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I thought bbq was just for the bloodpoints?

Killer mains kept saying bbq was only good for the bloodpoints. Why are so many killers still running it then? Weird it's almost like being able to see where every other survivor is is useful info! But yeah no need for nerf or anything.

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  • Member Posts: 5,958

    It's not the only thing it's good for, don't know where you got that from. It's just that BBQ was also the single most lucrative perk to run, across the entire game.

  • Member Posts: 268

    Yeah but once again all the killer mains said "bbq doesnt need a nerf it's only useful for the bloodpoints!" and here we are and people still running it like I knew they would. BBQ is an insanely strong perk and missed out on the nerf train because it also gave bp.

  • Member Posts: 268
    edited July 2022

    You can't tell the difference between not camping and giving the killer info on exactly where everyone is? Ok yeah that makes sense.... You can you know, just look for the survivors like the game was designed?

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Sure. And survivors can just not run any perks too. That sounds fair.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Dunno how a reveal from 40 meters away is "insanely strong".

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    Not really... BBQ is not an OP perk. That was always the case, but it was the 'info perk' of choice because it had a BP bonus. Now it doesn't, other info perks can fight for that slot.

    BBQ has many drawbacks. Survivors can evade it by jumping in a locker, or hiding behind a gen, and they can time it perfectly because every survivor is acutely aware of when it triggers. Most other info perks don't have these problems. Survivors don't expect Darkness Revealed, and even if they do, they can't time it from the other side of the map, and it doesn't allows for gens to obscure the aura either because it doesn't detect survivors by gens anyway.

    I'm personally using Thrilling Tremors instead.

    There may still be a lot of killers trying BBQ, because of the synergy from Lethal Pursuer. Or simply because of old habits, because checking around after a hook might be second nature now. Still, as a survivor, you WANT killers using BBQ as their info perk of choice, because the alternative is killers may feel helpless if they can't locate other survivors after a hook, so they end up camping instead.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    “Killer mains kept saying bbq was only good for the bloodpoints.”

    please show one post where somebody said this

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited July 2022

    More like people don't have a info perk to replace it yet me on the otherhand I'm going to use make your choice as I mostly used bbq for bp lol

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    Its killer specific. High mobility/map pressure killers like nurse/billy/blight/pig/etc still get a lot of value from the aura reading, like they always have. Killers like trapper or hag have much less reason to ever use it now though, unless they're just bad at finding people after a hook. TBH they should have gotten rid of some of the perk's counterplay when they removed the bonus bp, there's still too many ways to prevent it from doing its job when its entire point is to encourage killers to leave the hook asap.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Y'all aren't permanently running Distortion and/or OTR on your builds?

  • Member Posts: 1,270
  • Member Posts: 9,436

    If it's not OP what's the problem?

    How about this: If BBQ is so "questionable", how come survivors never complain about Bitter Murmur, Nurses Calling, I'm All Ears, Darkness Revealed, etc.?

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited July 2022

    Im sure its the same people who wrote post after post about "camping is the only viable option so increase gen timers and make chasees easier, then Ill stop camping", I wonder if they followed through...

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited July 2022

    I never once said this, personally. I also don't think it's OP because it can be played around.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m a killer main and I never said that. In fact I said about 40% of survivors use BBQ for its aura so there would still be a bunch using it, it just wouldn’t be a top 5 perk because the people who liked it mainly for bloodpoints would switch.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    I have always said i mainly used it for the bloodpoints.

    Then i started going for adept achivements and stopped using it, and alot of times i would hook, maybe check some close gens and proxy till i could go for an unhooker.

    Then i started using it again grinding bp to get my characters p1, and wow did i love it, almost always gave me someone to chase after an unhook.

    The perk is not OP by any stretch, it is super healthy in terms of reducing camping, for non sociopaths. I may or may not keep running it without the bp, because i found myself still looking around for bbq value even while doing adepts without the perk.

  • Member Posts: 15,095


    The people that still use BBQ probably don´t even know that it doesn´t give bonus bloodpoints anymore. Since not everyone is on the forums or reads patch notes.

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    Maybe they forgot to change it?

    It is good on some killers, noone ever said it's useless perk, but it was just used way more because of extra BP.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    It always makes me laugh when someone claims they only used BBQ for the bp. Like unless you literally close your eyes for 4 seconds after unhooking someone, that's obviously not true.

  • Member Posts: 450

    Some players want to see how their old perks will work now. Like with survivors they are trying to see what will work and not. Bbq with lethal is not a bad combo but bbq will be less common on killers since no more bonus.

  • Member Posts: 366

    I might give it another use since Lethal Pursuit got buffed and I’m interested in a aura build but…yeah, BBQ isn’t an important perk anymore. I don’t really understand the OP. Are they upset that a couple Killers he ran into are still using a perk that any brain-dead survivor can counter and gives incentive to leave the hook?

    People will seriously cry about anything lol

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    I can't speak for everyone, but BBQ used to be on literally every build I had. Now I don't use it anymore.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Even though it was never run at the same rate as BBQ, I imagine you'll see the same thing with WGLF. These were perks that I had baked into every build (unless I was doing a challenge or something) because I felt like I had to run them to combat the grind.

    Of course WGLF also got a buff to offset the removal of the BP bonus, whereas BBQ received nothing in return.

    Habits are hard to break, and I expect we won't see an immediately massive dropoff in the usage rate of some of these perks, as some people will need the reality of the changes to sink in before they abandon them.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I took BBQ off of most of my Killers. It's not the optimal option for many of the Killers anymore.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Yeah, and you know a lot of people will keep jumping in lockers after the killer picks up downed survivors because that playaround is almost baked in to brains at this point.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    BBQ's main effect has always been good. Some people may still have it on just because they forgot to change it but it'll still be a popular perk.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Yep, i expect people asking about BBQ being bugged for the next 2-3 weeks.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I also saw people saying clown and wraith were op.

    People say a lot of stupid things.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    Just because someone is 'only using it for the BP' doesn't mean they can't take advantage of the effects it does have, even if they're not their first choice.

    BBQ is still an info perk, BP or no BP. It has a beneficial effect. But survivors deludedly afford it far greater prestige than any killer would simply because they always see killers using it. (and it paints any survivor complaining about it with a giant neon sign that says "I have never played killer")

    BBQ as an info perk is one of the easiest for survivors to counter. It is very clearly telegraphed by the fact that you can see a survivors aura when they're picked up, and you see the location bubble when they get hooked. This allows survivors to time their locker dives, get within 40m of the killer, or hide behind a gen at exactly the right time and wait there for 4 seconds. Completely negating the perk altogether.

    Other info perks aren't so easily countered.

    You don't know when another survivor on the other side of the map is about to finish a gen and trigger Bitter Murmur.

    You don't know when a killer is slamming lockers open in order to evade Darkness revealed.

    And you can only guess and bargain that the killer nearby you isn't running Nurses Calling or that the killer chasing you isn't running I'm All Ears.

    Survivors don't care about these perks, despite them having the same, or greater effects, purely because they're not arbitrarily classed as 'meta' due to some incidental secondary effect.

  • Member Posts: 618

    Simply forgot about it and just kept it, it's a garbage perk after the update

  • Member Posts: 268

    Yeah knowing where people are right after you unhook is so trash lol. It's funny because I see high level killers running it while maxed on bp but all the casuals think it's "worthless".

  • Member Posts: 9,436
  • Member Posts: 601

    I think a lot of people will start this patch using what they are used to using before (because why wouldn't they) and only start to seek new strategies when they find their current ones aren't serving them as well as before.

    Personally, I plan to keep using BBQ on Dredge and other killers with better mobility or stealth options (both of which make getting over to that faraway survivor more reliable) but shift to other methods of tracking for the majority of the killer cast.

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    Guess this person doesn't know that lockers exist

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    No idea why you said all that in response to my comment. I never complained about BBQ.

  • Member Posts: 416

    hahaha I was waiting for it

    like how barbecue will show the aura exactly live it did before, but without getting bp? yeah, it makes sense. lol

  • Member Posts: 416
    edited July 2022

    check out this topic lololol

    About Barbecue & Chilli — Dead By Daylight

    "oooh, no use in slow killers, only fast mobility killer"

    yeah, it makes a lot of sense, much easier to have to go gen to gen to find someone walking with a slow killer then knowing where they are and going straight to them.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I unironically became sold on BBQ for the auras after the new NWO came out. BBQ and Lethal Pursuer have an awesome gameplay flow to them.

  • Member Posts: 944

    it's good you can finally run something else without feeling like an idiot, before update I had only 3 perk slots basically

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    "yeah, it makes a lot of sense, much easier to have to go gen to gen to find someone walking with a slow killer then knowing where they are and going straight to them."

    Lolol exactly.

  • Member Posts: 383
    edited July 2022

    Do you still believe what killer mains say? I'm on DBD forums from the release of DBD, I heard it all: soloQ is "fine", "I escape 110% of my soloQ games", "DBD is survivor sided", "DEVs falsify killrate stats on purpose", "I use BBQ only for bloodpoints", "killers should be stronger than survivors, because I'm speshul and want to win more" etc etc.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    When this change happen I think BBQ will be quite rare.

  • Member Posts: 512

    BBQ is still going to be good on fast killers, but I know for a fact I'll be removing it from some of my other builds on slower killers.

    Still though, there are so many ways to counter BBQ it's kind of funny. Here is some ways to beat BBQ:

    1. Hide in a locker, wait for hook cloud to go away.
    2. Crouch behind a gen, keeping it between you and the hook.
    3. If near the downed survivor, hover around the edge of the killers terror radius, BBQ only sees you within 40m so you have 8m leeway.
    4. Misdirect the killer by running one way in a straight line, then double back and go the other way.
    5. Not really a counter but if you are REALLY far away (100m or more) , some killers might not even bother coming towards you. If they do, the hooked survivor is basically guaranteed a free save.

    Now here are some perks that can help beat BBQ:

    1. "Distortion". Hides your aura, ultimate counter. Also lets you confirm for certain if the killer is actually running BBQ.
    2. "Off the Record". You are immune to aura reading for 80 seconds after being unhooked, and that doesn't deactivate on conspicuous actions.
    3. "Boon: Shadowstep". Hides auras, pretty straightforward. You always know where it is as well.
    4. "Kindred" Tells you if the killer is actually heading in your direction, so you can get ready to run instead of waiting for their terror radius.
    5. "Sprint Burst". If you know the killer is heading your way, then SB guarantees you'll be long gone when they get there. Misdirecting the killer is even stronger with SB as well.
    6. "Object of Obsession". When your aura is revealed, then you will see the killer's aura as well. Like kindred, this can tell you if the killer is headed your direction.
    7. "Sole Survivor". This is very niche, but it hides your aura for every dead/out of match survivor, up to 72m. If you are in a hatch standoff and your last teammate just got hooked then you can hide by an exit gate and most likely won't be spotted, then you can open the gate super quick when the hatch is shut.

    There are probably more things that you can beat BBQ with, and I do not recommend all the perks listed (Object is basically a free BBQ every 30 seconds) but you do have ways to counter it if you really don't like it. Myself, I like that it rewards the killer for leaving the hook and not camping, but not everyone agrees clearly.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Yeah it was, now I have a free perk slot.

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