Strongest Killer Builds

You boot up DBD for a relaxing game of whack-a-survivor. But then you suddenly see four P3 Claudettes load in at the same time, all named "CryHarderBabyKiller.ttv". Your Leave Lobby buttons disappears and you're forced to play.
- Who do you main?
- What build do you use to guarantee a 4k against the 4-stack tryhard SWF Squadette?
Since I've been having tons of fun with Hag lately...
Rusty Shackles+Dried Cidada/MintRag+Ebony/Ivory Mori
1. MYC
2. Franklin's Demise
3. Nurse's Calling
4. RuinHaven't been beaten by an SWF since reset.
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@Visionmaker said:
1. Who do you main?
2. What build do you use to guarantee a 4k against a 4-stack tryhard SWF Squadette?- Check my profile picture
- If a SWF actually try-hards then it's impossible to garantuee a 4k because a 3 minute game isn't winnable on the killer side, but if you want my build if I suspect a toxic streamer:
Tuning guide
Grease (green rarity, forgot the name)
NOED (In case it does turn out to be a 3 min game)
Deerstalker (I love this perk)
BBQ (Do I need to explain?)
Enduring (DS is triple gay to play against)
Either a Red Mori or a Coldwind Farm offering (all hail Rotten Fields)
In case you're wondering, I don't have Ruin.
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1. Doctor cause I'm bored of Nurse
2. Addons: Calm and Order
Perks: Unerving presence
Overcharge or Huntress Lullaby
Offering: Jigsaw piece.
Guarenteed a disconnect during the match and sometimes they offer themselves at a hook to get it over with.
If not that I run extended range nurse with the usual loadout or instasaw Billy with some mix of perks for the situation.3 -
- Freddy (help)
- Addons - Pill Bottle with Nancy's Masterpiece (to scare the ######### outta them)
- Perks:
- Sloppy Butcher
- Bitter Murmur
- Make Your Choice
- Ruin
I'm probably gonna lose lol. I'm just praying that the map isn't Farm or Macmillan.
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I'm not a high rank killer (usually around rank 12, plus or minus 2), so this may not work at higher ranks, but I've had good luck with this:
1) Hag
2) Addons: Rusty Shackles + Dried Cicada
3) Perks: Ruin/Sloppy Butcher/Thanatophobia/x
x can be one of the following: Make Your Choice/Nurse's Calling1 -
PGTW/M&A/Sloppy Butcher
Killer games suddenly become fun and not stressful. Almost easy, even. (at least for me on console)2 -
@Visionmaker said:
You boot up DBD for a relaxing game of whack-a-survivor. But then you suddenly see four P3 Claudettes load in at the same time, all named "CryHarderBabyKiller.ttv". Your Leave Lobby buttons disappears and you're forced to play.- Who do you main?
- What build do you use to guarantee a 4k against the 4-stack tryhard SWF Squadette?
- Trapper
- Both red Addons, mori Perks: Hex ruin, Nurses calling, Noed, Bs, Franklins Demise.
Ruin slows them down a little (If im lucky)
BS and Franklins for the chase and to remove those high end items
Late game NOED bc trapper1 -
A full Squadette team? Oh boy...
Let's see here...
1st question: Nurse
2nd question:
Nurse's Calling
Ebony Mori
Omega Blink add onsTheir deaths will be swift but painful!
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At the moment ...
Blood hound, sloppy butcher, bitter murmur, and nurses calling.
I use his add one that make him uncloak faster and another where he can see the auras of survivors while invisible while standing With in... I think to 12 meters max. And I think that's the ultra rare one.
When I play Huntress
Whispers, Bitter murmur, a nurses calling and NOED. I really just throw add-ons on her
Myers use
Blood hound, Predator, Deer stalker, and nurses calling.
I'll use his add ons to extend evil within 3 and one that increases the speed I gain evil.
That's it. I don't know if they're good builds... but they're ones I use.0 -
Pig main.
BBQ, Make Your Choice, M&A and Nurse's Calling. Together with Tampered Timer and Jigsaw Sketch. As soon as their trap activate, I slug them when I get the chance. and make their head pop.0 -
Addons: Black box & Red paint brush (yes, both ultra rares)
Remember Me
ThanatophobiaMost of this is self explanatory, optimal at end-game when generators are active and dragging the game out a while. Getting all 6 tokens on "Remember Me" is strongly required as to assist with N.O.E.D. in which will block all survivors from the exit due to Warden, or if you already have a survivor hooked Thanatophobia will extend the time further to open the gate. Don't be afraid to kill anybody who is not the obsession and keep an eye on the escape hatch as it is practically the only way to sanely escape.
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I main Billy and I'd use Enduring, Spirit fury, BBQ and Chilli and Sloppy butcher. With a single person mori (you'd be surprised how good I've got at Billy over the last few months that I don't need an ebony anymore). If I see 2 people, I slug, if they're rushing too hard, I slug. But once I mori the 1st guy, it's simple from there on.
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2--Class Photo/Range add-on
3--Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher, Bloodhouund, & Remember Me.
4-either a Hook offering or a MacMillan offeringI Prestiged a lot of characters recently so this build was before that happened lol if this happened right now I'd be screwed.
I'm a sadistically lethal Freddy, I'll slug that Claud the whole match and eventually hook her while I'm tormenting her time remnants.
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- Spirit
- Prayer Beads/Mother Daughter Ring OR (if I want them to hear me coming) Yamuyoke Amulet/ Mother Daughter ring
- Discordance/Surveillance/Pop Goes the Weasel/Ruin Or For grabs Ill go Monitor and Abuse/BBQ
- Offering would be BPS or Black Ward because even if theyre a toxic SWF group it doesnt mean I have to be toxic too.
P.S. Using Beads and this build Ive had 8 gen grabs in 1 game. xD
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You dont need specific perks. Just slap anal beads and amulet into spirit and you are golden.0
Probably Hag. I've got so many ebony moris on here, plus since I imagine these four are toxic I can play ultra campy to be toxic back.
I could use a few killers, but the ebony is what is most important.
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DudeDelicious said:Uige said:
Addons: Black box & Red paint brush (yes, both ultra rares)
Remember Me
ThanatophobiaMost of this is self explanatory, optimal at end-game when generators are active and dragging the game out a while. Getting all 6 tokens on "Remember Me" is strongly required as to assist with N.O.E.D. in which will block all survivors from the exit due to Warden, or if you already have a survivor hooked Thanatophobia will extend the time further to open the gate. Don't be afraid to kill anybody who is not the obsession and keep an eye on the escape hatch as it is practically the only way to sanely escape.
I think NOED is always a risky perk. Could get to the end game and find the survivors have already found and cleansed all 5 totems before the last repair.0 -
Mister_Holdout said:
A full Squadette team? Oh boy...
Let's see here...
1st question: Nurse
2nd question:
Nurse's Calling
Ebony Mori
Omega Blink add onsTheir deaths will be swift but painful!
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@DudeDelicious said:
Claudette just can’t hide from him.
Add-ons - Jump Rope + Swing Chains.
Perks - Overcharge + Discordance + pretty much anything else.They’ll be lucky if they get 2 gens repaired before i’ve Killed them all, and after they’ve quickly realised that intentionally failing skill checks is a terrible TERRIBLE idea.
Overcharge on Freddy
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@Visionmaker said:
You boot up DBD for a relaxing game of whack-a-survivor. But then you suddenly see four P3 Claudettes load in at the same time, all named "CryHarderBabyKiller.ttv". Your Leave Lobby buttons disappears and you're forced to play.- Who do you main?
- What build do you use to guarantee a 4k against the 4-stack tryhard SWF Squadette?
Nurse, BBQ,ruin,Nurses, sloppy (assuming I know how to play nurse)
Dont forget to slugg the last 2 guys and hope that they dont DC
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Redhead's Pinky and Garish Makeup Kit
Blood Warden
DevourI guess any offering will do, though obviously the best ones are map offerings (Jigsaw Piece!!!!)
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I run this as a troll build:
Iron Grip.
Mad Grit.Fragrant Tuft of Hair.
Any add ons that gets you to EW3 fast.
Ebony Memento Mori offering.Micheal Myers with 1 shot power while holding a survivor, 18% faster speed, basically a slug build. If the survivors don't die by your swing, you could very well possibly get a DC from the person you are holding, Decisive Strike? No problem.
Regular build?:
Nurses Calling.
Franklin's Demise/Spies from the Shadows.0 -
Normally, I actually WOULD queue dodge as to avoid toxicity, but in this case, I have two ideas...
1. Hag (Two words: Map control. I love having the ability to teleport to someone and screw them over, getting the chase done quickly.)
BBQ and Chili
Franklin's Demise
Sloppy ButcherSwamp Orchid Necklet + Bloodied Mud
2. Doctor (The rules of the game are simple: There will be NO items in my presence. There will be NO successful Skill Checks in my presence. And most importantly, there will be NO hiding in my presence.)
Unnerving Prescence
Overwhelming Presence
BBQ and ChiliOrder - Carter's Notes
Restraint - Carter's Notes0 -
The Doctor is in...
Unnerving presence
Over charge.
And whatever I feel like. If I had to choose either iron maiden or ruin to prolong the game or make no survivor safe.
Game map: jigsaw piece cuz most players hate it and they already see a ######### game ahead.
Carter's Note: Calm for bigger terror radius
Calm class II to stack for bigger radius. Irrisecent king is fun but to ######### with them no where on a small map will be safe.
The Doctor is in, and you're all my patients now.
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Dream Catcher (Freddy) - Dying Light, Play With Your Food, Ruin, Haunted Grounds, Class Photo, Z Block, green mori. Use CP to find obsession ASAP, tunnel to mori with PWYF/HG. Game is effectively over for other survivors if they have anything more than 3 gens left.
Open Season (Huntress) - Knockout, Sloppy Butcher, Deerstalker, Iron Maiden, Iridescent Head, Infantry Belt. Slug rush. Just hit them with a hatchet and use them to find the others. Slug them all before you take a hook. IM for the reload speed and so people can't locker juke hatchets.
Crippling Depression (Nurse) - Ruin, NOED, Sloppy Butcher, Shadowborn, omega blink. Nuff said, if you are the kind of Nurse to play without Shadowborn then use Thanatophobia.
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Dont run ruin
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Best Spirit build?
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Freddy Krueger
aka: The Nightmare
aka2; Sharp Hand Joe
BBQ & Chilli
BBQ & Chilli is mostly for tracking after your hooks. If you're one of the people who solemnly swear against BBQ, Spies From The Shadows works wonders too.
STBFL (Save The Best For Last)
STBFL is to make up for the dream transition period that you have to deal with. But to me, I like to see it as a bonus. You hopefully won't be hitting the obsession too many times because of the 1 hit downs you'll be getting with MYC (explained below)
MYC (Make Your Choice)
Make Your Choice will be the core of this build. If someone asleep is unhooking someone, they're either going to stay to get woken up, leaving more than enough time to get there and chase them down, or they'll stay to heal or run away, making for an easy down and an easy hook.
M&A (Monitor and Abuse)
Lowers your TR (which is important with Freddy) as you can see people who are asleep that are outside of your terror radius. M&A lowers your TR from 24 meters to 16 meters. This can make it easier when tracking people who are closer. (Sidenote: Monitor and Abuse doesn't affect the "lullaby radius", as that is separate.
Nancy's Masterpiece
Good for sleeping people at a distance. If you can sleep them from far off, the added time from the other addon (green dress) is made up for since it's very unlikely they'll know where they've been slept from.
Green Dress
Decreases the chances of skillchecks triggering when in the Dream World (while slept by Freddy), but it also increases the dream Transition by 0.5 seconds. With the range addon, this pretty much makes no difference as you'll still be catching up.
Play Style
Do what you usually should do. Try to sleep as many people as possible, only commit to a chase if you know you can end it quickly and preferably go for either the first person you sleep to start the chain reaction of using MYC for the quick downs, or take the risk and wait until you've got the weakest player so you have good bait.
After you have your first hook, using the aura reading of BBQ & Chilli (or the aura of people you might have slept during your set-up) go onto your next target. If you don't know where the other survivors are, just make sure you're far away enough from the hook so that MYC can still be triggered and wait for the unhook, or go out to find the others. It's important to have as many people asleep as possible, especially when someone is hooked as it makes it easier to find out who just unhooked the bait (survivor on the hook) for that one hit down from MYC.
End Note
Yes, it doesn't work all the time, but it has carried me to rank 1 before. It (in my opinion) is one of the most effective ways of playing Freddy since it does something that is usually seen as impossible. It turns Freddy powers into a seriously good ability more than a hindrance. I personally don't like using Hex:Ruin since it doesn't clash with my style of play. When the game gets rolling, it REALLY gets rolling. It can seem like you are losing steam after a while, but it's easy to pick up afterwards.
I hope more people try this out since it's a fun way to play Freddy!
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I run BBQ + Devour Hope + Pop Goes the Weasel + Sloppy Butcher for general purposes.
For a very nasty generator protection build on Spirit, go for:
Ruin + Surveillance + Pop Goes the Weasel + Discordance
You could even swap out Ruin for BBQ if you want some extra points.
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Brooch + Wakizashi
Brutal Strength
Spirit Fury/Sloppy/Other
Eboni Mori
It's near impossible to loop me with this build.
Don't bring bamboozle, you want the window mindgames.
Can bring fireup if you'd like, works fine.
Favorite build if previous games frustrated me a bit. Always a nice way to let off steam lol.
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There are many builds you can do with her. My typical build is Ruin, Nurses Calling, BBQ, and Deerstalker. I run Deerstalker because I’m AWFUL with finding people on the ground. Any basic perk build you want to run with her is viable. I just don’t find any sort of “pallet destroyer” build to be very great with her, she’s much better as a tracker.
For add-ons, really ANY add-on is viable...even the common ones. The best combo is the Wakizashi Saya and Yakuyoke Amulet.
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Doc Main
Distressing,ruin,overcharge,unnerving presence my try hard doc build. Distressing, ruin, franklins demise, overwelming presence is my toll build
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Still a Pig main.
Tampered Timer/Jigsaw Sketch is still really strong. But I really like Pig with Amanda's Letter and Shattered Syringe/Combat Straps. My go to perk build now is BBQ, M&A, Whispers and Enduring.
Also, note I don't make people's heads explode anymore. I don't enjoy the addons anymore. ^^