Playing Survivor has been rough.

RichardCarter Member Posts: 82
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Edit: After a while I've come to the conclusion that this is talking about playing Survivor SOLO, not in a SWF.

I'm a 50/50 player, and I think Survivor not only became more difficult, but practically impossible.

I've played a few games on both sides, and I never felt such a clear distress on one side over the other than I have now. Killers have been playing particularly nasty, and Survivors have been particularly rage-quit sensitive. Call of Brine and Overcharge has overtaken the entire Killer meta, and all the changes on the Survivor has made playing Survivor seem like a complete L. Only won one game and it was because I ran the Killer for 3 generators.

Also, the matchmaking incentive doesn't work. Survivor queue times are very slow, but they are the ones that get the incentive? That ain't right.

Anyone else feeling the same way? I don't want to seem like I'm bitching and moaning.

Post edited by RichardCarter on


  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    after two hours of the new game, do you think you can say it's impossible? play more days and talk again

  • RichardCarter
    RichardCarter Member Posts: 82

    I'll do that, but I doubt I'll have my mind changed by then.

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227

    impossible? i have been playing surv for entire week. 9 out of 10 killers are complete potatoes. Idk may be i play in some sort of very low MMR but i never see any decent killers. After this expireence i cant take seriously any surv`s compains. Potato follows potato. They use bad perks, cant make a single hook, facecamping.

    where and how can i get decent killers ? How many games must i win?

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    Better than a Thanataphobia, Dying Light, Plaything, Pentimento, Plague.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I was watching someone play survivor on stream and they were getting out most of the time. Doesn’t seem impossible.

  • RichardCarter
    RichardCarter Member Posts: 82

    I think that was honestly what I was feeling when I was made this message. I don't think Survivor is impossible, but playing solo is very miserable.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 470
  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    hmm, get swf, or git gud.

    If you play soloQ, then yeah, it sucks for you.

  • PatchNoir
    PatchNoir Member Posts: 600

    its too early to say much, the changes made killers like wraith pretty viable without meta, of course the meta killers like nurse now feels very overpower but you can ask for tweaks on them and not on the killers as a whole.

    this is how i felt as a killer against old DH powerless, there are not that many good survivors they were just hard carried from DS,DH,Unbreakable, BNP,Map offerings. Now the same is being true for killers stacking slowdown perks, we had to endure it and now for some time the survivor base will have to endure and provide some feedbacks with suggestions to change killer perks and reduce overpowered things like Nurse, Blight hug tech and such

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 470

    Because by default of the nature of the game, the survivors should never have more power over the killer.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Also, the matchmaking incentive doesn't work. Survivor queue times are very slow, but they are the ones that get the incentive? That ain't right

    Survivors are getting the incentive because there are proportionally more killers playing than survivor. The survivor queues are long because of matchmaking and MMR.

  • RichardCarter
    RichardCarter Member Posts: 82

    Been playing both sides, and man I just feel like Killer really has become easy. And that's not just the meta, like, in general with all the buffs. It feels ... Good. But it doesn't feel good when all the Survivors I'm playing against keep giving up!

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    on a 1v1 I agree. But on a 4v1, it should be balanced, Currently in solo q, it is not.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    Also, the matchmaking incentive doesn't work. Survivor queue times are very slow, but they are the ones that get the incentive? That ain't right.

    Yeah, the queue is slow, and it hasn't actually been rewarding me with the BP bonus. It's not just a visible bug, either, it actually didn't reward the bonus. So, I'm done. Long queue for survivor with no BP bonus and no possibility of WGLF stacks. No thanks.

  • VcatoV86
    VcatoV86 Member Posts: 48

    It has been rough on survivor for awhile...because the devs only care about screaming killers and streamers. I play both about 60%S, 40%K and the number of problems I had on killer before this update were minimal. Sure, there were the occasional super flashlight SWF sweats, but that was nowhere near as unfun as being tunneled and camped every single game.

    I took a break waiting for this update because I was hoping that it would solve some of the core, underlying issues. Unfortunately, after having played all day since the patch, I can say that it has not. I have not seen a single game where 1 survivor was able to escape. Killers are still tunneling and camping like crazy (which increased gen speeds encourages).

    Yes, this patch was a buff to killers. That is intentionally where the devs want the playerbase to focus. The problem becomes: when you scare away all survivors except the SWFs, then neither killers nor survivors will have fun (except for the top 1%, but no game can survive on 1% of their playerbase).

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370
  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    One survivor shouldn't have more power than the killer, but four survivors should be able to get a balanced game experience.

    That being said, I can sympathise with some issues on the killer side, I totally understand that some killer players felt that gens absolutely flew by, and many absolutely hated dead hard so those two things deserved changes.

    What I'm saying here is that some of the slowdown perk buffs, the bloodlust changes, hit recovery speed, buffs to camping and tunnelling (through the nerfs to second chance perks) are absolutely huge changes and perhaps too much, particularly in one patch.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    I just went against a Thana, Eruption, Sloppy Wraith. I'll be honest, I hated every second of it, but I'm not sure whether that's because everyone on my team (including myself) was absolutely boosted or because of the build.

    I do feel like the devs are on the right track if they wanted to create some diversity amongst the meta perks. They made some basekit changes which are fine, and changed some perks as well. All of this to promote different builds.

    Maybe they should categorize each of the perks and limit the amount of perks the killers and survivors can equip per category. This way, you're not gonna go against a full on slowdown build, which was something the devs wanted to do about in the first place. You're also not going to see an endurance meta either for example.

    The only downside I see, is that you're limited in your choices so I'm not sure whether this would make the meta even more rigid than it already is. And of course there wouldn't be like dedicated anti slug builds, healing builds etc etc.

    Perhaps they could make like a different "limit" per category. Let's say you're allowed to use 2 slow down perks, but 3 healing perks for example.

    I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas out here that my terribly rusty brain just came up with.

  • Lecruidant
    Lecruidant Member Posts: 162

    That's majority of players. You'd be surprised how little people SWF in teh general overall population of the game

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    I have never played soloQ, so I have no idea to be honest. I always play either killer or full SWF. I get annoyed even with one random.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Not really no, i play nurse so there is basically no need. Each and every game is pretty fun and easy without having to resort to boring tactics like that <3

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Cant talk for the Survivor experience because I havent tried it yet but Ive played around 10 matches of Killer with Myers, Trickster and Deathslinger, as regression I used PGTW on Myers, PGTW+Overcharge on Trickster and PGTW+Overcharge+Dying Light on Deathslinger (I dont own Sadako so I dont have Brine, I would have used it instead of PGTW if I could), rest of the perks were non related to stalling or regression as addons I used nothing on Myers, +4 blades on Trickster and 2 yellow ones on Deathslinger (cant remember which ones), no camping, no intended tunneling (so no OTR or BT procs), overall I didnt sweat much and I aimed for 12 hooks (sometimes I just couldnt but all the games ended with at least 10).

    Survivors never ever managed to fix all 5 gens, only 3 times they were able to fix 4, my Myers matches (my main) ended up all with only 2 gens fixed or less and around 11 hooks, I faced both Solos and SWFs, at least 1 steam 3people SWF and I believe at least 2 globes SWFs, the SWFs fared orders of magnitude better thant he Solos, like 2 gens more on average.

    I cant be sure because I didnt talk with all of them but most of them didnt have much fun, me neither, games felt too easy, the only thing that gave me some trouble was Lightweight overall and Sprint Burst on Trickster.

    I think they either overdid the base buffs, overdid the meta nerfs or underdid the meta buffs or/and a combination of the three.

  • VcatoV86
    VcatoV86 Member Posts: 48

    I know that some will argue that things will take time to get back into a groove now that the meta has shifted. This is partially true.

    But here is what has not changed (in fact, it has gotten worse):

    *Killers still tunnel out of the game.

    *Killers still camp.

    They can do both of these things even more easily now because it takes roughly 50 seconds longer to complete all of the gens.

    Since the patch has come out, I have only seen one game where there was one gen left. Have never seen all gens completed. Every. single. game. has been a 4k.

    How can adjusting to a new meta solve these underlying issues? You can't bandaid a broken bone.

  • Lecruidant
    Lecruidant Member Posts: 162
    edited July 2022

    I watched a Killer straight up ignore me unhooking, chase the person around until said person just gave up and stopped running because there was no point. They just don't care now. And you're right. All Gens aren't getting completed at all. Let alone upwards of 4. It's taking too much time. Which is funny because i thought 10 seconds across the board on each Gen wouldn't be an issue. But with all the Killer buffs it's an issue for sure. They did far too many things at one time and it just isn't' fun to play Survivor now. Yes. Survivors SHOULD die. But honestly at this point I'm about to just go sit in Killer queue and go back to being a Killer main.

    That and look, I love playing Killer and using Thana. But it got overly buffed.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited July 2022

    The problem with meta for Survivors is... there isnt really any meta and I dont think it will ever be, people used the perks they used because they were strong AND the rest were literal garbage.

    They nerfed the strong perks into oblivion and they didnt really buff any perk except Lightweight and OTR so there isnt much to select, Sprint Burst was good before and is still good but outside of those 3 there arent any really good perks anymore so people cant really adjust a new meta when there isnt anything to work with, maybe Prove Thyself becomes more common since its the only way to deal with the insane regression we have now.

  • Lecruidant
    Lecruidant Member Posts: 162

    I also feel like they did something to Flashlights as now it feels like it's taking longer to get a blind

  • VcatoV86
    VcatoV86 Member Posts: 48

    This is also true.

    I am curious about some of the changes....though I feel like nerfing many of the true meta perks was really an effort to try out other builds and perks that are less than optimal. This would be okay in and of itself had they not coupled this change with the insane buff given to killers.

    Why not multi-step the process? Why not wait a few weeks to see how survivors adjust to the new meta? Why not then continue to balance and tweak fundamental game changes?


  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Playing killer was rough for years, that is why I quit that role. Now the game is much better and I can go back to playing both again. Stop complaining the only thing the game need now is more information for solo survivors that's it.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I doubt the chase buffs for killers were too much though. The only exception is the bloodlust buff, which really was unnecessary.

    Unless you mean certain perk buffs or nerfs. Cause I do think the Thana and Eruption buffs were too much, and nerfs too DS and Self Care were just stupid.

    But I still think that the killer buffs were all good. They incentivise killers to play fairer and better. It's the lack of camping and tunneling nerfs that are the problem with this patch. And/or the lack of solo queue buffs, giving them more information they can work with. But camping and tunneling are the biggest problem right now in my opinion.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Then play survivor and give information. It would be necessary