The new killer buff is too much

The game is killer sided now I personally think its too much for survivors. They don't stand a chance
Especially for solo survivors
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It's really not, survivors can still win if they actually stick to gens, the problem is casual players make up a good number of the player base and they're gonna quit playing because they were already barely winning the games they managed to escape, the only thing that's about to change is survivor is gonna have a genrush adrenaline meta make a comeback and you'll be seeing people complaining about genrush and probably sprint burst or lithe for the exhaustion side of it, just give it a week and watch the threads start rolling in.
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Nobody cares about sprint burst or lithe, this is fallacious thinking that folks trot out to pretend like old dead hard was somehow equivalent to those perks. It wasn't, it was miles better in every way.
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because its part of the game ?
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Not as good, but thats kinda the point. DH was better than it was supposed to be, and was normalized to require more skill for its high reward. Lithe can still get similar chase extensions (arguibly better ones) when used at the right time while looping, and SB can prevent many killers from getting the first hit or even being stored and used midchase for a similar effect that Lithe gets. These changes were to hurt the skill floor, but the skill ceiling remains completely untouched.
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Well yeah they didn't really nerf tunneling or camping in any meaningful way.
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Not true sprint burst is arguably better if you use it right.
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Both of those perks have activation requirements more onerous than simply being injured. There's not always going to be a vault nearby and if you want full value out of sprint burst you're going to be walking and tacitly doing gens slower for at least part of the match. Moreover both of those perks are immediately apparent when they have it. You don't have to hug anyone for five seconds to see whether or not they're gonna to sprint burst away. Nobody is lithing through traps or harpoons. They're just not a problem in any respect.
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it shouldnt be
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It's literally not. This is a meme.
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Nah, killers have been suffering for awhile, this was a long time coming.
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exactly? every exhaustion perk has a situational requirement, the problem with DH's was that its requirement was nowhere near as limiting as the others while still having the power to completely extend chases. its practically an extra health state for being injured, and its current version requires appropriate skill for something so powerful with no tile limitations.
SB and Lithe especially get tons of good usage when people actually learn to use them, and a lot of people who relied on DH's lack of limitations are just going to have to learn, or get good at making reads with what is essentially now a parry.
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No they havent.
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Would you rather use SB to deny an instadown and reach a loop, or get downed and never get to use DH? There are certainly situations where DH isn't supposed to be preferable.
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I also don't like getting a headshot from a Sniper in Hunt, yet I am not crying to get Snipers removed, some things are just what they are
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well even with a buff killers still need to tunnel to win how pathetic
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I'm not understanding your point.
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Its not the same how are comparing those two. I just wanna play the game stop tunneling me oyu can counter snipers but you cant counter tunnel. Also snipers are skillfull tunnelers are bad.
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SB has always been good when used properly, a big part of why it was less used by DH was simply because DH was too strong in regards to both its skill required and limitations of use. Someone said SB is better, and you shut them down for it. I was giving a common scenario of when SB gives value when DH gave zero.
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SB is not uniformly better, it's situationally better..... Which you agree with. We agree about all the stuff with minor nitpicking.
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All exhaustion perks are literally designed to be situational, and my point has consistently been that the situation DH required was less limiting than all other exhaustion perks, which is why the change to it is good. There was never a problem with the other exhaustion perks, while your reasoning started with:
To which I reiterate: DH wasn't better, it had a much more accessable skill floor. You needed less skill to get good performance out of it, while other perks like SB and Lithe have always gotten equal or better value when used very well. They just needed a lot more strategy and planning to get said value. Doesn't make them worse, just harder to use.
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No its not.
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Im never gonna play survivor again unless I have a swf with 3 players 100 times better then the mix of ayrun,jrm,otz,demi,dowsey,swesh and fubs
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Game is and will always be survivor sided at the top level but yeah, i agree that for casual experience game is probably killer sided now. Specially against the top few killers.
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Not gonna lie chief, when i see some one use a 99%ed SB or do a cool lithe play i get absolutely filled with joy.
Because i know that when i catch up to them and get a hit in the next 2 seconds as nurse it will be that much more satisfying and devastating. Couldnt really do that with DH, had to play around it and even that it would still usually act as a 3rd health state.
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I've seen 1 gate open in the 5 hours the patch has been out. It's literally a nightmare for solo survivor (and probably duo swf). Thana got over buffed, and that's saying something because even I use it when I play Killer. It's just not a fun experience right now.
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do you just not understand that being vs nurse is a situational factor in itself? She is an absolute outlier to 99% of the game's design.
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Oh sure but she is also pretty common and she is not the only one who doesnt really care about SB. Most high tier killers dont really mind it at all imo.
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Agreed, thana buff probably makes things pretty unfun when going against killers that can really use it well like plague and legion. Hope it gets reverted.
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When used properly they can extend chases between loops, without even using a resource to do so. You can downplay their value that you see, but that doesn't change their potential to be what adds minutes to chases, which was people's biggest complaint about dead hard. Its also why Blight and Nurse specifically are affected less than the rest of the cast, they're good killers for gap closing between multiple loops while also being able to take advantage of catching up while the survivor is at risk of being out positioned. Some other killers like Dredge and Oni also have situational variables than can make or break their ability to offset the distance at the time. None of that has changed.
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My swf games aren't too bad. Just bring a couple prove thyself and have people group up. Solo q on the other hand...
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And yet. It makes distance. The same thing people complained about with DH. It's just at the beginning of a chase and not near the end.
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So it was okay when killer had it worst but now when survivors got harder it's end of the world? Time to git gud mate.
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IT isnt' even about that. It should be equal. Not overwhelmingly to one side.
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100% agree, this update is focused at players who are really really good and usually play SWF. I'm a solo player, and although I have plenty of hours I still consider myself an average player I haven't gotten close to an escape. Mainly due to weak teammates but that what the solo que experience is. As a survivor, you depend on your teammates and that's what it comes down to. If they want to nerf SWF's, which they should, then they just need a separate gaming cat for SWF's and killers can choose to play them. I have probably 10hrs of playing killer and with the update I have played 10 games to far. All were 3K's and that's because I let the 4th go. Some of the players I was against were good, really good, but all you need is 1-2 weaker players and the team is strewed.
Just my opinion but they need to stop making this game harder for solo. All killers are solo, they depend on their skill and perks alone. I agree that some games are incredible frustrated as killer, but I guarantee 99 times out of 100, its SWF's
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There is a difference between push a button to jump 5 metres and running faster for a few seconds even without getting into the iframes.
Yes it does make distance but thats pretty useless when you can still blink on top of them or just rush at them at mach 3.
Think of DH distance gain like a nurse flick blinking and SB as pig rush. I am more than ok with that <3
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I dont have a chance to get gud I always ge tunneled I dont even have a chance to play the game
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Sure SB will probably be pretty great against low tier killers. Still miles worse than old DH and ill die on this hill
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its not really a hill to die on. Your argument has more about ease of use than actual ability. There is no argument that old DH had the best skill floor to be used disproportionately well.
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Yeah of course you do, i just wonder how i don't get tunneled in most of my games when people swear they are getting tunneled every game. Get better at looping and killer will lose most of the time.
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
That's what you think and that's fine we disagree but I think sprint burst has always been better than dead hard you just have to know how to manage it during the match
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compelling argument. Specifically I really liked the part where you discussed that it was 'too much for survivors' and they 'don't stand a chance' really thought provoking stuff here
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So the players of the game should not have a choice in which they play their game?
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you wanna screeshot of all of the games I got tunneled this week? "oH gEt GoOd At LoOpInG" looping wont get you far if the killer know the game just a little bit. And with the new update its even worse to loop the killers. You dont get tunneled probably because of you just hide in a corner all game and selfcare or setup some boons or somethin
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Then get better at looping
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That's just your opinion though, I could name a bunch of reasons why sprint burst is better but that's just my opinion as well, I use to get to a gen and if I get pushed off the gen before it recovers I can 99 it and use it to get way more distance than dead hard would ever provide and it's enough to not need an I frame, if I pop the gen I sprint right to the next one and waste less time getting there, I can use it multiple times without being injured, I can use it in the endgame to get a save in a rush if needed, I can 99 and when a nurse or blight does their attack I can use it at the right time and force max distance while they're stuck recovering a mile behind me etc... The reason people hated dead hard so much is because they everytime they felt like they had the hit they would get robbed and to me that was just down to the animation they added providing too much distance
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You just have to get used to it. Remember when DS was nerfed the last time every survivor complained that is was useless now, not strong at all when in fact it was still top 3 best survivor perks in the game. Survivors are still very strong, except solos but BHVR will have to work fast on fixing that.
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I like how the patch just dropped and not even 24 hours later there's people predicting this will destroy the game.
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If you are good at looping you can get enough time for your teammates to do gens
Post edited by EQWashu on3