If Everyone is Dying, isn't it actually better?

Everyone dying means more Survivor and Killer Interaction right? It was uncommon pre-patch 6.1.0 where a Gen Jockey just holds M1 the whole trial and does not even get chased once.
If by interaction you mean hold W until I die then no it's more boring than doing gens.
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So the "Chase" part of the trial is boring and you rather Hold M1 the whole trial just because you didn't escape?
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My dude i havent lost a game so far after the patch. Its not ok. I started taking it easy on survivors and letting them go because i am genuinely starting to feel bad.
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nothings really changed with 90 seconds gens I've become more of a gen jockey
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Maybe we should consider incentives and MMR? BBQ and Chili does not give extra BP now. I'm a Killer Main but I play Survivor for the BP incentives and I don't know how to properly loop.
Just a theory but maybe we're encountering actual newbs survivors + on Solo Queue?
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Thank god for the accessibility option so I don't have to keep the button pressed anymore.
Tbh, games are killing me. Just.WAY.TOO.Boring.
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Another bait post from you. Jess.
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Same , I gave survivor a break after the update and started playing killer and I'm only getting 4ks with sadako.
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We are literally statistically holding M1 longer now. What is your point
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In what world are survivors getting more interaction out of this update?
You have to repair generators for a longer duration (This is not accounting any regression perks), and chase is shortened tremendously by all the stun/destruction reduction for killers.
They've reduced the interactions required in a game, and simply made it far more easier for the killer to secure kills. I've witnessed more people being camped/tunnelled than prior to this patch.
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For example, Huntress has gotten really strong after the patch. They can axe you + hatchet you in 10 seconds.Or viceversa even.
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The incentives were killswitched.
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If you let them go ur mmr will drop and you wont never fight your caliber survs
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I won something like 30 times in a row. You start feeling a little bit bad after a while.
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I had a blight yesterday that had everyone on second hook at 4 gens and he just dced and said “I’m done for today, I’m bored” 🙃
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Nah, I would never feel bad about it, actually.
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What if they gave you the puppy eye huh? Watchu gonna do, chainsaw them right between those sad puppy eyes? What if they start making baby seal noises, what then ThiccBuddha??
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I understand the bias. And the entitlement. I get that.
What I don't understand however is, how can this be honestly fun for -any DECENT (as in experienced)- killer main. I mean, other than the very rare occasional once in a blue moon sweaty SWF squad that might end up bullying you, how is easily stomping everyone all the time fun? Especially when it is not your merit, the game forces you to win.
That's why I can't main Nurse and I get bored instantly after 2 matches.
Don't you get bored of it?
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Right, were those games with Trapper, Ghost Face, or Onryo, or were they with Twins, Blight, Nurse with meta builds?
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Twins is a good killer now? Thought you guys were always saying they were bad.
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Twins is bad in the way that Leatherface is bad. You can't win with them playing normally. They only excel at camping and slugging. However, Twins has map mobility, and the refined builds featuring Forced Penance have raised their power level. Console controls also affect my perception of killer strength, because the constricted fov feels that much worse.
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nurse, probably not exactly meta. Lethal, BBQ, Floods; PR but pretty fun neverthless. Does that change anything?
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I ´d rather play the hide-and-seek-part, but that was heavily nerfed because killer didnt like it.
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This is a very special type of player mindset where the chase is only fun if they are winning it.
Should they lose the chase, for any reason, then its not chasing, its tunnelling and its unfun and has no counterplay. Very important distinction.
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It's Nurse, bro. Of course it skews the results. The game is still not balanced for Ghost Face, Pig, or Clown to win even if the survivors are just decent. So when they're actually good, it's impossible to win unless you're Nurse or Blight. Not much has changed except the bad matchmaking.
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Huntress was strong BEFORE the patch, she was made EVEN stronger
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And how much did you play Killer before this patch? Just curious what kind of MMR you might be going against. (assuming they didn't break MMR again)
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I'd love to play against you with nurse.=3 If you're just holding W in chases.
Survivors haven't got used to new patch, they need time to adapt with new perks.=)
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You mean holding M1 for 90 seconds and getting less chase interaction since swing recovery has been decreases and running speed after getting hit has also been decreased? With half of the killer roster being anti-loop? Yea so much fun interaction.
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My MMR probably wasnt that high. I am an average nurse at best and games before the patch were much closer than this. Being generous, i probably used to lose 1 in 4 games with her. After patch most of my survivors had around 10-11 prestige if thats any indication.