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I tunnel and camp. Need advice how not to.

Member Posts: 792

Rarely ever did it before update.

Before: Pop and BBQ and 2 random perks. So after each hook I had reason to go far from hook.

Now: Eruption, Call of Brine, Brutal and 1 random perk. I have no reason to go far from smaller area of patrol, so I can keep applying Eruption and respond quickly to CofB notification. So I hook survivors in the middle of my smaller patrol area now, therefore they become proxy camped. Also, since there is no IW now, I can much easier hear unhooked and automatically go for the loudest one. Also, Brutal allows me to clear pallets in the area quickly, thus giving me even less incentive to leave.

My kill rates are through the roof, but it doesn't feel good. At the same time I hate wasting time and just looking around for survivors. I need a build suggestion where I have reason to patrol larger area and constantly be informed, so I don't idle much outside of chases. Both, Eruption and CofB have huge information value thus keeping me in chases all the time, so I'm looking for something similar in information value. Not gonna go back to BBQ, as I'm just tired of it and only had it for BP.

Please advise.

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  • Member Posts: 942

    Camping at endgame is fine as it's understandable especially if things aren't going great, so that's a start. I don't play killer much, but when I do, even if it no longer provides BP bonus, it still gives good info regardless. Maybe run perks that encourage you to leave the hook more, SC:PR can still be a good indicator to find survivors too. Nurses Calling to find those pesky healers, ect. These are just a few minor suggestions.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    After you hook as survivor you turn around and then you hold w/forward and look for another survivor.

    Your officially a pro noncamper congrats!!!!!

  • Member Posts: 82

    There is nothing horribly wrong with camping and tunneling to apply pressure; however doing it at 5 generators at the start can force smart Survivors to just do 3, maybe 4 generators in the time you camp them, especially if they're on comms.

    Use strong perks to encourage getting away from the hook and getting more hooks, such as any of the Scourge Hook perks, No Way Out, Grim Embrace.

    Camping and tunneling when there's only 1 or no gens left however is a completely valid and understandable strategy, especially if you're losing.

    Hope this helps a little bit.

  • Member Posts: 792

    Except I specifically said that increasing time not being in chase is not an option.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    You can create other ways pressure too but for baby killer it's probably only way.

  • Member Posts: 339

    Plenty of perks encourage you to leave the hook. Gift of pain is a pretty massive debuff now if you leave the survivor alone to be healed. Monstrous shrine deletes people pretty quickly although it's probably optimal to proxy camp with it.

    Darkness revealed, thrilling tremors, discordance, tinkerer, etc etc.

    Call of brine + brutal is for a 3 gen playstyle which is conductive towards camping so maybe reconsider your entire build?

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    If you notice that there are other survivors around you when you hook, that's their fault for keeping you around the hook, that's not camping. If they unhook in your face and you decide to go after the one they unhooked, that's not tunneling, that's punishing a bad play. If you aren't near the hook but you find the injured survivor soon after the unhook, that's not tunneling, you're going after an opportunity. If you feel bad about it, just slug them instead of hooking them. I call out Killers for camping, but mostly out of salt and an enjoyment for smack-talk, but people can play however they want.

    These terms are made up by Survivors to make Killers feel bad about the way they play. Mostly because Survivors tend to be overly altruistic and end up causing their own downfall, yet decide to blame it on the Killer.

    If you really don't want to be called out with surface level insults based on how you play, I recommend using something like Darkness Revealed, possibly combined with Lethal Purserer, with a Killer with strong map presence, like Blight, Nurse, Hillbilly, or Dredge. BBQ is still great, personally I never used it for the BP as when I did use it, I already had everything I wanted.

    The problem stems from the majority of Killers having no map presence, so you have to take opportunities where you can get them. That's just how the game is designed.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Depends on what killers you're playing. I've been running Fire Up/Bamboozle/Brutal/STBFL on M1 killers and haven't had anyone escape yet since the update. The chases are applying the pressure. They make hilariously little distance against Clown at max stacks of STBFL if you hit them with a bottle.

  • Member Posts: 792

    "Darkness Revealed, possibly combined with Lethal Purserer" - thank you. I tried DR on huntress, but only saw people 3 - 4 times in entire match, so I gave up on it. Combo with new LP is definitely interesting to try.

  • Member Posts: 224

    My name is george nelson - not babyface. You tell your friends.

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    I love DR on Dredge, since it combos well with his power and sometimes I can get some really cheeky locker grabs with it.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    If you would play your old style I would slap on Dragons Grip. Now survivors have to choose to interrupt Call of brine and be exposed, or let the gen regress to avoid it..pretty fun 😀

    But hey you want to move around and sadly Ruin, Tinkerer, BBQ that got killers moving have all been nerfed. I know you don't want to use BBQ anymore but with the new Lethal Pursuer giving you 2 seconds longer on all aura perks I find it fun to use Lethal, BBQ, Darkness Revealed, Jolt. Find survivors a lot and let Jolt do it's thing it's great on Nurse anyway. Otherwise not the strongest build but hey it's something else.

  • Member Posts: 792

    Darkness Revealed felt like a waste with huntress of a slot on some maps, so I gave up on it. Maybe better with other Killers?

    Discordance is also hit and miss, depending on survivors. Smart swf figures it out in the first minute.

    Tinkered used to be my favorite, but with nerf... blah.. only 5 times per match.

    Thrilling. That may be worth trying again!

  • Member Posts: 792

    I would agree with you before the patch, but now it's an easy mode anyway. I tried Spirit with the speed add on and STBFL and now that Noone is running IW, chases are so easy.

  • Member Posts: 222

    For me personally, even if it shoots me in the foot, I like chase perks. It also encourages me to get into chases with others or why use the perks? STBFL (before the update) was one of my favorite perks on most killers. It just feels really good and makes me want to try to get 8 stacks and keep them as much as I can.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Sometimes its fine to tunnel or camp, don't play the Survivor Rulebook for Killers. (There isn't one for survivors) Its good to learn other skills as well, but sometimes if you know the enemy team is being altruistic or you have a chance to take someone out of the game, do it.

  • Member Posts: 359

    I like the endgame ones, the one that blocks opening a gate, then Freddy’s that makes opening take longer, then the one that blocks exits if you hook a survivor after doors open

  • Member Posts: 792

    Wow! That's a fun idea to try! I tried dragons before, but gave up on because no one touched gens after first time, so it was a waste of perk slot. Will be great to try with CofB!

  • Member Posts: 792

    My time is better spent having fun. Camping is boring. Videogame is not a job and blood points are not money. You do you.

  • Member Posts: 792

    Holy ####! I just tried exactly what you advised and it was very funny, but survivors didn't like it. I didn't camp hooks, I camped gens, LOL I thought gens wouldn't mind being camped, but apparently it's also bad 😏

    No wonder killer queue so long with those BP gains.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Just lose games and you'll match with people who don't need to tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 792

    I feel like y8ou didn't read the post you replied to. I don't need help winning. I win most games no problem. I end up tunneling and proxy camping unintentionally with the new gen slowdown meta.

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2022


    If I can recommend killers, play legion, doctor or plague with right addons (max duration+speed bonus, aura for infected and max terror radius).

    All those killers have extreme information value, especially for legion you can intentionally avoid dying survivors thanks to uncounterable hyper range instinct.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    If you don't immediately see someone in the surrounding area, just walk away and search the rest of the map. You shouldn't need an incentive to not play boring

    If you can't find anyone during your patrolling and the person gets unhooked, then go back and see if you can find the unhooker or the unhooked person. Ain't that hard

  • Member Posts: 792

    I guess you didn't read the post you replied to. Searching the map is precisely what I find boring, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I was having a fair amount of fun with a full scourge hook build. Monstrous Shrine, Floods of Rage, Gift of Pain, and Pain Resonance. I will say that your current strategy is probably going to be meta, so this build is undeniably weaker. Floods of rage will give you a constant target, monstrous shrine means a guaranteed scourge hook in basements, Gift of pain will give you slow down if they heal or they remain vulnerable if they don't, and pain resonance is consistent gen regression.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Beside builds and tactics, try this rule:

    Do not kill a survivor until there are only two generators left.

    Even if you get the same survivor twice in a row, don't do it a third unless it's killing time. Ignore him. Slug him if you need to (e.g. he is on a generator or on bones)

    That way he can still play and you can opt going for a kill when it's needed.

    Everything else is about your build/skills with the killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,002
  • Member Posts: 792

    Laziness? LOL. Just to be clear, we are talking about videogame here, not a job or a chore. I don't know if you are aware, but some people play to have fun. Yeah, yeah, I know hard to believe. Not gonna waste my time on something not fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Hilarious to talk about games supposed to be fun while ignoring the fun of the player you're camping. That's my entire point.

    The game is supposed to be fun. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to look around a tiny map and get bored that easily. Therefore I suggested allowing the player on hook a chance to play the game and have fun (ya know, the thing you're so worried about) and go after someone else. Especially with how mindlessly easy it is to 4k now

  • Member Posts: 450

    Don't worry about them. They're update they didn't win so they blame you. Tunneling and camping is fine, especially in endgame when no gens are left. I tunnel and camp if 2 or more gens pop before my first down, the survivor is predropping any and every pallet they reach and or be toxic.

    I don't feel bad because why should I? I'm the killer, it doesn't matter how I do it I'm feeding you to the entity. I will face camp at 5 gens if you so much as not respect my power, especially when I'm playing my main.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    OP wants a bonus incentive to engage with the rest of a team once they find one person because it's too cumbersome to walk to those highlighted red objectives called generators on the map where survivors are most likely to be and would rather wait for people to come to their campsite where they pitched their tent.

    My response was simply you shouldn't need an incentive to engage with the rest of the game because that's where the fun is. Engaging with the other players and the map tiles

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