What is happening?

I played 7 games yesterday and 5 today. WE HAVENT FINISHED MORE THAN 2 GENS!!!!!! The changes i didnt feel would be this impactful. Its not really the changes, just no one doing gens like the extra 10 secs is a deal breaker on doing the objective! Dont even get me started on the unsafe unhooking thats happening. 5 seconds of borrowed doesnt mean you should unhook in the killers face every hook!!!!!! Its like this update just made survivors all new players again??????


  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918
    edited July 2022

    I think more people are playing killer because they have never been as strong. Therefore with less survivors they are just throwing all manner of MMR together. I swear I got into games with people with only 24hrs in the game. I've been playing for over four years now. Yikes. Then you have people who have lost so much they are giving up and can care less about the objectives. They are just getting points while the getting is good and insta-saving.

    I haven't seen perks like devour used in quite a while. Why? Killers are not leaving the hook anymore. Why should they? They can camp to second state and still only 1-2 gen pops then tunnel the person off death hook. It's a crapshow out there.

  • Interocitor
    Interocitor Member Posts: 154

    I had the same thought about the recent games in relation to MMR. I have had several "Walking Megs" who don't even run and I can be right behind them as Blight not hitting/rushing and they keep walking forward without looking behind them.

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    MMR is going to feel out of whack until everybody has played a few matches and had their expected performance calibrated properly to the changes.

    Additionally, there's going to have to be some meta adaptation on the part of the survivors - the matches where gens get done quickly that I've experienced so far involve people bringing multiple toolboxes. Just expecting empty hands to do all the work is a risk now.

    And on top of that, there's nothing to say that there aren't going to be some amount of tweaks merited by such a huge patch change. The fundamentals, I assume, will stay the same - but the extremes might need sanding down.

  • Ladyinadress18
    Ladyinadress18 Member Posts: 243

    Bruh agreed. I’ve been playing all morning/afternoon and I have never experienced having a full day of not more than 2 gens getting done in a match. I’m either the survivor getting tunneled out… or I’m the last survivor alive with 4 gens still and then I’m down too. It’s nuts. I’m not having fun.

    no I never used dead hard. My build has stayed the same except I removed borrowed time. I usually run a sabo or healing-my-teammates build.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Reasonable, I don't think so but I'm not playing in a high-level team so what do I know.

    What is it is annoying enough to make me go play something else.

    I had a match like that, survived, and stopped. I've always found survivor to be relaxing, without the help of the killer I would fall asleep.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I escaped four games in a row last night, which has never happened before. Adjust your build for something new.

    It might just be that MMR is broken, though.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Why are you just sitting around letting the killer have full value from their perks? Botany was buffed. Use it. Circle is still very good. Use it. If you run healing perks you can make it fully worthwhile to heal even vs. Legion. I'm torn that people don't realize this because it makes my legion games more enjoyable vs. the hate bandwagon inevitably getting my favorite killer gutted.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Honestly, I would not mind the gen speed to be reverted, myself. I feel 10 seconds, even in a bubble of "iTs OnLy 10 SeCoNdS" to be a bit extreme. No idea why they made that anti-fun change.

    Save the Best for Last is fine, in my opinion, because it is conditional. I guess they could normalize it in conjunction with the new cool down. Whatever.

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    I dunno....either a lot of people are pouting or theres a large influx of new players. Somethings goin on and its not just "gens are too hard". I played a bunch of games as trapper last night and they literally werent touching gens. I wasnt even playin that hard and the only regression perk i had was oppression. Its like every game 3 people were runnin around aimlessly and 1 person was tryin to actually do gens.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Are we just not factoring in the time to find teammates and the time it takes to heal? It's 16 seconds minimum to eliminate a single stack of Thana without Botany Knowledge. That's before we factor in finding the teammate, boons, etc. Not working on the objective in order to make the objective take less time is still indirectly adding time to the objective.

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    See I don't have much faith in this supposed recalibration mechanic. I've been a crap killer for years and the rare times I get on as killer I'm lucky to get a single hook. This includes times I play as a killer I've never used.