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General Discussions

Solo queue needs some major buffs

Member Posts: 939
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Right now it's unplayable, with maybe three extra perks for solo players, 4 perks aren't enough when you've got to compensate for other randomers and killers who just slug everyone for a 4k.

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  • Member Posts: 455


  • Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2022

    It definitely needs a buff but three extra perks? No. Why not have swfs have only one perk each if we are going to throw crazy ideas out here.

  • Member Posts: 2,144
    edited July 2022

    Been solo'ing pretty much exclusively since 2016. Even played to (old) Rank 1 without any perks several times. Game is fine, just do better.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Extra perks doesn’t solve the issue. We need ways to coordinate better as a solo team

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    While Solo could use some changes, extra perks definitely ain't it chief.

  • Member Posts: 208

    that's not accurate , you're an outlier. Just look around you, So many solo survivors are complaining there is something seriously wrong with how the patch went. if you can't acknowledge that then i don't know what to say

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    Survivors have pretty much always cried wolf at just about any changes that have come to the game at any point. "This will kill the game. Survivor side is dead. I'm quitting DBD. I'm only playing Killer from now on."

    After 6 years none of this has come true. The HUD changes the devs proposed look interesting, but I could live without them as well.

  • Member Posts: 857

    Devs confirmed no SoloQ buff for the next 12 months.

    Anyone here likes board games?

  • Member Posts: 939

    If you're "escaping" every game then you're playing bad killers which means low MMr.

  • Member Posts: 2,144
    edited July 2022

    Ah yes, I escape a lot, therefore, I must be facing bad killers. It can't be at all that I'm actually good at the game. Escaping every game will put you at high MMR, since your MMR raises only when you escape, so you're contradicting yourself here.

    You're much more likely to get camped and tunneled at low MMR. As for slugging, there are several perks to counteract this. If I can do runs to high ranks with no perks, you can do the same with anti-slugging perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,111

    Killer main, here. Wouldn't mind solo queue players having free kindred. Then again, I also play survivor....just mostly killer.

  • Member Posts: 57

    I agree that solo needs something (probably not what the post creator says), as a killer main who likes to play solo survivor, solo queues are deeply in trouble. When i play killer, I can utterly destroy a solo team, while SWF's still have a great deal of strength.

    My suggestion, which is not new, is to add voice comms to the game and then balance around the assumption that everyone is in communication.

  • Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2022

    Ignoring the crap posting by someone de-railing the thread, solo queue does need changing, info stuff won't help at all because there is no communication, people can be given all the information in the world and they can still ignore it there needs to be more self-sustainability.

    If you have no med kit you and your team refuse to heal you're playing basically no mither all game, three genning because no one knows who is working on what gen.

    There are literally no perks which are good for solo queue, all of them rely on someone else to mostly to be effective or have some objective to be done to be useful and even then it's a one time use.

    Nancy's gen perk for example, you tell your team you're working on a generator where as SWF gets that for free but they don't lose a perk slot for it, why should solo queue be punished for it?

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