Is this the end?

IM Really sorry, but I can not be bothered to play this game anymore!

And sorry for this long discussion.

This update has ruined dead by daylight on the basis that is not the game I purchased 7 years ago, everything has changed and just keeps changing, always on sided with either killer or survivors.

Each update, each patch that has come my way, iv took a deep breath and learned to cope with the changes threw the years, readjusting to hit box changes, flashlight, endgame and hatch changes, speed boost and removed maps and mechanics.

But this update is the last straw, I'm a survivor main only on the pretence I find killer to boring or personally to easy, As a killer, I'm faster than survivors and my "to do list" in each game is to look for survivors with trails of blood and scratch marks giving to me, hooks and gens are built in visuals I can see at all times or when carrying a survivor, and not camping or tunneling is still easy to be able to get 4k, I have the upper hand and my main ability is CHOICE as a killer, I can choose to camp, tunnel or slug and can choose who I want to live or die, this is something that has always been in the mechanics of the game, only based on the killers personalty can it be fair to all players, with survivors having more objective, more tasks to do in a trail, Repairing gens, totems, saving, running, then to top it off opening 2 gates with a lever that takes time, when doors can spawn close and with a fast killer, take more time to do than the game should, hooks are so close together yet they removed pallet counts, windows used to be the only defence in a chase, now they can get you killed as a survivor.

And now they slowed down gens and changed survivors perks, perks that killers complained about, saying they were repetitive, yet bbq etc are often always seen as repetitive and the only reason people used certain perks is because each game was becoming predicated before the game begin, run grab, hook, camp, tunneling, die.

So people found perks that worked for them like dead hard, and they changed it?

AND Camping and tunneling has always been a issue, so not only did they slow down gen repairs but kept the same amount of time it takes for hooks to sacrifice a survivors, it's not like survivors can finish a gen and save there teammate, because the killer is camping, and doing a gen distracts the killer from thinking no one's coming for the hook?

Nope ya team mates on 2nd stage or dead before you got half way on a gen and that's including the chase....

And on top of that, killers had perks to make winning a game harder, claws on gens, blood warden N.o.e.d, other perks to block the leaver and pallets, where is survivors perks to block hooks?

Or tunneling or camping mechanics to blind the killer or anything would have been at least better than nothing...

The whole set up has changed, survivors are giving up, there's no fun in the game just the competition of being better at killing or teabagging.....

It's awful now, it's way to competitive, this is a murder based game that is taken to extreme.

And surly this can't be fun for killer mains, I mean come on.... right?

Where's the chase, the thrill of getting that survivor that looped you for 3 mins, huh?

There on the hook and ya staring at them....

You got to be one angry person to want it that easy to kill people lol

And what killer mains need to understand is 1 simple things, Survivors don't care if they die, it's why they play survivor!

It's how!

And being camped, tunneled etc is not fun, so what happens, survivors will stop playing and the game will slowly die, which is heartbreaking because this game if balanced better is a good game, its should be challenging for both sides, as I'm not saying killers are bad or survivors are bad, I'm saying they keep changing the game to a already predicted outcome of repetitive outcomes in each trail, it needs to be spiced up, not spiced down and altered to catter to any side.

Adding other objectives for killers or survivors, like when a killer wants to camp they must do a skill check or survivors have abilities to hide under and move with bushes or something....

Ideas are endless but no....

This was the grand idea.

Remove, defuse, deduce.

The game is full of competitiveness that any new comer or other type of regular player, say not so skilled or someone say more interested in fun (god forbid)

Competition is not a bad thing but not with so much allowed toxic behaviour included.

That there enjoyment will be short lived.

It's like the developers enjoy there game being 87% conflict and competition and the rest of the % money and 1% fun.

I played killer to prove my point and all I can say RIP to farming killers, I'm sure waiting around for gens to pop is going to be even more enjoyable lol

I was also so fast on each killer I played, no one could loop me, or pallet me, I was unstoppable and I'm not even a skilled killer, I felt sorry for theses poor survivors trying so hard to play with me just gliding up to them.....

Following there scratch marks, there blood, I just had to let them go, there was no out running me?

I'm not a camper or tunnler so I could see there struggle, I got the occasional teabaggee but I couldn't blame them for giving up at 4 gens I had wiped a full team in each and every game I played as killer, and was not even focused.

So my question is this, do I accept the changes, or do I just delete!

With all theses changes is it worth accepting.

I'm not a toxic and I believe killers are given a platform of toxic approval, flash lights and Tbags, are annoying but do not halt or change the game in anyway.

As someone who has played both sides, I think enough is enough.

For all thoses who still want to keep going be you survivor main or killer main.

I respect you and hope it works out.


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,386

    I'm not sure why you'd think a pvp game where you get matched against random players wouldn't end up being competitive? Any game where you pvp against random opponents turns competitive.

  • AReallyBoredHuman
    AReallyBoredHuman Member Posts: 48

    My only advice for you is that if you aren't having fun stop playing, or take a break from the game that's what I do when I'm not having fun.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    Op has a point, I feel the end is here as well. Game is no longer fun

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Rank based matchmaking was terrible, worse than MMR even with all its flaws. Played since 2018.

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 573

    I have the same feelings as you, this game isn’t DBD anymore too much has changed over the last couple of years.

    I’m happy for the people that still enjoy the game but this update is where I and many of my friends dip out while we still have good memories of the game.

  • MissiCiv
    MissiCiv Member Posts: 61
    edited July 2022

    It's always the same a new update drops and the forum is for a week full of crybabys that wont try to adapt to the game and besides that they will still commit to play every darn day

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    It's ok it's more useful to overreact than pretending everything is perfect imo, forum is for feedback anyway

    Didn't play 7 years ago but I do think previous patch was way more fun, they're not going to do it but they should revert and keep the few good changes like dead hard nerf, then buff killers more slowly, people here are coping but I can already feel my killer queue is way too long even at peak hours

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    This is only the beginning. 😉

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Quitting because killer is to easy is definetly a new one.

    Btw, i think it would be more effective to bundle all the "this is the end" threads to one mega thread.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    The old pip system was better at determining skill vs escape/kills. The old mm system worked "when" it was allowed to work. The problem was the gross lack of people playing 1 side. If mm couldn't find someone your skill it literally threw out the system and grabbed the first person available. Mm wasn't the issue. The system can't be at fault if there was nothing to work with.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756


  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    MMR is not working lol. It is awful system, rank based match making should back to DbD.

    MMR is worst thing happened to DbD.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    No. No it's not the end

  • Fonzar
    Fonzar Member Posts: 1

    It's certainly the end for me, they outright just trashed the game overnight. I play killer and survivor I have mained both but to me it feels like survivors are getting pummeled once killers winge about something they don't like. Thanks behaviour for ruining a really great game 👌

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    No worries, if you play survivor there is a lot of bad killers to match with too.

    Both side is easy now.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,465
    edited July 2022

    Playing 99% survivor 1% killer is technically "playing both sides". But if you were an actual experienced killer you'd realize how oppressive old DH was in chase and be happy with the buffs. They can nerf the slowdown perks to hell for all I care, I only use info and qol perks. But DH made the game painful.

    10% pain res, 10% gift of pain, 20s deadlock, 16% thana, but leave the chase changes alone.

  • Babadook83
    Babadook83 Member Posts: 208

    Basically, the killer just has to kill off one survivor as fast as possible... which is now easier then ever because of the gen times and slow down perks. and it's GG for the killer.

  • Whitkey
    Whitkey Member Posts: 26

    so you say we shall wait till survivors reach their actual mmr without the seoncd chance perks BUT on the other hand you recommend to play killer with 4 slowdown perks??!! like WHAT?

    couple of weeks to reach high mmr? you only need a couple of hours to reach high mmr with current state and play perkless. playing killer isnt a challenge or satisfying at all anymore *shrug*

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,860

    I'm a killer main. Frankly I think they should have just nerfed DH (maybe - on the fence on that one), added generator kick damage, added basekit BT, bloodlust buff, and have spinechill not affect undetectable. All these other changes was a bit....much. (though I do LOVE the new lightweight)

    Yes, survivors are powerful, but that's only really on the high-end. For a game to have longevity, you want to encourage newcomers, and most newcomers would be playing survivor. I imagine most newcomer experience is pretty bad at this point.

    Then again, that's just my opinion. Having this be a balanced game is so hard. It's more likely that someone plays at a disadvantage, but winning the match shows that, "wow, you know what you're doing!" effect. This is 4 v 1, so the question is, should the 4 players have the difficult attempt at a win, or should the 1? If it's the 1, then that makes the killer not all that scary and is against the theme of the game. If it's the 4, then the majority of the playerbase is frustrated. That's a hard game to balance.

  • verysleepy
    verysleepy Member Posts: 50


    Dead hard removed. Can't bully killers and pretend I'm good.

    Wahhhhh I quit games dead.

    Welcome to killer every patch yet we still play.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,465

    Yeah, that's basically it. Since it's easy you'll very quickly reach max MMR.

    But you know what? I think part of the issue is that matchmaking simply can't handle the huge role disparities. I think because of the huge skill differences, aslong as you simply play smart and tunnel out the weakest link you'll almost always win if you bring slowdown.

    But if you have super high MMR, at least you have a better chance at a tough game. May as well try it. I thought survs didn't like killer cause it was hard, why would they complain if it's easy?

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,635

    Unlikely that it is the end.

    But, if it is, then the game perished.

    As simple as it can be.