Bad advice from Dowsy.

I stopped prestiging characters after 2 killers because I realized the grind it would cause (before new system of course). Yesterday I see a "if you haven't already, do this NOW" video. He explained that if you had just grinded and not ever prestiged a character to prestige them now so you'd get p3 with the 2 gift levels. Well... I did so except with 5 lvl 50 killers I wanted to use for bp (to finish leveling a few survivors) before the update. I forgot to p1 those killers before bed. I thought this morning I'd see those 5 being p2... Now ALL my killers are p3 but with no add-ons or general (non teachable) perks except the 5 killers that I left un-prestiged accidentally.... Those killers are between p5 and p12 with all add-ons and perks retained.
I feel like this advice mixed with the confusing way the catch up rewards would work actively screwed me out of thousands of hours of gameplay. Anybody else follow this advice based on the update release info?
Always trust your instinct, not someone else's.
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He's usually very good with these things. And I read the notes afterwards and his advice makes sense as per the reward explanation.
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This. You should have read about how the new prestige system/catch up mechanic is gonna work yourself and make your own opinion about it.
I p3'd lvl 1 every killer/surv I didn't already have p3'd 50 with all perks, except for my Trapper who I managed to get to 50 with all perks before the update (he still has the old 2016 offerings in his inventory). All my killers and survivors are p9 now except for my trapper who was p5. Needed to take 1 blooweb and pay the 20k to get him to p6, giving me his full bloody cosmetic's.
Everything worked out perfectly and just as they said but I also spend some time reading through it instead of listening to some other person.
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How are they P12? BHVR capped it at 9, or did you prestige them after the update again? 🤔
Also, I had some killers at P3, and some at P1, and they haven't lost anything after the update. Have you restarted your game to see if it's not just a bug?
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I think in the video he did mention some exceptions may be chars you poured hours and hours of work into and they have tons of items and add-ons. You may have overlooked that. He used Haddie as a main example because she just came out and it was very unlikely anyone dumped a lot of work into her, so she was the ideal candidate to Prestige for the survivors.
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Would it be a case of only listening to half the explanation?
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He pinned a comment under that video which clarified that you should not prestige if you have a lot of perks/addons on a character.
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That was to keep add-ons you didn't want to lose. Not because of it robbing prestige levels.
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I just checked it's p5 to p8 that I got for those. My bad but I looked at all in a row before I wrote my comment so I thought I saw a 12 at some point... But that doesn't change the point
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Bummer, ask on the forums next time.
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I guess he assumed that people would already know that you can get prestige levels based on the amount of perks that you unlocked, because that was already mentioned when the PTB released, just the P1 -> P3 instead of P1 -> P2 was new.
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Generally speaking, just have the opposite opinion of Dowsey and you will understand the game better. He says Sadako is A tier? You say D tier. Practice it in his next video.
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I’m not sure I follow how you were screwed out of “thousands of hours of gameplay” when you just said all but the two characters you didn’t prestige now have every teachable perk at level 3. Did they already have all those perks at level 3 when you Prestiged them? Because if not you literally went from having about 45 total perk levels per character to having about 240 total perk levels per character. It’s like 100 free bloodwebs worth of perks per character.
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I stopped initially after 2. I had every killer at level 50+ with every perk at tier 3 but only 2 we're ever prestiged before yesterday. I Hurried and hit the prestige node last night on the rest (except a few I was using for bp to finish off a couple survivors to lvl 50). Now ALL the killers I rushed to p1 last night are only p3 the others that I left at p0 (accidentally) are much higher p levels. I knew prestiging would cost my item/add-ons/offerings but my issue is if I had not done it, all my killers would be much higher p levels (i know this because I have MANY MANY more hrs on some that I did p1 last night).
Edit: plus I still have all common (un-teachable) perks and my addon's items and offerings on the ones I left at p0
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Ah I get it, you were actually effectively level 150 or whatever on all your killers and then Prestiged them. Yeah, that’s unfortunate.
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I guess I misunderstood. I've been on a break from the game for few months so I saw the video, read the upcoming patch notes and did it. I wasn't even trying to manipulate the system... I had plenty enough time invested to have all at p3 so I did it just to be sure they'd be at least p3 (if they ended up just gifting the 2 levels). Bad day man
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Lesson learned...
I just feel really jipped. But I'm less mad then when I freshly posted.
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Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that I would be furious D:
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Why would you listen to him of all people anyway
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I will. I've just been on hiatus from the game a while. So I was aware of AN upcoming change but I saw that Dowsy vid kinda late yesterday so I speed read the notes and did it because I was worried all my killers would go to p2 with all tier 2 perks. And I already had all tier 3 perks on all my killers so I thought I'd get downgraded possibly.
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I've seen multiple DBD content creators telling people to prestige everyone if they can before the update. I didn't because you still lost too much just for some extra prestige. Think I made the right call.
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Idk. Seriously just panicked bc it was the night before the update. Thought I could potentially lose a full perk tier level on all my killers. Live n learn I guess☹️
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Oo damn, I get it. Sucks it happened that way
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Oh you ABSOLUTELY did! The killers I forgot to prestige before bed (that I was using for bp) ended up at least p5 from p0 with nothing lost. The p1s only went to p3 and I lost everything because I freshly prestiged
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I prestigated yesterday few characters and lost all my perks and item on them. But today I found out I have all the items and perks back and they're on P3 character level. Now I regret not prestigating everyone.
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True but to be fair a week ago the said that they are going to be changing how this prestige boost was gonna work that for every p1 before the system would give 2 more when it his live I think he made a follow-up vid about this the next day they said this
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I've generally found his video titles to be more attention-seeking and alarmist / sensationalist than other creators in the space.
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That's so odd. BHVR said that you wouldn't be losing anything by leveling up and prestiging that the system would be a catch-up one.
Does this mean that your P3's from before the update are P9 atm, and your P0's are P10 or higher?
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I didn't bother prestiging anybody to 3. Cosmetic aren't important to me so after doing 2 killers to p1 when I was new, I didn't actively prestige anybody til last night. I just collected tons of addon's and offerings at 50+ levels for a couple years.
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I knew this type of update was coming but heard that compensation would be calculated. I've not been actively playing for a couple months. So I just had faith in that until I saw that Dowsey video in my YouTube feed last night. So it seemed like I'd lose a perk tier (from 3 that I already had on all perks to 2) because he was frantic about 2 free p levels so I Hurried and p1'd everybody (except those I was using to collect bp to finish survivor levels) to not end up regressing
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It depends on your situation, for me it was a no brainer, most of my killers were lvl 50 and didnt have a lot of perks. So id rather give up the add-ons and not have to worry about perks. It wasn't strictly bad advice but it was for you.
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Anything that Dowsey says or claims should always be taken with a grain of salt.