Camping and tunneling stronger than ever

Just got out of a match against a hard tunneling and camping clown that was dead set on playing toxic and the only thing that changed after the update is that he was able to do this much more efficiently. The attack speed reduction and heavy nerfs to decisive strike just ensure that whoever goes for the unhook is going to go down that much easier and if he decides to tunnel whoever's unhooked they're dead too.
There's a reason why no survivors are playing, the update made casual play unwinnable in most regards when taking your average players skill level into account, 10 second longer gens with the addition of overtuned perks like Thanataphobia being buffed are way over the top and very questionable to why they were changed so.
Of all the changes they could have made they really let down the casual survivor player base and clearly either have no intention or remorse towards making it more viable which is evident by the absolute refusal to implement even the most basic communication tools for solo players or those who aren't in a full SWF.
TLDR: Killers being buffed way over the top with absolutely no communication tools for casual survivors has resulted in a complete shift in balance towards killers and the lack of survivors queing up is hard proof of it.
Lack of survivor queueing up?
I read in multiple threads this morning that despite minute long queue times, a sign for a survivor surplus in relation to queueing killer players, survivor have the +100% BP incentive.
So shouldn't there still be more survivor than killer in the queues?
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I did read some comments mentioning that there could be a bug but the bloodpoint bonus was intended to be implemented for whatever side was lacking the required role, it would make sense that survivors don't want to play because killers are overtuned and unless you're in a sweaty SWF you're chances of winning are drastically reduced with increased gen speeds and every killer abusing thanataphobia.
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But that's not my point.
The BP bonus might be bugged but that doesn't change the queue time aspect.
Unless it's the matchmaking that's really bugged and despite being lower in numbers it still takes survivor longer to find games.
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Yes this, I played few matches yesterday and only two of those we were able to do all 5 gens. In one, freddy decided to be set only on me while we had coal tower so the map was great, so the rest of the team had time to do the gens and we all got out eventually. The other one was a trapper where the last 2 gens were done when there were only 2 of us left, one did gen while the other was being chased and eventually he kinda took mercy on me and let me go after one final chase. The rest of the games were either tunneling or camping killers at 5 gens (once we even had survivors that did gens instead of going for unhook and after that they never touched a gen again as we were one player down etc so easy win for the killer as well) So when killer decides to play dirty or you get babies in your lobby there's no way survivors have any chance of winning unless they get good map without being against busted killers like nurse, blight or spirit. If killers just took those changes and played normally it would have been a good update but since most of the killers take advantages of the changes and camp or tunnel at the start, survivors are in most cases doomed.
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Just jumping into echo the same sentiments. The game is a lot of fun when the killer is actually decent without using tunneling or slugging. I played a total of around seven matches last night, won two (one was when a killer was nice and let everyone go, the other was when I lost the killer via A shadow step boom totem and was the only one to survive). This seems to have fine-tuned the game in the wrong direction as the reverse was true prior.
I can generally deal with tunneling, but it gets to the point that the game is very stale when just about every killer seems to be doing it. The slugging is absolutely ridiculous though, especially right at the end of the match. Based on the lore, the entity gives the survivor a way out if they’re the last survivor (the hatch), it shouldn’t reward the killer for slugging one player and leaving them to find the other or tunneling that player as soon as they’re revived. The Entity should resurrect the player after 30 seconds to continue the thrill of the hunt or something. It’s gotten to the point that if I’m the player slugged, I’d rather disconnect so the hatch opens than let a toxic baby killer get his additional points.
As someone who rarely plays SWF and always tries to unhook other survivors, I generally always had fun unless paired with survivors that weren’t team players (unhooking, taking protection hits etc). If the over-tuned killers advantage is due to SWF, just roll back those changes and remove SWF or, like the thought to prevent slugging (entity resurrects a survivor), add a penalty to the generator repair speeds if the survivors pop two gens too quickly in the match. Again, if everyone is participating at the Entity’s behest, then it wouldn’t have an issue doing this to keep up the entertainment.
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Just an additional thought, if SWF is truly the reason for dismantling fun for solo-queue players, you could also just add comms to the game, starting in the lobby, so that solo queue players have the same advantages that makes these changes worth-while.
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Survivor. Stop play this #########.
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The problem with this is the toxicity and disgusting behaviour that will arise so no comms.
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A supposedly bugged bonus would, by all means, skew queue times. Quite simply, because more people would be encouraged to queue up for the incentivized role. While also assuming that it's the role with shorter queues, as that is how the bonus was advertised.
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i expect it since the nerf to Pop Goes and Ruin was annunced, what's the point of tryning to put pressure when Cyrcle of Healing/Adrenaline/Medkits are still a thing, but the gen regression perks got killed?
That's why i keep using DS after the update.
well, killers got a 10% action speed bonus, they can use it to tunnel slightly better
i played 30 matches as survivor after the update, i got killed only 3 times, because the killer decided to tunnel me (i was the only kill, everyone else escaped), the other 27 matches was 4man escapes, Killers can't do anything.
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So you call yourself casual, you don't play the game very well because you are casual with 0 intention of improving AND you want to win? Do you not see the problem here?
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Survivors should fear killers. The balance should be killer sided. You should not be escaping every game as survivor. When you do escape, it should feel awesome and rewarding.
The more killer sided the game is, the less killers will feel the need to camp.
My suggestion to you though, if the killer is camping, just do gens. You should be able to complete three gens while one survivor is on the hook. It takes 90 seconds to complete a gen and it takes 2 minutes for that survivor to die on hook. If each survivor works on a gen during these two minutes, you should all complete three gens with 30 seconds to spare.
How do you think the killer will react when three gens pop while he is camping? Do you think he will leave the hook?