Has anyone see a bp bonus for playing killer?

Killers always say queue for survivor is bigger than queue for killers, so I suppose many people has seen it already
It is still 100% for surv for me.
But played some killer and the qt was a lot faster than surv.
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Everyone's playing killer right now because of the killer buffs, so right now it's a fat 100% survivor bp bonus for me.
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In my experience for the past like 3 years playing this game, Survivor queues are basically instant in the daytime and killers become instant during the night time. Central US time zone, late night is when I assume all the swfs log on. Whereas in the daytime not as many are playing.
check in like 4-6 hours and it will probably be bonus bp for playing killer
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No bonus for killer unfortunately. It's only for survivors apperantly but I still usually get more bp as killer than survivor even without the bonus...
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The weird thing is that i get the 100% bonus for the survivor role but the queue still takes a few minutes.
No bonus for the killer role but the queue time is just a few seconds.
Someone at BHVR has to explain this to me because i don't get it
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Since most want 100% BP bonus, they are choosing survivor instead of killer. That is why queue times are the same and really that was BHVR's goal with this, wasn't it?
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But then you'd think it would switch the bonus points to killer if that many people play survivors.
It's strange
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Maybe the 100% surv bonus is just to calm down survs with the new changes.
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Another weird thing is that I got 20k for that match I just played.. except I actually got 138k, and the only thing I used was a green flower offering.
So it's actually like, what.. a 500%+ boost? Are there that many more people playing killer?
You'd think this would clear more up, but now it feels even more obfuscated.
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The queue for killers is still much shorter than the queue for survivors, even though I'm offered a bonus for playing survivor. It takes about ten seconds for me to get into a killer lobby, while it takes a couple of minutes to get into a survivor lobby.
Killer queue times do go up drastically when a new killer is released and during events with special bloodpoint offerings and bloodhunts, but it doesn't seem to be the case right now, despite the BP bonus for survivors. Something's whacky.
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Conspicacy, but also facts.
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4 flans and 100% bonus have given me more bp for this trial than during the Anniversary so I'm glad! :)
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Just finished 3 hours plus of survivor -- there were bonuses for survivor play, but the queues were not instant. FWIW, the BP's weren't being given out correctly either, as at various times, people in our SWF were not getting the 100% bonus -- so I'm assuming that's a bug?
Meanwhile, I switched to killer and got, as I always do at this time at night, an instant queue. So, not sure how that's working as intended (since a perfectly balanced system would in theory be giving similar wait times regardless of role), but here we are.
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My survivor queue is much longer than my killer queue, but my game says the 100% bonus goes to survivors.