DEVS & Community: Please read this

Lordofweed Member Posts: 297
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hey there,

hope you guys doing well with the new update!

I have read some posts with different opinions about the update. Killers are happy, because the game is no longer survivor sided, which is great for many people.

For many years this game were frustrating for Killers, at least in my opinion (nurse main, but also played some weaker killers and i also play a lot of survivor) and this seems to be over now, but let me tell you, how the first days went.

I play DBD with a small group of like 8-10 players nearly every day. Not all of them are always online and some of us have around 3-5k hours into dbd, while some of us have like 600h. Our matches have been kinda balanced before the patch came out. Ofc we played with DH, DS, Iron Will or other strong meta perks before the patch went live, but we also had a lot of fun with Head On and other troll builds (we lost those ones prett much every time, but we had lots of fun!). Our survival rates were pretty good without a troll build. At least 3 of us survived in like 60% of the matches we've played, which ofc was a bit too much to call it balanced. Only the toxicity amongst the dbd community had a bad influence so some of us (including me).

On patch day, the first rounds went okay-ish. We pretty much died every match but tunneling or camping were almost non-existent. I was quite happy about the changes, because the killers apparently no longer felt the need to constantly tunnel or camp the Survivors in order to have fun with the game. BHVR brought a breath of fresh air into the otherwise so boring DBD everyday life.

This first impression changed from the second day on. On the survivor side, I escaped 4 or 5 rounds out of about 25-30, mostly while everyone else died. I even saw that some killers used NOED successfully again and killed every survivor, since after 5 gens, usually 2 players already died, if not everybody. On the killer side, i have won ALL killer rounds since the update (3k+, nearly only 4ks), including my first trapper round (4k without perks of course, except for agitation lvl 1 and no addons) and i'm truly a bad m1 killer player.

While some of our small dbd community were pretty sad about the changes on the first day of the update (they even looked for other games to play in the future and even considered to quit playing dbd), i was still not entirely convinced, that the update would not provide other sufficient ways to play the game as a survivor. So yesterday i played around 10 hours (with breaks) to see if I, as a survivor with about 1150 hours of dbd experience, could find a workable way to make the game enjoyable and not have to die every match after the 2nd or 3rd gen...In vain.

Today i asked many people in bigger DBD Community Discord servers (some of them with hundreds of people), for their opinions about the update so far and they have made the same experience like our small dbd community.

Today, my opinion stands:

The Game Balancing was shifted too much towards the killers...

...and this is just as unhealthy for the game as it was before the patch when the game was clearly survivor-sided.

Our small DBD community just couldn't enjoy DBD anymore and if you look at the player numbers, it's not just us. We're really sad about the fact, that dbd is the only game our small community can enjoy playing together because no other game captures all of our gaming interests.

I think nerfing DH was the right thing to do but nerfing Iron Will, Spine Chill and DS at the same time was maybe a bit too much in combination with the gen adjustments.

It's so sad that the only way to enjoy this game at the current state is to play killer (solo). I hope the current problems will still be adjusted soon :(

Thank you very much if you have made it to this part of my post and remember: I'm not your enemy. I play both sides and i love dbd like many of you too <3

Post edited by Lordofweed on


  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    Iron will and DS were not fine. You need to adapt to the new meta and stop playing like you have all your 2nd chances like before.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    You need to adapt if you want to win. He was obviously playing meta before, the meta changed.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    Yeah I agree with ya but I still like the fact that they tried. The game is different which breathes a new life into it. They stated they will continue with these types of updates so I still have high hopes.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 745

    I agree on some level that BHVR went a little too far on some aspects. But we have to take into consideration that the MMR is really wonky atm (even more so it usually is), so bare that in mind.

    The patch was healthy to the game, imo. Because when you think about, BHVR was forced to do this kind of drastic shake up to meta. But this is still work in progress. You can't renew old house without tearing it apart and starting to build it up brick by brick.

    The way did this, because it gives them more leniency to tweak and adjust the perks and rebuild the meta and balance in the upcoming weeks and months.

    And many survivors will finally fall or climb in the MMR bracket where they actually belong, because many have been boosted to their level by using crutch perks and swf's

    Just give it time. "Life, uh, finds a way"

  • bigdaddyjeff
    bigdaddyjeff Member Posts: 35

    Bro why are you so sure about the false information you posting here? Tunneling and camping were non existent?

    I played 10 matches in a row and 8 of them the killer just camped and tunneled a survivor out of the game cause it's so easy now.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2022

    I would not consider our group as a bully squad as we do not push for gens, so as i said we almost always died (hatch). If we pick troll builds, its totally fine we get tunneled, nobody complains about that. Many times we even had a good conversation in the post game chat, so we like to troll but we are not toxic. No t-bagging, no flashlight spamming or other (in my opinion) unfair mechanics.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I understand but who is REALLY having fun your squad with troll builds or the Killer player who has to deal with 4 survivors with troll builds.....I can tell you from experience that the Killer isn't having fun dealing with that.

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 394

    IMO this update is the chickens coming home to roost for anyone who went along with all the killer nerfs over the years whilst refusing to acknowledge how the game was in favour of survivors. The support for the survivor meta, notably DH and COH, combined with a steadfast refusal to just maybe admit that the game was getting harder and harder for killers to enjoy when the evidence was mounting has led to this massive over correction with this update.

    If there had been more acceptance from the survivor side of the issues killer players faced and more support over some of the ridiculous nerfs over the years (slinger, Billy, Wraith immediately spring to mind), the game would probably have been in a much better state by now. Hell, there are still people saying that DH was fine and still saying “good killers knew to bait it out”. Even now these people can’t admit that perk was busted.

    The funny thing is, I do actually think this update has maybe gone too far. But it’s too early to really say that for certain. And to be honest I just don’t really care. I feel sorry for solo queue players but that’s about it.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    After god knows how long the game has been survivor sided, not even a week has passed by and survivor mains are already complaining that the game is "too much" on the killer side. Yet I'm already seeing meta builds and strategies on Youtube and Twitch that say otherwise. Might want to give it some time before complaining. Plus, it's about time Killers get their own versions of boons, DS, DH ect. Of course I'd like to see everything balance out in the end, but it's still too early to tell if that's even needed, with all the videos popping up for survivors to well, survive.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The patch did shift the kill rates up, no question, that was intentional on their part. They said the rates were low and the killer base game changes were meant to raise them.

    In the short term though keep in mind 70% of survivors in above average ratings used Dead Hard consistently. And now that perk is being used much, MUCH less. But it’s like muscle memory, when you’ve played loops over and over using Dead Hard knowing you can go, say, three times around a certain path because you have Dead Hard in the pocket, but without it if you instinctively do the same path you get caught. So there’s going to be a period where a lot of Dead Hard users have to get used to different pathing in a lot of loops and to either using something else in its place or, if they still have it, learning how to time the new version for best effect.

    And on top of all that the matchmaking bonus did seem to have a big effect on which side people were playing. When the bonus was bugged Tuesday and Wednesday and permanently giving a big bonus for playing survivor the survivor queues were apparently really, really long because lots of people wanted that the extra bloodpoints. And now that the bonus is temporarily turned off while they fix the bug the queues shifted back more to normal. So some of that is leading to players who didn’t play much survivor trying it out Tuesday and Wednesday and filling the queue with lower skill survivor players. I know in my own handful of matches maybe 2/3 or 3/4 of the survivors I went against seemed a little less elusive in chases than what I’m used to and I think it was because there weren’t enough lower level killers out there to match against them.

    So basically right now we’re in a period of short term flux where people are trying the side they haven’t for various reasons and are trying loadouts they’re not used to and it’s leading to seeming mismatches and some survivors getting beat. But over time as they get used to the new systems that should even out and kill rates will go back down a bit.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    It's my personal experience.

    "but let me tell you, how the first days went."

    "On patch day, the first rounds went okay-ish. We pretty much died every match but tunneling or camping were almost non-existent. "

    Sorry if that was not clear.

  • GravelordNito99
    GravelordNito99 Member Posts: 232

    Killers are still far weaker than survivors, but the gap has at least been closed somewhat. There's still work to be done here, like reducing base survivor speed by 10% and making gens take another 30s each, but it's honestly a great start. Nice job balancing, bhvr.