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General Discussions

Before complaining that killers are too strong now.

Member Posts: 1,243

Have you tried using survivors biggest strenght?Teamwork

Almost everytime I play as killer,I see survivors playing on their own despite the game being a 4v1,with survivors having to work together to increase their chances of survival.

Please do play with your friends and tell me you cant escape even if you all played better than the killer and used teamwork to your advantage.

This is by no means me saying that some killers dont need to be adjusted,ahem i'm talking about you Nurse.

I agree that Nurse is broken and can steamroll even the best of the best survivors.

I see a lot of complaints about slowdown Legion now.Most of the games I see againts Legion survivors refuse to play,give up,or dc,splitting up still works just as good as before,as long as you dont 3 gen yourself or last more 10 seconds in a chase.

Everytime I see a Legion dominating,none of this happen,survivors just go down like flies and refuse to split up.

I agree that soloq is in a bad spot,and will always be in a bad spot no matter how much you buff it because you cant control what kind of teammates you get.

You can have all the communication tools in the world in soloq and you will still stumble upon teammates that will lose the game for you.

Better matchmaking might help,but even then,the game will match you with a survivor that on paper is on the same skill level as you,and still throw the game if they refuse to play.

The game should not reward bad plays and this is why I like the new update as the survivors need to play better than the killer to survive now and most importantly,play as a team,and use teamwork.

Because it doesn't matter how good you play individually if your teammates let you down.This is why teamwork is more important than ever.

I totally understand the camping complains and everyone saying camping is even more efficient now,because its true,now with gens taking 90 seconds,an anticamping mechanic is needed even more than before.

Uts a tactic that doesn't take much skill and is by far the most rewarding one as much as tunneling.

Tunneling is very strong now and the 5 seconds bt is so little that more than often its not even enough to make it to a pallet.

Good luck making to a pallet in most cases againts a Blight or Nurse in less than 5 seconds,and againts Nurse,pallets dont even matter.

The way forward that BHVR should adress this is not by reverting killer buffs or nerfing them but with dealing the killers biggest unfair strenghts,camping and tunneling,

If this is fixed and survivors play good,the games will seem fair moving forward.

I think most survivors complaing about camping and tunneling rather than killer being too strong overall now.

If killers cant use camping and tunneling to their advantage and survivors play good,the game should last more than long enough to have a chance of finishing the gens and escaping

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  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Teamwork is the big thing. Games where I've run Botany to heal others quickly have gone dramatically better. Games where I brought Off The Record to body block for others went south only because my teammates wouldn't look behind them, and sandbagged me with pallets while I was blocking the killer for them. There's no accountability for terrible teammates; just complaints about how OP killer is.

  • Member Posts: 707

    My friends hate this game.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    That's certainly has nothing to do with update though, make generators done in 30 sec and still that team would die in a second.

  • Member Posts: 142

    If survivors are going down in 10 seconds it is kinda on them and deserve to lose the game. You can’t really fix bad players nor balance around them.

  • Member Posts: 605

    That's just an example. An example that does reflect the majority of the matches. If you (Behaviour) can't provide me any other experience than matching me with 100 and 200 hours Claudettes that don't know what looping is, then this last patch with killer buffs left and right and survivor nerfs left and right is uncalled for, unnecessary, and out of touch with reality.

    Give me the players I must be matched with, make MMR work, and then you can buff what needs to be buffed (For example, bloodlust doesn't need to be buffed at all, it shouldn't even exist period).

    And if there is not enough high MMR players to make that consistent, then these last patch shouldn't have happened either.

  • Member Posts: 91


  • Member Posts: 199

    SWF is still dominating killers.

    The game cannot be balanced around Solo queues since it would put SWF in too big of an advantage.

    The game is very balanced now, swf no longer freely bully killers witohut consequences - they still cna do it but not so mindlessly (no stupid DH).

    Game is good in terms of balance now. Finally killers are in decent position.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    Teamwork 100% boosts a group of survivors' chance of survival. The problem is that solo queue players aren't given enough information for that teamwork to be viable half the time. I notice that when I use aura perks, specifically ones that help others like situational awareness, aftercare, kindred, etc. and pair them with cooperative perks like prove thyself or leader, there is a lot more teamwork that goes on within the game. However, I think everyone can agree that it makes no sense that solo queue has to make their entire build around this teamwork thing for teamwork to occur while swf players already have the highest level of communication without perks and can use better perks like OTR or Lithe for example.

    It is just confusing that they would buff base-kit killers but not add simple things for solo queue players like action icons next to the player names and base-kit Kindred. The killer base-kit buffs are great. Nobody should take that away from killers as it really helps out the ones that were doing poorly; However, since this makes killers do well even without using any slowdown perks at all, I think things in the game should be revised and looked at such as further slowdown perk nerfs, changes to S tier killers who were already great and now are even more powerful with the buffs, and information that solo queue players can use to communicate in their own way and encourage teamwork without taking up perk slots.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    Teamwork in solo Q doesn't exist.

    No one knows each others playstyle, players with 6k hours and experience matching with 100 hours or less teammates. Solo Q is a recipe for disaster. Now with the killer buffs, even more.

  • Member Posts: 543

    If I try really hard maybe the killer wont camp and tunnel my teammate!

    oh wait.

    Maybe next game it'll be different, surely.

  • Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2022

    I only play Solo Q, and I never ran Dead Hard. I always had perks that benefited the team like Empathy, Botany (I could easily find an injured team mate and heal them), Borrowed Time, but I'd also have to run Decisive because tunneling is pretty common. But now, I have to run perks to get the hell away from the Killer or stealth more. I also don't want to run Botany anymore because they've made it detrimental. If I pull a brown med kit out of a chest and I'm running botany, I'm screwed. It was a perfectly fine perk before.

    It's like BHVR sat around a table with 10 bottles of whisky and a white board and said "Ok gentlemen, let's shake things up! Throw some ideas out here, nothing is bad, let's cosplay AoT while we do it!".

    Basekit Kindred for Solo Q would do so bloody much, and I'm gobsmacked they refuse to implement such a thing. It's only helpful to see if a Killer is camping (which they actually buffed!) and if someone is going for the save.

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    Honestly I think the game is fine right now except nurse she need some more changes with the new update

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    The problem is soloq,not the killer buffs,this happened as well before.

    Soloq needs help.

    As other said,game is fairly balanced around swf now and its just a matter of time until soloq will get a buff as well.

  • Member Posts: 2,184
    edited July 2022

    If only dbd had a built in system to let survivors actually coordinate.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Man, I would love to utilize some teamwork.

    Would be great if they gave us tools to do so.

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