Killer based game for now

I play both survivor and killer but ever since the update out of about 20 games the group of survivors have all died within minutes and only 1 Gen complete, i hate to think that this is a one sided based game now but I wonder if they'll resolve that
I mean that's what happens when they increase gen-speed without really nerfing the gen-slowdown. Killers won't stop running them and therefore, gens take forever to complete.
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The meta slowdown Perks did get nerfed, the devs just buffed other ones to the same level (or even higher, Legion with Thanataphobia is a thing)
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I also think it has a lot to do with the number of survivors who actually relied on a crutch perk like dh before it was nerfed into the ground.
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i never relied on crutch perks and after the update most of my matches as survivors has been loses.
it took us 3 hours to get one escape in and me and my friend has 130+ days on dbd.
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Never really liked DH if the killer was smart they knew how to time it anyhow
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Just finally got an escape it's crazy difficult but definitely a challenge
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Yes. But, It was extremely killer sided even before the update. Now it got tipped over, like a ship capsizing.
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Yeah, it's a bad direction for the game to go IMO. Killers were not weak before the patch. You could absolutely win consistently if you played well and had game sense. If you could not win consistently, it was on you.
And now you can mindlessly go from chase to chase without suffering the consequences. Heck, you can even lose multiple chases and still probably walk away with a 2k at least.
It completely devalues the skill cap on both sides. Killers without game sense/time management are now on equal footing with killer players who took the time to learn it, and survivors aren't rewarded for long chases in the correct places.
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because you are 1/4th of your team. i didn't use dh either, but our teammates are probably dropping like flies because lasting longer than 30s without DH is tough. the majority of the playerbase used it constantly.
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Yes, they nerfed Ruin and Pop, which is good. But they buffed Thanataphobia, Gift of Pain, Surge(not complaining) and the slowdown Pain Resonance is the same.
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you forgot jolt. it doesn't have a cooldown now
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You can spend the whole game on a single gen which keeps getting Popped, Dead Man blocked or Jolted.
Game is super miserable to play as Solo Survivor.
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2 of those weren't meta Perks and still aren't, and Thanataphobia was and still is only good on Plague and Legion.
Pain Resonance actually got its slowdown buffed, but for most Killers, it was the info that made the Perk really good
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Exactly I've been noticing when I loop killer long usually only 1 gen gets compeleted maybe 2 but before always 3 gens would get conpleted in that time. I see nowxlot of bad killers getting 4K:s even they chase you very long. Also as killer I stomp survivor if I use any B tier or better killer so usually I go easy on them. I had only hard time with wraith as he is worst killer on game and well I managed to face legacy survivors with him but still I would beat them with B tier killer probably. But they were top 1% swf which you face very rarely.
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While that is true I stopped playing all together in November because the killer experience was miserable. Now the killer experience is a lot better but I have lost all of my game sense and since I was high MMR in the past and it doesn't regress much, if at all, I've been struggling.
I agree, they definitely overdid it with the buffs this patch, honestly just deactivating BT and DS during EGC and removing DH for distance would've made a world of difference for most killer players without the inclusion of cool down reduction, kick reduction, and extra gen times.
I feel like BHVRs thought process was that, without all these chase and 2nd chance perks survivors will continue their healing builds and the rest will switch to repair builds so the extra time will make things a little more balanced but so far that's not the case.
I never really ran the killer meta other than BBQ so I can't speak on whether those changes were good or bad. And as survivor I never ran the meta so playing without it is the same as it ever was but playing killer without every other person running it makes me sweat a hell of a lot less lol
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I refuse xd
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And it's good that killer feels better now. I just think there's a midway point they can find here. Because the regression stacks killers are running are pushing gen times into the 120+ second range, and that's a tall order for four solo players in chase. Survivors at the comp level don't consistently hit 120 seconds without body blocks.
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Solo q has always been bad, and now it’s even more miserable than it’s always been. I agree with poor solo q players (I play solo most of the time when I play survivor side) that this has been a bad change for them.
Aside from that, it’s been a healthy balance shift from SWF being the power role to giving killers a bit more of a chance against coordinated teams. SWF no longer have as easy of a time bullying killers and getting their easy escapes capped off by flashlight spamming and t-bagging at the exit gates, and now many of them are salty that their fun has been ruined.
We’re also now seeing how big of a crutch DH for Distance was for many survivor players.
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You forgot the worst one that received a buff: Eruption. It's going a bit under the radar but it's stupidly busted - literally old PR+DMS without the counter of letting go of the gen.
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It sounds like some people need to learn how to loop
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Definitely, killer was over buffed. They need to find that happy medium between getting gens done in under 4 minutes and being able to to slow them down to 8+ minutes to complete.
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I forgot Eruption even existed lmao
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It's still SWF sided game if you ask me, killers got closer to them while solo q was left even further behind.
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How the hell was I supposed to time dead hard for distance.
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Easy enought explanation you were teamed with potatoes and the only gen was done by you.
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Can the community officially acknowledge the game as killer-sided in posts now?
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Give it a month for people to adjust to the fact you cannot juice killers anymore.
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i've never relied on crutch perks, i usually run build combos I find fun, even if they're not optimal.
Since the update, even bad killers get easy wins unless i bring try-hard perk combos, and even then that only works against bad killers, any killer with an average or above skill level can't lose now
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Killers have been your entertaining slaves since the beginning. It was about time they start treating us like humans too. Just because you are four doesn't mean you are democratically entitled to win versus the killer.
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i never used dead hard just didnt like the effort or messing about involved with it. i can tell you solo que right now is rough and ive played more killer in the past but plenty of survivor doesnt help when the other team mates dont seem too know when to take a hit or throw a pallet or come over too heal when your down. so i figure people like that are solo also. it seems if your not swf your gonna get shafted or die too easily unless your team mates play half decent or like pros. lol
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I think what he's saying is that survivors got nerfed without compensation (6 meta perks were nerfed while only 1 was buffed to meta status) and killers got a bunch of global buffs while their slowdown meta stayed the same, the perks just got changed around.
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I play both survivor and killer, and yesterday I played about 10 matches as survivor, losing only 2 games. So I still don't understand what everyone is talking about this update being heavily killer sided. The only time I typically saw anyone go down was when other survivors decided to bully the killer. Maybe you all need to just stop doing that. Or play something else to get your jolly's off.