Survivors Losing Their Minds

It seems since the patch a number of survivor mains have been screaming at the top of thier lungs that it is now impossible to escape. As a person who is usually killer but has been playing more Survivor since the map, and never having used DH whenever I did play before this patch, it seems fine. You just have to work now. I agree solo q is rougher, but its not as bad as people seem to think. Out of the about 20 games I've played since the patch has been out as Survivor, I would say I've escaped close to half the time, and pipped about 90% of the time. Maybe thats not the same for everyone, but it goes to show its still quite possible to do fine as a Survivor after the patch. Adjust your builds, learn to loop and juke, and learn to weigh the risks and rewards of various strategies. Think like a Killer has had to for years, and you too can do great as Survivor.
I have 5.400 hours, I’m good looping, and this patch is the death of solo survs. You can’t loop a good killer with the new buffs and the new bloodlust. Survs perks were nerfed to the ground and killers still have very good perks. Do you imagine a survs perk that gives 15% of progression? Do you imagine a killer perk that let him see his red stain? Or a killers perk that let survs get 3 heal states? This is the kind of trash perk survs have
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Bloodlust hasn't really changed,it is still 15 seconds for tier 1; and if you get past that its a problem for your ability and time managment as killer. DH was nerfed to the ground, and a few of the other meta ones where also nerfed. There is also plenty that was perfectly good before this patch, and some that got buffed. Killers as a whole got buffed, and thats fine. They've been needing it for awhile. It sounds like to me, and yes I'm going to infer here; is that you need to try out some new perks and some new builds and see what you can get going. And make sure to check if you pip, use that as a marker, because there is no true victory conditions in this game except the ones you set.
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Except killers didn’t have teammates who self care in the corner of the map or unhook in front of the killers face. Now add to that 50 more seconds total gen time and swing and breaking speed increase. Solo survivors are tired of getting shafted especially since everybody agrees that SoloQ is harder than killer.
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agree <3 i also have fun solo q more than before the patch
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I tried. But you equip them and the only thing you can say is... bad perk, trash, bad as hell, #########?, worst perk in the history,...
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Again, for the 100th time, this has nothing to do with "getting good", "learning to loop" etc etc etc. Obviously some people are crying because they can't bully killers, but that isn't the actual issue here.
"Think like a killer has had to for years", except Killer's matches are affected by their own skills, and the mistakes of survivors. Solo survivors have to rely on their own skills, the mistakes of killers, AND their teammates not making mistakes. Killer skill plays a bigger role in a killer game than a solo survivor's individual skill does in a survivor game. No amount of my personal skill is going to get me an escape and raise my MMR if my teammates are going down in 20 seconds.
The result isn't "gg ez survivors don't have their precious crutches" - rather it highlights the glaringly huge flaws of an MMR system that prioritizes escape (through the gates, mind you - not hatch) as a measure of skill. It also highlights the drastic difference between solo and SWF even more than we already all knew.
DH needed it's nerf, this isn't debatable. And killer needed TLC. But there's also something to be said for the fact that good solo survivors need strong perks just to counteract the immense unreliability of their teammates, let alone to counter anything the killer does.
None of this is the killer's FAULT, of course - it's Behaviour's for not ever addressing solo queue. But that doesn't invalidate the complaints solo survivors are bringing up now.
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I am actually really curious if it's really THAT bad as so many are claiming. I wanted to wait until the Halloween Event (the new rift doesn't interest me at all and I have lots of other games to play atm), but I will give it a go this weekend, cause part of me just doesn't want to believe that the game got so damn bad. I will try some killer too and see If a potato like me can get kills.
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So you're just suddenly started to get outlooped by a 10% (which is miliseconds) of killer braking a pallet? Survivors who complaining about bloodlust, I'm not even gonna continue...
Survs perks were nerfed... You mean the same 4-5 perks every single match they were abusing? Who'd imagine...
Survivor perk that gives 15% of progress... Dude killer 1, survivors 4.
If you had 5.400 hours in the game, I don't expect you to complain about bloodlust or killer perks unless you just don't want to use any perk that not in previous "second-chance" meta.
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Then maybe try looking at them differently? Or take a break? If your not enjoying the current state of the game, getting some distance can be good. The thing for me is, it still feels like its completely possible to play Survivor, because I've been doing quite well at it since the patch, but that might be because I never played the meta before? So I'm used to looking at trash and trying to make it treasure, because I always felt survivor was too easy and wanted to do something fun instead of meta. While as Killer I felt I HAD to play Meta, and now I can have fun making non meta builds there.
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I'm kind of half and half since playing some more solo survivor
On the one hand, my games have been much tighter (especially against the normally cake walk M1 killers), which to me at least makes them much more enjoyable. We're getting gens done but we are losing and winning by the skin of our teeth. I feel like I have to actually work at this point in order to give myself a chance to escape. It does help me though that I never really used any survivor meta perks so I had very little adjusting I had to do
That being said though, I have also found that if I do want an actual chance to escape, my "sweaty" survivor build (Bond, Kindred, Lithe, and Prove Thyself) are basically a requirement. Which is kind of unfortunate as I have a bunch of "fun" builds but if I bring my fun builds, the killer has to be just God awful in order for me to have any kind of a chance to win. This also clearly did nothing to help with camping and tunneling, though to be fair to the update, camping and tunneling has been an issue for quite a while so I don't think it's fair to blame the patch on that. It's just that previously if a killer camped/tunneled, it still felt like you had a chance to hammer gens and go but now it feels like you're kind of screwed...
It feels like they went with the plan to buff solo players to closer to SWF levels and then buff the killers in order to help level the playing field for everyone but then forgot to do the solo buff. I run Bond and Kindred right now in my builds because while information has always been useful in this game, it's now a requirement if you want any chance to survive. Something is desperately needed for solos to get the same kind of info that SWFs get for free because right now I have to burn two perk slots just to put myself at their level. It used to be highly encouraged and a good idea pre-patch but now it feels like a must if you want to have a chance to survive the trial and it shouldn't be like that...
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Except your MMR rating for survivor will be low so of course you will be running into easier matches. When a survivor main complains its because they have higher MMR and are running into good killers that were able to get consistent downs before this update. Now its 4k almost every game. Killer mains have gotten buffs or seen survivor nerfs for the last 4 patches and they are still complaining. Also, stop saying that DH is the reason people are complaining. Its about the base buffs to killer and the fact that they nerfed almost nothing for their perks.
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I agree Solo Q needs something, I've been saying add voice chat to the game for ages, or at least a ping system. And if that was added, balance could start to be applied in more even way across the board.
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Let gens take 70 secs, increasing pallet stun and speed when hit by 10%, remove bloodlust, nerf gen regression and let killers only use 1 of them and remove exhaustion for survs so they can use 4 second chance perks and you get what survs are feeling now
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Steps that will follow:
- Survivors loosing their mind
- Survivors play less
- Killer q goes up
- Killers play less
- Less people spend money
- Game support ends (See Deathgarden for reference, also made by BHVR)
- Bye
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Agreed. I wish this had all been factored in with solo queue improvements together as one update, because it would definitely be the most balanced this game has been in ages, if not ever.
But until that day, solo queue is overall abysmal at the moment. Sure, some people are doing good, or staying the same, and some are complaining because they were boosted. But I'd wager to say a bigger amount of survivors have complaints for valid reasons.
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Deathgarden had a lot of problems, most pertaining to making a game that was competing with thier main product. Also the dent it would take to remove the survivor population that it would cause Killer queues to be as long as old Survivor queues would take A LOT.
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Forgot step 8 9 10
8 new patch
9 more players come back lowering q times
10 more money is spent repete step 1-10
Almost like the cycle you've been in for the past 5 ish years
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I think there are valid complaints, certainly. But I also feel like there is a lot of overreaction and doom and gloom; with some thinking survivors can't do anything without old meta perks. I disagree with those arguments. Its not the end of the world, even for SoloQ.
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I'm now actually glad that I have never really ran DH, because I think a huge part of this is people who had it engrained into their muscle memory. A lot of players are going to re-map their gameplay brain, and that's not a quick process.
I bet there are many out there still hitting the DH key/button reflexively because they are so used to it (hell, for the last few months I've been playing Elden Ring and DBD, and on many occasions tried to roll/backstep in DBD when the killer swung at me, and then had a good laugh at myself). Someone who has run DH in every loadout for years (and you can't really blame them for having done it) is going to feel absolutely naked without it.
A lot of "unlearning" is going to have to be done; you can still loop, but not in the same way, you can't take the same chances, and you can't greed extra loops/pallets anymore.
The entire meta has been disrupted, particularly (but not exclusively) on the surv side, and there is going to be a rough adjustment period for people. But it will pass, and those who don't leave will find success with whatever the new meta turns out to be.
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There is never been a single time in the past 6 years when 1 side was nerfed into the ground and the other buffed into stratosphere.
Also, see how much patches helped Deathgarden when people started leaving.
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Overreaction at it's best.
I agree with you, that killers got stronger, yes, I get it. But don't you think survivors just didn't get used to changes yet? Didn't come up with new working meta, or just good synergy perks, new strategy to play?
You're an old player. You've been in some changes before. I'm 100% sure you can create a new meta yourself and go ham on matches.
Just take some time and try to play, yes, update isn't perfect, maybe even far from perfect, but what it provides? Diversity which all wanted, I'm sure of it.
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It's already happened. I've never ever in the past 3 years had evening killer queue that was longer than 10 seconds. Yesterday, it was 1 m 40 sec. The process has started. It doesn't take that much revenue loss to start laying off developers -> less new content -> even less sales -> and the circle is now downward spiral. Read history of Blackberry, to see how missteps and over confidence can lead to demise.
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How many times are you gonna boast on the forums about killer being stupid easy now because of the update?
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I am really curious how you are playing. Because you are keep telling this patch is good for survivors. So can we see some skills from you please?
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I barely escaped playing Solo queue last night. And I played it all evening trying to give this patch a chance. You're right. The only time we came close to getting the exit gates powered was a super sweat build + info. I brought Prove Thyself, a Commodious Toolbox + add ons, Built to Last (to recharge it), Empathy and Inner Strength (b/c it's Solo. You can never rely on a team mate for heals). Ran around, always tried for 2 people on a gen or more.
I feel like my builds before the patch were more fun. I usually ran BT and DS (again, necessary in Solo Q a lot), but I had 2 perk slots to play around with and tried different items.
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Solo que has always been garbage.. that’s why when I read these “solo is now dead” I shake my head… solo que will never die… BHVR knows that solo has to be brought closer to SWF, so what actually did they do wrong with solo? They did so many good things for killer and they took mjnolir to the meta perks which is amazing..
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I don't think survivors are losing their minds at all. They are reacting to very real concerns. Let's take a look at a few things.
1.) Killers complained for years. Some of this was legitimate, some was not. Of particular concern: there were too many godloops (or even high tier loops), too many maps favored survivors, too many perks gave survivors extra chances to escape chases, gens popped too quickly, flashlights were too effective (pre adjustment), hooks were too far apart making sabotage too strong, maps were too dark making blendette a reality, etc. While many of these issues were compounded by SWF groups, killers still felt like they were very weak against survivors. In every single one of these instances, developers addressed the issue to favor the killer.
2.) Developers used to have a standard of 2k, 2e. 50% kill rate. Because killers, in your own words, "lost their mind," developers decided to increase their expectations for this amount. In a recent letter/data dump, they revealed that the rate is now up to 60% kill rate. They still said that they were unhappy with this number. I do not think that they want to increase it that much, but my guess is that they want to try to hit a rate of 3k, 1e.
3.) Having made all of these subtle, minute changes, they realized that killers were still getting their *** handed to them by skilled SWF groups. In some streams, the developers didn't even believe it! When faced with how powerful these SWF groups can be, the developers were stunned. Therefore, they decided to implement even more changes to assist killers.
So what's the problem? The data also shows that the vast majority of players are not a 4man SWF. Many are solo q, a large percentage are 2 man groups, and some 3. Additionally, and perhaps most surprising of all, they decided against an incremental approach where they can gather data, view the changes, and adjust as needed. Instead, they went nuclear: not only were they going to drastically shake up the meta (much needed, in my opinion), but they were also going to buff killers.
Some thought was put into how to prevent tunneling and camping, as that has easily become the most dominant strategy for the vast majority of killers (or, at the very least, tunnel 1-2 out so that the gens wouldn't pop so quickly). Unfortunately, by keeping hook timers the same and by increasing the overall average time to complete gens by 50%, they in fact buffed camping and tunneling.
As a result, we now have a situation where survivors--especially the majority in solo q or a smaller group, are now being repeatedly clobbered by killers. Killers are still camping and tunneling with impunity because, for many, getting the 4k is the most important thing in the world (as a random wondering, could this be due to the fact that they have increasingly added extra objectives for survivors in an effort to slow the game down while not doing likewise for the killer?).
Nowhere did I say that killers did not need to be buffed. Nowhere did I say that survivors did not need a meta shakeup.
But the fact that survivors are "losing their mind" (especially if you took a moment to read what they are really saying) points out a very real problem that the devs refuse, so far, to address.
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People are really overblowing "The Death of Solo Queue" thing imo.
1. Solo Queue was always trash, and no buffs to survivors or nerfs to killers will help that. You're still gonna get teammates who get instadowned by a Level 1 Pig because they got caught in a locker after blowing up a gen.
2. MMR currently is not working as intended AND a major patch that changes a majority of the game just went through WITH an extremely sought after skin collaboration. In short; people are coming in to play, be it veterans, newbies, regular players and people who haven't touched the game in years and the function that seperates those players is busted.
If ya don't wanna deal with Solo Queue, play Killer. It's not like you'll have that hard of a time against survivors, right?
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"Death of survivors, perks are bad."
And yet here I am playing with Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Blast Mine, and Urban Evasion (or Stake Out) and still doing just fine.
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I like your changes in bolding and italics, it really makes it seem like survivors never got any buffs or any of the survivor perks where changed. And while killers have reacted strongly, and certainly in some cases too strongly, so have survivors. But I have never seen anything like this on these forums EVER, and the doom and gloom that makes it seem like its IMPOSSIBLE to escape or pip is the reality of whats going on, rather then adjusting to how the game is played now. We don't know HOW this is going to affect things, but for me they seem to be in the better. Most killers where weak before thie update. Now most of them are at least playable, some are much better, and the ones that where already strong got stronger. Hopefully all of these problems will be adressed. But I think survivors are finally where they should be, as the numerous but weaker role that can only be strong together. Map Design is still ######### and still favors survivors, so be grateful that will likely never change.
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Ah another one of your high quantity threads. Don't you think at some point you should stop posting like this to protect yourself?
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Protect myself from what? I'm inviting people to discourse with me and others when I make these. Or I'm venting. Either way, I don't see how protection fits into it?
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Depends on your definition of ''win'' I can escape 80% of my matches by myself, but it's a team game....a win for killer is counted as 3 kills and a win for survivors if 3 escaped, The way I have seen solo queue survivors (even 8k hour veterans streaming on twitch) they have been losing their games with them only getting a draw or just a solo escape...
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Very few people have been doing gens in my soloQ games. We could be escaping through the gate if people would just do gens. I did 4 gens in a game last night by myself and escaped through hatch alone. If others had been doing gens we would've been solid. Instead they wanna 'test their skills" and run around like monkeys. The objective is to do gens and escape. That doesn't include 3 monkeys running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
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Nah if you think what you do is fine.
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I understand people wanting to be chased, but when the whole team wants to be chased who is left to do gens? Nobody. Thats why soloQ survivors lose. You have to do stuff, people. Teamwork. Its not about being the chase hero every game.
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Even if the cards are stacked against us.
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Oh, you never used DH? Playing more survivor you say? Sounds very familiar, you're probably quite well informed, I imagine, :) Just like the rest of the forums nowadays? Everyone who plays killer seems to be playing survivor now, magically.
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On Steamcharts,
September 2021 the game was "stable" following August 2021 with 51K players on average.
In the past 24 hours this game had 51K players at peak. Not average, peak.
Day 1 of this new midchapter update has 68K players at peak. Day 2, 55K players at peak, Day 3 51K players at peak. 2 more days like this and we'll be below the numbers before the midchapter. It'll take less than a week to completely negate any playercount gain from this update. The next update is in what, 6-8 weeks? If this game can't even retain a post-update growth of players for a week how well will that bode for the future of it?
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it already taking to long my Killer queues are like 10 to 15 min so I'm just playing solo survivor which not fun.
sorry but if something doesn't change really soon this game end is near.