It's to balance out matchmaking. Since nobody wants to play survivor right now they are giving survivors a bonus.
Is +100% bonus for playing survivor working as intended? Devs, answer please

Right now the 100% bonus you get for playing survivor role multiplies ALL bloodpoints you've gained in the match, not just the ones you've got initially before other bonuses.
Is it intended or not? If not, please consider keeping it as an actual feature, it'll be a great help and incentive to actually play more since there's a lot of bloodpoint sinks compared to the previous patch.
If this is legit, wasn't intended and wasn't on their radar, it is now.
Enjoy it while you can everyone.
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It's to balance out matchmaking. Since nobody wants to play survivor right now they are giving survivors a bonus.
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then why is survivor Q taking 10 15 min and my killer Q are instant? shouldn't survivor Q be instant if not many are playing that role?
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I know why it exists, but it seems to be using different multiplier logic as it applies after other bonuses and multipliers are applied instead of being applied independently
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I would assume this is intended. They said they would recude the grind after all…
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I noticed this as well and it could be huge if intended. Most bonuses are additive, but this one seems to be multiplicative. This means that if everyone in the trial brings BPS or similar offering, the role with "+100%" incentive bonus would earn 12 times the base amount of BP earned.
With the new cap of 40,000, you could earn up to 480,000 bloodpoints in one trial, and more with event offering such as flans that bump up the percentage a little more (I admit this would be extremely rare as it requires all players to bring an offering of +100% or more bloodpoints.)
On a smaller scale, this also means that those +50% BP in a specific category offerings would essentially give you +100% in that category when paired with a +100% incentive bonus, making them not as worthless as before.
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Matchmaking has to still figure out where to put you.
Also, how in the heck is your survivor queue 15 minutes, I've never once had the survivor queue over 5 minutes in the past 2 years.
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I don't know your zone but we have instant survivor queues right now in EU. So i am pretty sure there is more killers than survivors right now.
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I don’t understand why this is being questioned haha enjoy the BP!
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You are the grown up version of the kid that reminded the teacher that they haven't given homework yet.
In all seriousness this is great if it works as intended. It blows whatever bbq did out of the water if people are willing to play both roles which they should
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That's great! That makes all BP offerings stronger. They should keep it like this.
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Has anyone else seen any incentive which isn't just +100% on survivor? It doesn't seem to change for me
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It's probably not working correctly yet. In true BHVR's fashion.
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>You are the grown up version of the kid that reminded the teacher that they haven't given homework yet.
As if they don't know already, this interaction is hard to miss.
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Did they kill switch the incentives? Off to do something else to guess. Definitely not going to suffer through solo survivor without the massive BP increase I was getting.
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Survivor queue was only long for me yesterday, today is instant.
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it about 6 to 8 min now but it still long wait then killer why wouldn't killer have a long wait?
btw I'm Pacific Standard Time US
in So Cal.
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well I also haven't been on yet
maybe it back to normal.
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Having long queue times but no incentives on ether side. Did they already remove them?
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They killswitched the incentive
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The issue was it was giving too much BP I bet. It'll come back and be like a 50% additive bonus at the best of times.
Oh well it was nice while it lasted!
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You're probably right, but I hope that's not the case. The wreath and flower offerings would almost be worthwhile.
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These incentives were supposed to replace BBQ/WGLF bonuses but they are already most likely nerfing them.
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Yeah. We know that the percentage is bugged to be 100% survivor always, but I bet they're nerfing the multiplicative bonuses too. Damn shame.
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meh it should stay at +100% at all time for solo Q, it's really the only reason to not queue killer
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they really cant release a feature that works properly can they
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Be honest, are you really surprised?
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Why would you jump to that conclusion?
When they announced the feature, they specifically said it would give bonuses of up to 100%, so the 100% is not a bug, or an error, it's intended.
What's not intended is the fact that it didn't change from survivor in 24hrs.
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no but i wish i was
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Intended yes but I think it's bugged right now because of how long que times are
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What I mean is that the 100% bonus is different than any other bonus like bloodhunt or BBQ. The queue bonus is multiplicative instead of additive. So, if 2 people bring flans, I end the game with 25k points I get 75k-ish points. With the bonus, I'd get 150k points! With WGLF that would only have been 100k points.
That's the bug I'm talking about. But the bonus has also been stuck at 100% for surv since the update dropped, despite queue times varying. I simply hope they keep the multiplicative bonus, it's awesome.
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I get this feeling more often than i want to admit.
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There should be a patch bingo card, new feature broken would be on there. Uncleansable totem would be too - I'm still waiting to see which map has it, I'd guess McMillan with the new tiles but feel like it'll end out being swamp or red forest. 😂
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i have one for the dev updates but this was september 2021 and id like to think that my bingo card making abilities have improved