New Slowdown Legion is Fun.

I stopped playing killer a long time ago because it was way too stressful and not fun at all. Today I tried a Slowdown Legion and it was honestly great.
Games were averaging 18 minutes (I set a timer.) I am not great at killer but I had a lot of time to compensate. I didn't feel the need to camp or tunnel, I was just more of less vibing. With all this time being killer feels very relaxed. Even if I lose I still feel like I went on some chases, made good decisions, and am ready to move onto the next one.
Much better than previously where a gen popped before my first down.
I'm running pop, thana, pain res, and overcharge.
I'm sure in a week though survivors will learn how to adapt and this won't be as effective though. For now it's nice.
You shouldn’t be relaxed playing a killer that hardly takes any skill to play, and 18 min games sound very very unfun especially in a survivors perspective..
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Yea I had multiple legions today, very fun for sure /s
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The salt is real.
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Compared to killers like Blight, Hillbilly and Oni that require skill… Straight Facts
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We have the same situation as with freddy back then, forever builds are back. And they take no skill, it's straight facts. If something is very easy to play it shouldn't be strong, that's a fact from any game balance and everyone with experience will agree
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Nop, back in the day, you did not have coh. Also, you can stop healing and learn how to loop a legion, a killer with no antiloop.
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I played one game with Thana, Dying Light, that perk when you hook someone all injured survs have debuffs for 40 sec and STBFL... 4K :D
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You realize killers do everything faster now, strong survivor perks got butchered and speed boost after hit got nerfed? Also the new perks like OTR favour a holding w playstyle, so there is no chase.
The game was balanced before, the only thing that was wrong was dead hard. Giving the killer infinite time to chase makes it unwinnable against killers who actually know what they're doing. "just learn to loop" or "just heal" is the new "just patrol gens" or "just do bones". Maybe the killer mains who complained before are the ones who need to learn how to loop, not just to run mindlessly behind survivors
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Low skill, low pressure, lots of fun. Why shouldn't I be relaxed? Is this not a game meant for entertainment? This isn't even a game with dedicated ranked.
Also as a survivor main I wasn't having fun since the update (but I hope that changes as the dust settles?) That's why I'm playing killer instead of survivor. But that's entirely okay too. I'm still playing the game as the way it was meant to be.
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Enjoy it while it lasts
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Seems to me you were carried by dead hard, and now you need to adjust and get good.
I don’t see any problem with holding W from pallets to pallets, that’s how good survivors play. Pre dropping is necessary against some killers. And yes, you should not be able to win a chase against a good killer, the game is balanced so the killer can catch you at some point. It’s 1vs4, not 1vs1. You should not feel safe. I know survivor was chill for so long, I am still playing it while watching movies or listening to music but now you need a little bit of skill too.
Btw, op is an obvious survivor troll, pretending killer is now nice and chill, when it’s not. Killer still has instant queue in my region (EU) at peek hours despite the fact you only need 1 killer for 4 survivors…
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Nothing lasts forever. I give it maybe a week, but I'm certainly having a blast while it lasts and I encourage everyone else to give it a shot too. Especially if you, like me, had some bad surv games and you just want to have a few simple yet fun games.
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Complete BS. I have 3500 hours and I played a lot of survivor and yeah it was more chill than killer because of downtimes but it wasn't an easy win. Maybe against 200h killers who don't know what they're doing.
Holding w is unfun for every killer, trust me once you get used to new sprintburst pre-leave meta you will agree. Not saying it's stronger than DH. I rarely played DH, I switch it up because I have to be good with every exhaustion perk but I mostly played lithe or balanced.
Killers of my skill level catched me before easily if they outplayed me.
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But legion isn’t strong so there is no reason to complain, right?
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Do we though?
Thana received a small buff, but too insignificant to really have an impact. Most slowdown perks got nerfed like Ruin, Pop and Pain Res which really just leaves perks like Overcharge and Call of Brine. Overcharge really isn't any good and Call of Brine remained the same. Considering hardly anyone complained about Call of Brine before (in a stronger meta because Pop and Pain Res were absolute monsters), I doubt this one perk is what causes all the trouble. In the end, all the survivor needs to do is tap it to stop it from regressing and no one runs Dragons Grip to combat that anyway.
Killers stacked slowdown perks before this patch and those slowdown perks were even more effective than they are now.
Do I think it would be a lot more fun if players were limited in picking perks from a specific category (like slowdown perks for example)? Sure, but I don't think it's comparable to Forever Freddy at all.
Post edited by Nameless on3 -
You're not taking into account the mending time though.
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Which also was a thing before this patch
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18 minutes can sound unfun, but you're wrong about the skill part.
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Yes killers do everything .3 seconds faster. Look out speed racer I am a god damn rocket ship
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Blight requiring skill? Lol
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Legion is only difficult on last gen consoles because of the bad frames you get in Frenzy. New gen and PC, Legion is easy.
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close second on the snooze meter behind Legion
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For the people who think Legion is somehow different now.
And for people who need help because they've never played against a Legion before.
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That 40 secs perk its dead, exhaustion are now not a problem.Btw its called blood echo
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yeah spend all game on gens is really fun for survs, and not even repair single of them
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Oh yeah Legion on last gen can be tough.
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I bet you would have enjoyed death garden as well.
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Survivors: OMG Nurse and Blight every game! So boring!
**Meta Changes**
Survivors: "OMG Legion and Plague every game! So boring!
What do you people want? Do you even know what you want?
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Nobody thinks Legion is different, the basekit of every killer is. A gen with 4 stacks of Thana before the update would have taken 100 seconds to complete, now it takes over 115 seconds, an additional 15 seconds on a gen is pretty big for killers, would you not think? And don't forget that adds up 4 additional times, so an extra 75 seconds in total. An extra 125 seconds if the killer wasn't running Thana.
Attack cooldowns, injury speed boosts, and pallet breaking speeds have also been reduced meaning shorter chases, and therefore less downtime for the other survivors to do gens, subsequently meaning that the killer gets back to pressuring gens sooner.
Combine all this with Legion's mind numbingly boring mend mechanic and lo and behold, gens become nearly impossible to do for Solo Queue players!!
Stop acting as though this update didn't change anything regarding slowdown or that people are overreacting when builds like this were already complained about before this update dropped.
Post edited by indieeden7 on1 -
Why would anyone WANT a game to be 18 minutes. That sounds miserable.
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I'd be bored out of my mind if I needed that much time to kill survivors tbh.
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Legion is so annoying, I hope they all get a swf 😊 Im tired of being solo stomped at 5 gens, and blaming myself for something I never stood a chance with
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Back in the day, when Legion was released he was OP lol
Yeah we do, you dont need to tunnel and camp anymore, you also dont need to run 4 slowdown perks.
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I played against one last night in solo. It was super miserable.
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Fake, survivor mains are disallowed to play killer unless they have a daily.
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Some odd people also find pulling teeth fun, as long as they're the dentist.
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Legion thana will get adjusted, regardless of how youtubers feel about it. The question is how long it will take for the developers to notice people are DCing against it.
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Dude! Let's at least call it "alternative facts" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"You shouldn’t be relaxed playing a killer" is straight forward an opinion my dude, haven't laughed like that for a long time
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I mean how dare you be relaxed and have fun playing as a killer?! /s
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I went ahead and recorded a couple of games. The first two were kind of short and boring for obvious reasons, but the last one was a real game. I time stamped it in the link for you, it lasted about 20 minutes. These people were pretty good, and you can see as a killer I'm honestly terrible. You could probably make a several hour video essay on how many mistakes I made. But it was nice because although I'm not amazing at the game, I still stood a chance and had the time to be allowed to make those mistakes.
Will I always get a 4k? No.
Should I? Absolutely not! I will be getting 0k sometimes and that's fine.
But I am having fun now, and I'm actually standing a solid chance. Feels so much better than 'Oh first down and three gens done. Yeah you can t-Bag. Oh I guess the games over.'
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Long games are boring, hope that was sarcasm
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Can you share your build? I'm interested what an 18 min long slowdown build looks like these days.
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I have to say, there is a chance forever legion might be weaker than pre-update.
His power doesn't really affected by changes that much, gens are little longer but nothing more than a little longer, slowdowns got nerfed.
There is a fair chance he prolonged game much more in the past.
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It only makes sense to be relaxed for playing a killer hardly takes any skill to play though, what's your logic.
Like, if it's easy and calm, what to be stressing about.
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I've been using Thana, Pain Res, Overcharge, and Pop/Merciless Storm. Also Susie's Mixtape and Filthy Blade. But I'll change up my addons a bit depending on my mood.
Goal is to keep everyone injured for full thana, anytime I see a gen that's progressing well I kick it. Try to use the heck out of my scourge hooks whenever available. Simple stuff, very mindless, very fun!
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Nope its legion,plague, nurse, spirit and blight lol
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If something is very easy to play it shouldn't be strong
like holding m1 on generators?
if your going to use that logic, better apply it to both sides.
forever builds require you to be good at the chasing skill to keep the injured pressure up.
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So you really think it takes skill to get m2 hits with legions power? There is literally no counterplay (you can't count on your teammates running away so he can't reach you) if you're not too dumb to get stunned. Getting downs takes longer but since survivors will mostly give up after 10 minutes because doing gens takes forever, it's an easy 4k. Haven't lost a single game with him in the few I've tried since the update. I will only killer (ez mode) until they change something.
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there is no counter-play to legion injuring you, however there is counter-play to making towards preventing him from injuring the entire team
1) you can hold-w and split up. If he does not have sleeping pills+mural sketch book add-ons.
2) you can camp pallets and wait for legion to hit you. If legion hits you, you can put a pallet and stun the killer during recovery animation of legion's swing. This prevents legions from resetting his ability at the cost of 1 pallet. Prevents legion from chaining hits.
3) Bring healing perks/use powerful med-kits. Botany knowledge+Desperate measures on 4 people injured grants 106% healing speed. Circle of healing grants 50% healing speed and grants the ability to self-heal.
All of these diminish the effectiveness of thanotophobia legion.... ugh forever legion. legion isn't strong killer. he is noobstomper like most nonviable killers.