We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Showing people's prestiges in lobby is a mistake

Laluzi Member Posts: 6,098
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

In each match I've played today, I've had a newbie teammate, something which was evident during the game. One of them didn't even have perks. More than that, I've been able to identify they're new before the game even starts because they're playing a default character at prestige 0. If I roll a whole lobby that looks like that... why exactly would I want to stay?

As for killers: right now there's a fairly level playing field re: P9, but give that some time and it's going to be really clear when you have a highly experienced squad to contend with. Not to mention you can choose to target anyone who's a common character at P0 off the assumption they'll be more vulnerable than, say, the Feng at P9.

If we didn't show ranks in lobbies, why would we want to show prestiges? It's just begging people to lobby shop.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    Yeah, that is a great point to bring up and I agree with you.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 617

    I agree with this wholeheartedly. Lobby dodgers are going to make matches take forever to start.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Yes, as survivor I keep dodging baby megs and dwights or low level team mates.

    Finally, the first elements of transparency concerning the matchmaking kekw.

  • Gigante
    Gigante Member Posts: 134

    When the killer really wants to choose the lobby, he checks the time played. So that doesn't change anything at all and I prefer it the way it is.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    It should be shown only after match, and killers can see prestige level of survivors in the lobby? Holy moly

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,992

    Wait, so the killer can see the survivor prestige levels in the lobby?

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,098
    edited July 2022

    You can only do that when they're on the same platform, though, and if they aren't hiding their hours.

    Yep. Right after posting this thread, the killer scenario I described panned out in full. I had a Plague match where I immediately knew the Bill was a baby and the Feng and Jake were experienced. Lo and behold, it panned out exactly that way, and I dropped chase with the Feng almost immediately to go inspect a Discordance'd gen on the other side of the map. Jake and Bill were on it, I ignored the Jake to go after the Bill, and I snowballed the hell out of that and 4ked at 4 gens.

    (To clarify, if I didn't have the knowledge that I was facing one of the strongest members of the team, I would have kept at the already-injured Feng instead of ditching her and going to the other side of the map for what correctly turned out to be a soft target.)

    It's not info the killer should be having. Obviously there's always an element of gauging experience through character choice, shop outfits, and bloody clothes, but people could obfuscate their experience and now it's shown wholesale unless you keep some character P0 to pretend you're a noob.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    Guess I'll purposefully keep Yoichi at p0 then 😅 Not that I feel like I need to make people think I'm a baby surv rn - - - but it sure seems like a good way to get chase if you want it for whatever reason. That being said it sure seems like prestige in lobby should not be shown to anyone except premade swf. just like the grades.

  • BubbleBuster
    BubbleBuster Member Posts: 387

    lobby dodging is not a real issue anymore imo

    sure some games take longer to start but the thing that takes the longest is finding a lobby.

    also if it s annyoing to you you can always just play a survivor you didnt level since you can still have all the perks on them without leveling them.

    before servers, lobby dodging kicked every player and that was really annoying but now it s okay.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,890

    THIS. Exactly this. It’s crazy because I just lobby dodged a default meg with a mask on at 0 prestige. F that. They have a bad rep for being absolute dog poop at the game, and I imagine someone lobby dodged before me because all 3 survivors & killer were readied up.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Finally I can dodge newbie survivors when I play killer?

  • GravelordNito99
    GravelordNito99 Member Posts: 229

    It's ridiculous that they're allowing us to see Prestige numbers BEFORE the game, yet they won't let others see the Legacy P3 reward AFTER the game. BHVR, please stop making backwards decisions.

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    I also agree - showing prestige levels in lobby really just invites a lot of uncharitable speculation between players and will open up avenues for players who are already convinced that SBMM is not working as intended to complain even more about how they, a god at the game in their own eyes, was ever paired with a P0 Meg.

  • james__woods
    james__woods Member Posts: 3

    so now people will just do the ol 6 second swap to their high prestige main. got it.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I certainly agree that the Prestige Crests should only be visible on the tally screen and in custom lobbies, the same as grade/rank was.

  • FlameLickVA
    FlameLickVA Member Posts: 158

    The sad thing is, you KNOW the lobby dodgers are the ones who whine and moan about "Sweaty" players, while playing just as competitively.

    "Its only fun when I win"

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,752

    Completely agreed; they should only be shown in the post game screen. Showing them in the lobby is bad.

  • LiaLight
    LiaLight Member Posts: 75

    I completely agree. Showing the prestige levels in the lobby has pretty much only negative consequences for survivors:

    - more experienced survivors might dodge lobbies with low-prestige level team mates

    - killers might dodge lobbies with high-prestige level survivors

    - killers use the prestige levels as an indicator to figure out who is the weakest link before the game even starts

    All of this leads to longer queues, matchmaking issues due to the "backfilling" of players and an unfair advantage for killers.

    Yes, I am aware that killers could check steam profiles before to try to gain that information but players can decide for themselves if they even want to show their hours or their profile publicly at all, so it used to not be guaranteed.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    that's not really a good indicator to determine if a player is new.

    what if they only prestige and main'd one survivor before the update and just wanted to play a different survivor? you only needed to get survivors to level 40 to unlock the teachable's to get on your main survivor.

  • Merricles
    Merricles Member Posts: 18

    Being at prestige zero doesn’t mean “baby” by any means. If that character was at zero before the update and didn’t have their perks leveled up, they will be at zero now. Not only that, but with the new system in place, they can have every survivor perk without ever leveling up the character at all.

    For example: my Eloide was basekit still at level 50 with only the perks I got simply getting her to 50. After the update, she didn’t have enough of a boost to become P1 unless I level her up now. So she will show as a Zero, but has tons of perks. Survivors are just skins, they serve no “power” purpose the way that killers do.

  • LiaLight
    LiaLight Member Posts: 75

    I completely understand your points (Merricles and LiunUK) and it could absolutely be that someone didn't prestige at all but has a lot of hours. So if that applies to you and the killer targets you because of it - happy days! You can run them for your team and win easily.

    I still think that the other points I mentioned still stand because it is a repeat of the whole "grades don't equal MMR/Skill" thing that people still did not understand and kept moaning about until they were removed from the end-game screen. Now it's going to be "Why do I get matched with Prestige 60s when I am only Prestige 2" or whatnot, at least that would be my prediction judging from the past experiences.

    All in all I just don't think showing the prestige levels in the lobby is a good idea.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,098

    It doesn't really matter if you're actually an experienced player, if people are lobby dodging you because you share characteristics with newbies. (For the record, it's only the default characters at P0 that people avoid; I don't think anyone sees a P0 Adam or Cheryl as new, just a character that hasn't been levelled up yet.) As for the killer end of things, it won't matter too much - if they go after you because you look like a soft target, and then it turns out you know how to loop, they'll just reconsider and carry on as they normally would.

    It doesn't have to be 100% accurate to make people act on it, just a trend. It's similar to how you could be rank 1 in the lobby and actually be pretty meh at the game, or rank 20 because you haven't played in a while but you're a skilled player, and have players dodge you for it before they hid ranks. And while older players can switch to higher prestige characters or even pretend to be weaker than they are to avoid killer dodging, new players have no ability to present themselves as more desirable teammates than they are, and are going to get dodged to high hell.

    There just isn't a reason for that information to be available in the lobby. It doesn't lead to anything positive.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,098

    Just wanted to update that I've had several games today where I almost dodged a lobby out of concern over one teammate looking brand new, and every time save once, I ended up being correct and that player was below average at best and had no idea what they were doing at worst. One Meg who would only run when being chased and slow walked all the way to unhooks, one David that Self-Cared through Sloppy and then Coulrophobia(!!!) only to inevitably lose all progress anyway, several players with two or three perks, people wandering around lost instead of doing gens... the list goes on.

    Other times, I see a Meg or Claudette in default-available cosmetics, but they're P3 or 9 or whatever and they turn out to be average teammates. Previously I would not be able to tell the difference between the above and below parties, but so far I'm having a really high accuracy rate in predicting how my games are going to go before they even start... and I have dipped on every lobby that contained more than one suspect, as a result. Enough bad games and one's going to be enough to make me bail. I've already watched a few survivors dip next to a weak-looking teammate, and even more killers bailed when a lobby had all P9s/P10s.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,683

    Agreed. It feels like a step back. Even if the prestige means nothing, it will still have an influence on the perception of some players.

  • theTARNavsky
    theTARNavsky Member Posts: 152

    I also have no idea why they would do that, the whole reasoning for removing the Grades from the end-screen lobbies is basically now thrown out the window. Also in a worse way since the prestige is also visible before the match.

    As much as I would like to get matched with players of the similar skill, I feel like they should be consistent with their decision and previous findings in the matter.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I have no issue with them showing.

  • MissiCiv
    MissiCiv Member Posts: 82

    yes please remove it!