Can we expect some solo queue changes now

Dh is gone survivors have perk variety but can we expect some changes for solo queue i’m sure everyone have been having problems with there games today it’s been horrible gens just not being done not getting saved tunneled etc queues are horrible it’s like no survivors are playing regardless of this fact when will we finally get the changes we need off topic i’ve been playing a lot of killer this update it’s been fun not really seeing any variety on killer though when i play survivor just 4 slowdowns but killers feels nice, will we get any updates because you said you’d be monitoring the patch closely so i’m curious on what are the devs plans i genuinely feel like some perks were killed just to make people run something else examples (ruin) an (ds ) but otherwise like i’ve stated what can we expect to see next because i really don’t wanna have swf every game because meg choosing to self care with nerfed self care against sloppy legion


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    It's too soon. The patch is not even out for whole day. Many people are at work as well, give it time. Just because you had few bad games doesn't mean suddenly Its end of the world.

    Also "we are closely monitoring" doesn't mean like "Oh after few hours we have enough data to quickly rush another changes, lets goo!". No.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    I've liked the fact that I see Hillbilly a lot more now and how stronger he is, compared to yesterday... maybe a bit too strong sometimes haha

  • theboyitachi
    theboyitachi Member Posts: 57

    I'm not saying changes should happen now i said when an what can we expect next an i know it’s been a day they still said they would be closely monitoring this patch though so i wanna see what causing the horrible queues especially

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    I mainly played killer today and basically 4k'd every match. I got bored (wasn't even running any gen perks, no camping or tunneling) so I went to see how bad soloq would be - oh boi...

    I escaped TWICE in the course of 3 hours and both escapes were via the hatch. The first killer let me go, the 2nd one was a Doc who face camped his first hook and the other 2 survivors dc'd when he died (guess they were together). I got lucky and found the hatch while he was chasing me.

    On top of that I was on a 4 Nurses in a row-streak at one point. All of them played super sweaty with either full slowdown or just straight up harcore tunneling (or both). One just slugged the whole team after we managed to do the 2nd gen...

  • theboyitachi
    theboyitachi Member Posts: 57

    i’ve been having really enjoyable killer matches all day when i won i definitely felt like i won but it felt easy a little to easy at times but when i lost i understood why i lost but my games for solo today have been so bad i just don’t understand why

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    With any luck they'll finally look at ways to buff solo. Personally I'm all on board with basekit Kindred but would take even basekit Bond or Empathy. Just something to provide solos with more info. I like the concept of the little healing, repairing, etc. icons that's been floating around but even a ping system or some bandaid perks being made base would make playing solo so much better.

    The biggest two problems with solo play, to me, are lack of information and trolls. Some "trolls" it's impossible to tell if they're just stupid, have a bad connection, or if they're actually trolling. I haven't played since last November and I hopped on over the weekend to P1 as many survivors as possible and I escaped ~70% of my survivor matches by playing very selfish in endgame and the matches I didn't win I never got to endgame because of DCs/giving up on first hook, players kiting killers to my gens, people missing skill checks on gens I'm on, or Sprint Burst users casually walking the entire length of RCPD just to get that one burst away from the killer and avoiding gens like the plague.

    There's no fixing the trolls, unfortunately. But they can fix the information, if my team gets a 1E because I'm playing selfish at EGC that's a loss for the team and a win for the killer, but if I can get a 2E by forcing a hook swap through actual coordination in solo, imo, it would make it more enjoyable and a tense experience all around and bring balance closer to where the devs say they want it. That ratio of K:E shouldn't come at the expense of those of us that don't have many friends that play or play at odd hours where people we could play with are working or sleeping.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited July 2022

    In the Anniversary stream, the devs said they only wanted to announce things they are planning on releasing this year. They didn't mention solo queue changes, so those will likely be pretty far away.

    To me, it looks like this will be the order:

    1. Hotfix/Bugfix for the Mid-Chapter
    2. Chapter 25 (Project W)
    3. Mid-Chapter balance changes for The Onryo. New feature: Menu/Archive navigation while queued, and the ability to equip 2 tome challenges (1 for each role)
    4. Chapter 26
    5. Mid-Chapter. New feature: Survivor Bots for Killer Practice Mode
    6. Chapter 27

    Some time later / Next Anniversary ...

    1. Mid-Chapter balance for solo survivors via HUD / Ping system (probably alongside more perk overhaul to also help solos)
  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    I played killer during the event to get stuff done and mostly got 3-4k on lvl1 killers with no perks... I guess I'll play killer more to get their adepts now haha

  • acharliet
    acharliet Member Posts: 155

    I have 4k hours, mostly playing survivors, killers less, playing survivors only Solo-q, yeah playing survivors is now a bit more tuff tho, havent been escaping tho. I m not sure why this patch was called anti-camp and anti-tunnel, in couple games some killers were so sweaty and seems like camping and tunneling is winning more i guess.

    As killer i have tried couple games with Plague, 4k every match, tana on plague is a bit OP i guess. Survivors could do like 2 gens max and they was dead.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,876

    I saw a diversity of killers I haven’t seen in a long time. That was actually nice. This and the UI are the only positives I’ve taken away from this update so far.