it forward. I give killers free kills literally all the time. If they did not get a kill or cannot secure it during end game, I guarantee them at least one (honestly it sometimes baits my team to be altruistic and they get more). I want to be like that survivor that gave me a free kill way back when I was new. I have gotten a lot of friendly messages for it.
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I will happily take a pity escape and some extra points, especially when I've just wasted a BP offering and the games snowballed badly.
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eh I haven't really done this since mmr was added after all why would I give someone mmr
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If I see a killer having a really rough time I don't mind giving them hook states and even letting them kill me. I can imagine how frustrating it must be not being able to hook anyone and hardly getting any BP.
Whenever it's Sadako, I always make sure to collect all the VHS tapes and get fully condemned if the Sadako had a rough match.
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I often give hatch or gates even to multiple survivors.
I would never take pity kill tho, even if you try, I will just carry you to the gates and force drop you down into escape
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Been on the opposite end of both and I like them. Thanks for the extra points.
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well, there you have it hehe
things like that, even when they happen in video games,can get us to learn a lot about ourselves and help change for the better
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Problem is, escaping will increase their MMR, making for harder matches which they likely are not ready for (given that the MMR system actually works, of course)
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I will give the last one the hatch / gate if they were not playing toxic/annoying and I do not need it (for BBQ, challenges, emblems for ranking up). Esp. when I'm nearly maxed out on BP, I'll likely give it to the last survivor, since it would only be like 200 BP more for me, but 5k / 7k for the survivor. I wish more killers would handle it this way, esp during events with multiple offerings.
I was offered a pity kill maybe five times during my playtime. I really appreciate the offer, the ones doing so are (wo)men of honor, but I'll just carry them to the gate and let them crawl out. Pity downs / hooks I will take, but let them unhook and run out in exchange.
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I might give hatch if their team didn't do well or was sandbaggin them,,might also give a kill to killer if they did well but it just didn't work out in the end for them,,
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I've seen a few people say its patronising but I've never thought of it that way I always see it as a gamer being like "hey you've had a shut time I've seen that so here" and I've always thought it's nice when so much of the community can be toxic like "IF YOU DONT ALL GET OUT OR GET ALL KILLS YOUR NOOB GIT GUD" weird mentality.
As a survivor what I like to do is give a kill without being like.. obvious about it because I know the whole pointing qt hook etc can be seen as trolling so I'll make like a really obvious mistake or I'll save someone on endgame hook but I do it KNOWING I'm gonna get caught still because that way killer still gets that rush and gets to see how to handle that (in the event of new killers who maybe don't know). Only time I've outright given a kill is because killers been stuck in the map and literally can't do anything because yeah I do feel bad for them like its not their fault a hill tried to eat them XD
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I'll occasionally give the kill to a Killer who just got bodied, if only to give them since extra points to go out on. I'm not consistent about it, though. If I've got a Daily Ritual or Rift Challenge that requires my survival I'll escape given the chance.
As Killer, I'll reserve my kindness for when there's an early DC. When that happens I'll go into farming mode so as to give the remaining Survivors something to make their time worthwhile.
I'll also go easy if I get a situation where I could win the game super easily, though that's as much for myself as the survivors. I play killer for Bloodpoints, so short games don't benefit me.
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I do it 2-3 times a day
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I give killers the hatch sometimes. But it's not really a pity reason behind it so.
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I've had a pity kill given to me like twice in my entire time playing, but I've given/got hatch many times from killers. I don't mind them, I give hatch a lot, just hope it doesn't devolve into "if you don't give hatch, you're a jerk."
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I play pretty casually so I've actually given more kills than I get hatch given to me. It's totally fine never to give hatch or a free kill, but sometimes it's nice.