DS stuntime suggestion

Predated Member Posts: 2,976

So as I understand, 5 seconds is too much for some killers(even though if you grab a survivor after 50 seconds of doing nothing and get the stun, thats means it's basically been a 3v1 for 50 seconds, thats normally a win), but obviously 3 seconds is too small because mobility killers like Nurse and Blight can basically ignore DS now.

So why not give it a time system based on how quickly you were downed off hook.

6 second stun if downed between 60-50 seconds, 5 seconds from 50-40, 4 from 40-30, 3 from 30-20, 2 from 20-10, 1 from 10-0. This also means that if a survivor has been picked up from the ground, they will no longer have DS.

If this sounds too complex, it should work fine with a token system: Activate DS from the start of the game, give +6 tokens whenever hooked and the perk is active, deactivate DS if used, using conspicious actions or once the exit gates are powered.

It would be more useful the quicker someone is downed(and thus the more likely they were camped and/or tunneled), but it makes necessary tunneling still viable.
