Survivor complains are about to become common

AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

you're here good, now read below and tell me your opinion

don't get me wrong it might seem like what did was harsh on survivor but if you never noticed survivors were always kinda of above killers when it came to certain things

and now that killer and survivors are about the same ground everyone thinks that survivors are weak which they are not, you can still loop, you can still do a lot of things, the game will feel harder mainly because the perks that made it easy are nerfed

Although i think the MMR got a giant reset, because everything is messy atm

survivors that were high MMR are in low, while killers that were low are high

But all and all i feel like i have a chance to play the game now as a killer, the game feels stable, you don't just spawn in and 4 gens pop while everyone dead hards to the next loop, even boons which i hate so much don't really annoy me anymore simply because the game is calmer now, you have a chance to play and do AT LEAST SOMETHING

i think camping and tunneling might get lower in high MMR, because im gonna be honest the only time i tunnel or camp is at one gen with 0 hooks, and im sure a lot of killers did that too and i think even the devs realized that, that's why they disabled DS once the exit gates are powered

but this update made me feel like i wanna play killer, before you played killer and you just hated yourself, now its really fun mainly because the game feels balance

EVEN RPD which is a map i still get lost in, isn't bad anymore because there is no dead hard distance and bloodlust activates way faster

sure its gonna be a bit hard on SoloQ until the MMR either get fixed or fixes itself but it won't push away survivors and even if it did it won't kill the game mainly because there are always more survivors than killers

and don't forget maps will still give advantage either with pallets or just being BIG

and hey Nurse might get nerfed if literally every killer that isn't nurse starts feeling a bit viable


git gud, im jk but just wait a bit for the MMR to get fixed and everything will probably be fine


  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    yea i agree, camping is still gonna be a problem, nurse might get nerfed and honestly hitboxes in general as just janky,

    tho the throws fridges got me lol

  • SkinnyPringles
    SkinnyPringles Member Posts: 39

    It's true though the amount of times I have seen a hatchet not be even near me or someone I was watching and they still get hit is ridiculous.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619
    edited July 2022

    I can confirm that I only camp when it make sense (end of game, no better option left, survivors circling the hook, ...)

    When every killer becomes viable, maybe players will complain about the "easy" killers having a good kill rate rather than the Nurse (which, last time we got stats, had the lowest kill rate of all).

    Right now the issue is MMR. It's was too whacky yesterday.

    Agreed for the speed boost of range. I don't believe there is a Nurse player that will disagree with you.

    Hatchets aren't that big (yes, I know you don't mean an actual fridge) If they were some shots through the walls would be impossible. The issue is latency and the actual hitbox of the survivors.

  • SkinnyPringles
    SkinnyPringles Member Posts: 39

    Solo Queue is rough.

    Forgot about people mentioning about adding some type of communication for solo queue to see what others are doing.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    They said that’s not coming out anytime soon, basically it’s a back burner. So until then, what do solo q survivors do? Quit the game? Play killer? Those don’t seem like solutions to me tbh.

  • SkinnyPringles
    SkinnyPringles Member Posts: 39

    Fair enough.

    Also there are some Nurse mains that did disagree.

    I forgot where but I saw one saying that range isn't op.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    yea soloQ is gonna be really rough, but i kinda feel like it always has been rough, either getting people that have no idea what they are doing or trolls and sometimes u get people that will come save you from across the map its like piggy's traps lol

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    Range is a complex subject. e.g. The ability to move further is mandatory because of the big maps etc ...

    However, the speed boost is absolutely not required. It leaves less time for survivor to react and can "steal" a hit by a hair in several situations. I don't like it because it makes chases slightly easier. I don't know if I would call it "OP" (there are downsides to range and one needs to be somewhat decent to use it consistently), but I would certainly call it a clutch, or unfair.

    When I say "every Nurse," I mean all the usual Nurse suspects that I know of, including Sluzzy.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Nurse mains in this forum are clowns. They honestly think nurse is the hardest killer (not even close, she is just the hardest to pick up) and think that makes her power ok. Range add ons should have been hit with nerf nuke shortly after they made the change and people realized how busted it was and she should probably not be able to benefit from exposed perks after a blink, or after a 2nd blink if we are being generous.

    I am a nurse main btw, no hate against her. Its just that i play her without any add ons and she is way too easy as it to dominate with. Doesnt need all the other bs. Hell, i think she doesnt even need any perks.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    Go SWF : two, three, four. Easier said than done, I know. My team has left a while ago and most other players I know are German.

    A player speaking English with a thick French accent trying to understand another with a German one. That'll go well. 😅

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    You can't have Nurse be easy, strongest, and least pick with the lowest kill rate. Something in there has to be incorrect.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 653

    The thing is, when I think when looking at the list of changes, the first thing that comes to mind (besides some skills being destroyed) entirely is that; For new players, beginners or casu, this update is just a huge slap in the face for survivor, but "pro" or very competent players will manage to use them, and even already have the possibility of using this well. which stands out... Literally, this update is made for the big players, all the new ones may be disgusted by it, or focus on the killers...

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited July 2022

    The speed boost is BHVR BHVRing things up. Put on top the community freaking out about anything and everything.

    Adjust the speed back to base, sure. But can the rabid dogs back off so we can make reasonable suggestions to a "bugfix" BHVR pulled?

    As for the addons themselves, if survivors cannot reacting to the myriad of visual and audio cues she gives off, I can't help them.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    Rabid dogs will be rabid. There is no reasoning with them.

    I'm expecting that an increase of kills from the "easier" killers will put matters into perspective. Some got used having it easy against almost every opponent.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    She is the hardest to pick up and there is a constant supply of people that pick her up, play 5-6 games with her and then never play her again that tanks her stats. Wow what a mystery that was. You guys willfully confuse skill floor with ceiling. Nurse isnt even in top 10 hardest killers in game.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    tbh any killer is hard to play but once u get used to them they are easy

    nurse isn't hard but she is tricky in some maps

    the only reason everyone complains about her is because she ignores bullying and is good on any map

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited July 2022

    Lack of any info on this makes me think it got canned, they did the same with the early game slowdown, they said there were talks for something like that then they went silent on the subject until one year and a half they admited it was canned.

    Now your questions, played Solo at morning for about 2 hours, only once the team managed to power the gates and escape, the rest were all 3k+hatch or 4k. The only thing I can recomend is either play Killer, look for a SWF or ditch the game unless you are into masoquism, Ill give a try at evening since morning Killers tend to be sweatier but paired with what I saw yesterday as Killer I believe the results are going to be the same, for me Ill play Killer until I get bored of mindlessly stomping then ditch until they do something.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    The changes to base break speeds, recovery and injured speed boosts are laughable when coupled with extra time on gens and faster gaining of bloodlust. Remove bloodlust and watch how many "skilled" killers cannot down someone on an unsafe loop. Killers are handheld in this regard, and have been for years, just as survivors have had it easy with E for distance.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,341
    edited July 2022

    Sure, it was great for killers and swf will more than likely manage, but now let's talk about the people who really needed it. What did it do in terms of addressing the solo survivor experience and the declining console performance?

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It's just nice to not have my games end in 3/4mins quite consistently if I didnt run stacked meta.

    I'm just glad DH is not free distance anymore, survivors can still do alot but they just cant rely on DH and fast gens... they have to be somewhat skillful now

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    The thing is that the devs can't make everyone happy. But they can focus on balancing the game, which they did their best in the latest patch. People will complain no matter what, and that's just it. Survivors had always been complaining to begin with. Nerf this killer, that killer perk is too hard, this survivor perk was nerfed 5% and now it's useless, ect. Killer mains just decided to leave the game because it felt like survivors had all the say in every single change. Of course they will complain more now that killers got something for being mainly silent for so long. But hopefully it brings back killer mains which this game desperately needs. I'm glad the devs didn't give into all the complaint, but rather looked at where they were losing players and for what reasons like sending out surveys. I believe most of these decisions were made on those surveys, along with looking at all other data and feedback. So, let them complain. It won't change the outcome.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Kinda agree surivors can still he strong but the game is alot more punishing for being in a bad spot now that you can't run a coss the map to shack or the main buildings for getting hit I'm glad they got rig of the ways to take so many hits

  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    I've heard many, many, killer complaints while I've been playing this game. Why do you think dead hard was nerfed? It's important for the community to give feedback on things they don't like about the game, and things they appreciate. Also, killers have been getting buffs for a while now, this is just the latest and most drastic change. If survivors complain enough, it absolutely will make a difference, and I hope it does.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    I was planning to switch to solely Killer only after this patch, downloaded the patch, played a game as Freddy while completely hammered and all 4 survivors escaped (It was against an SWF who were planning to do flashlight saves so I did lightborn). I have a feeling when I camped 50 games straight with Leatherface, it threw all my killers up to high MMR.

    So, this patch didn't make killer powerful enough to be played totally hammered against SWF.

  • EternalSinOfCain
    EternalSinOfCain Member Posts: 132

    Guess you weren't around when Pallet Looping first became a thing, back in patch 1.4.0 when Myers came out. Bloodlust was/is a band aid fix for a broken hitbox/collision box exploit Survivors bullied the developers into keeping in the game by threatening to quit. That and the massive review bombs after true Infinites got taken out of the game thanks to Entity window blocking and three vaults. Take out Bloodlust, and every single Pallet Loop is a God Tier Loop that can easy waste a M1 killers time for over 30 seconds, which is an easy loss for the killer.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    False. They will be killers also, because survivors will uninstall

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    I've been playing since 2017. Bloodlust 1, at most, was required for those loops. Anything beyond that means you can't mind-game/run tiles. Not to mention, map pallet distribution and the amount of increased dead zones makes bloodlust even more ridiculous. People bring up old mechanics and things from the past that have long died as if it has any meaning or value in current debates, for whatever reason.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Like i said, which side lost the most players in the past year? Killers. Sure they complained but when it wasn't enough, they quit. Dead Hard was way too OP. It's perfect now and I'd you're all going to complain and quit because killers finally got some love, then go right ahead. But the devs aren't going to favor one side like they've been doing for survivors for years. Find new strategies, perks, builds or don't. Your choice. But the devs won't change things that work as intended. And DH now works as intended, not some crutch for people who were only skilled because they could gain distance from a dodge action. So do what you want. I can already tell you it won't change anything.

  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    This is what I'm saying, the perk was overpowered so the community complained and it got nerfed. It took a while, but when a player base puts pressure on the developers they can typically make changes.

    And again, killers have been getting consistent buffs for a long time. This is just the most drastic change. They haven't been silent this whole time waiting for the devs to do something. Ghostface and Legion very recently got improvements.

    Solo survivor is a nightmare right now, because the devs want to increase kill rates at their expense, so survivors will complain until solo queue gets buffed, that's just what happens.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I typically play solo q and do just fine. It was actually a bit worse before the update. Now I notice that I don't generally get punished because another survivor made a bad play and got hooked/killed. As long as I'm nowhere near the killer or capable of escaping a chase without making a mistake myself, I can still get out alive.

    And yes, you're right about that. But many complaints lead to the recent changes. So now we complain about what we wanted? The devs listened to the majority of the community from both sides, as they should, and made these decisions. My overall point is to wait and see how things are in a month or so. Maybe longer if it has to be until the community adjusts to the changes. I'm just tired of the complaints when the community hasn't even gotten it's feet wet yet. Especially when this is what we all wanted to the most extent.

  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    It's the opposite for me, I feel like I'm being overly punished for the mistakes of other survivors. Since they go down faster it means less time on gens but at least someone's having a good experience on solo I guess.

    As for your last point, you're right, I guess we just have to wait and see how things pan out, but I really hope solo gets some love soon to bring it closer to swf.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I guess it's just who you play with and against. I had a crappy team in one match but 2 of us got out in the end. Killer wasn't all that great either. Then I had a match where killer was great and I managed to get hatch. Then........ I lost a game. Survivors were focused on gens, just not great in chase. I'm not the best either but I typically use Lithe, Quick and Quiet, Dance with Me and one other perk of my choosing to quickly get away. For some reason, I'm doing a lot better with this build... Not even sure why. But like I said, definitely give it some time.