is it time to leave DBD as survivor?

So ever since the update- every single match iv been camped and tunneled. and nodded and hit on the hook by killers, not sure why killers are playing this dirty- all with thana so no gens are even getting complete whilst I'm being camped- so you cant even use that as a strat against camping killers anymore.
I've uninstalled the game for now which is probably a bit drastic. I'd sit on the game for a bit and wait to see if the devs put through any changes. I could easily see the DS stun time being reverted back to five seconds. Thana could get reverted too. Wait and see.
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Depends. If you only play solo q and don't want to play swf or killer, yes it is indeed time to uninstall.
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me and my friends usually play every eve but we are looking for a new game now
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Simple solution: Don't engage. Actions speak louder than words, if you want to send a message, just don't play this patch.
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I would wager it's time to leave DBD as a solo queue warrior. Otherwise SWFs are still going to be just fine.
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its awful as swf too tbh
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If you can’t survive without deadhard just say that.
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.... not even assed about DH
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Did this before the patch. Giving it a go now with the last 2 of us that are left from 6. The game deserves to die tbh, the devs are totally incompetant and have always been extremely out of touch with their playerbase listening to those who shout the most instead of at their core mechanics which encourage repetative boring gameplay.
Perks were never really the core issue on why players stay or leave. But poor RNG, map designs, fast gens and being camped or tunneled out do make people leave!
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Im quite sad tbh- played this game for 3 years now and had a lot of fun. But i just cant see myself carrying on if it's in this state.
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90% of survivors issues is stemming from their dependence on DH to win chases while their buddies do gens. Too many crybaby survivor mains are too lazy to adapt to the new meta because their true skill level without a broken perk is showing. “wErE gOnNa QuiT”
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im using the new dead hard fine- i do miss the old style, but that's not the main issue.
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Not true. I didn't use dead hard and solo q is still garbage. You people need to stop being obsessed with dead hard.
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At least give it a few weeks. Big updates like this are always going to have teething problems, you know?
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Maybe not for you, but for majority it is. My killer games have consisted of 10-15 second chases because many of these survivors just can’t loop for their life without DH. They don’t understand they have to predrop and hold w. And before you call me biased, I’m a 40/60 survivor killer, and my chases have gotten much harder without old DH. I get it, but we just have to adjust for now and see what changes are made. I’m sure they will release hot fixes.
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You can say that all you want. But the fact comes from the gameplay. Even at high MMR, my chases have gone to sometimes lasting over a minute because I had to chase them down AGAIN after they used DH, to lasting 25 seconds at the most. I haven’t changed anything about the way I play / chase. I have ran into a couple survivors who were still good and gave me a good run, but it’s much more rare post patch.
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Yea, the facts is that solo q is still garbage.
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doesn't seem fair to me? over a minute to 25 seconds is a lot!
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You’re right.. it is a lot, and what do you think is causing this?
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just played 6 games with my friends and we wont play anymore. 5/6 hard tunnels is too much for us.
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i agree with you, I wish they could help soloQ survivors out. They should have left DS alone, as well as the speed boost after being hit. But my point still stands.
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SWF is slightly tougher but still playable, one thing you have to take on account is you cant lose sight of your objective as SWF after the patch, no totems unless its lit, no chests, no memeing around, only gens and heals, you have to play SWF with Solo mindset now because the Killers snowball superfast.
As Solo yes its time to completely ditch.
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While I feel like deinstalling after just a day or two can definitely be seen as exaggerated, honestly I can't blame anyone for not playing survivor after the patch, or at least playing much less. Killers getting a bunch of buffs but survivors nothing against tunneling and camping is very frustrating.
And it might be for the better. Killer queue times will just further increase, and then maybe the devs will realise that they actually need to nerf camping and tunneling as well.
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using DH every match for hundreds of hours affects the way you play. once you dont have it anymore its a whole new game.
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Alternative take: a perk adding 30+ seconds to base time chases isn't fair.
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Iv realised that… you literally have to be glued to gens and try gen speed builds- but that’s soo boring. So I think it might be a goodbye for me for now! See if anything changes.
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This. Exactly my point.
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I hope that too. I have fun as killer now and I dont feel that I need to tunnel anymore. Same for perks. I feel that I can use more fun-builds instead of just gen-defense.
I think M1-Killers needed help, the strong killers should get nerfed.
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This, play something else it's simple, killer queues are already way too long 1 day after release, matchmaking incentive doesn't work, just as expected no one wants to touch solo Q and no one wants to wait 15 min in killer queue just to play incredibly easy matches, dead game tbh
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All the slowdowns have just made it tiresome to play VHS Is out and it's fun If you can give it a try
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is it officially out?
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If you dont enjoy it switch role or play something else. I personally switched role and play Killer exclusive. I was previously playing at 70/30 ratio survivor/killer. Right now 0/100 and I this will not change for a very long time assuming devs will take a very long time adjust all these changes
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It Is
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First person makes me dizzy unfortunately
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Here is you answer: Play something else
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I already left. It feels good.
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Guess it’s time to go on strike
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Why torture ourselves? I didn't even try playing killer after the patch. One thing that I think is hilarious is that the 100% bp bonus for playing the needed role was on survivor all day yesterday and killers seemed stumped by that bc of the pre-patch condition of the game. Everyone thought they were gonna get that 100% bp bonus for playing killer. Asking in the forums if it was glitched. While it seemed painfully obvious why the bonus stayed on survivor. 100% bp bonus isn't worth it to subject myself to that. Maybe a 500% to 1000% bp bonus MIGHT interest me. I guess we could push for that to balance out the game. Lol!
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Honestly my best advice is take a break and comeback when you wanna try DBD again. Or stick to killer.
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be honest, tried playing with the changes, and last games against Legions and Nurses killed it for me. i find myself turning back more and more to Monster Hunter Rise, which i massively dislike compared to World, which tells you where this patch sits in my personal opinion and hierarchy. And not even counting those matches, had matches against stuff like Oni and Spirit and trapper who focused on camping, which led to full team kills because the patch buffed camping so much.
And before someone tries to turn it into "wah wah Dead Hard" again, i personally almost never used the skill; there was a VERY short time when i started using David due to WGLF that i used it, but soon abandoned it. basically a week or so in 4 months of playing, in the first month or so.
Patch made it hard-to-impossible for solo queue, made it a lot harder for newer players RE: survivors and perks, snuck in a mandatory bloodpoint tax for forced prestiging, buffed camping, and basekit 5sec BT didn't do much if anything for tunneling. Got so much more 4-5 gen blowouts, revealing a severe lack of balance in the game.
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Breathe through your nose, please. Your breath stinks.
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"Is it time to leave DBD as survivor?"
Short answer "yes", long answer "yes"
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I'd say so if you aren't finding any enjoyment in the game on any side. Time to find something you do want to spend your time on. I've found enjoyment in revisiting some of my personal favorite games like SMT Nocturne and Nobunaga's Ambition games.
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Ikr I hate that sort of play
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Camping will always be a dirty tactic employed by killers but there is no getting rid of it apparentely so might as well just get used to it. I hate it too but not gonna let it ruin my DBD experience and it will never completely go away.
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So you're telling me you can't survive without Dead Hard and 2 extra seconds of stun on your DS.
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i actually don’t mind the new DH- don’t use DS since the last nerf. You can’t afford to use perks which disable when you touch a gen on this patch. You have to be on them majority of the game to escape. No fun allowed!
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Go take a break then, play something else. The devs recommend civilization.
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I took a break before the patch, and came back since ir came into play to see what it was like: I'm noticing a massive change in matches. Far less gens getting done, survivors not willing to unhook/ heal etc. There is a definite disparity now that needs addressing because it's affecting the overall experience. Whether it's time to leave, I can't say, but the survivor experience isn't great right now. I only play SoloQ BTW, never SWF. I don't know if this is because Survivors seem to be protesting the change or the game has become too unbalanced though.
One thing the recent update, which has massively buffed killers, has even excellent for, and i mean truly excellent, is highlighting the fact that no amount of killer buffs, survivor nerfs and perk changes is ever going to change the defence of Camping and Tunnelling. Not, only have I seen a lot more of it in matches since the update, probably becsuse its easier now, the defense of it here is as prevalent as ever. It really proves its something that needs an active examination and solution, but BHVR would never.
I appreciate a game like DBD is hard to balance, but buffing one side without addressing specific areas that have always and will always continue to negatively impact the game is a big miss.