Concerning the Dead Hard nerf, I predict...

More activatable perks. I bet they needed to depower Survivors to allow room for the stuff they are planning to add.
My first prediction for the first activatable perk added...
Activatable Perk. Dash forward at 200% speed for 1 second. Applies Exhaustion.
thats just a spirnt burst with training wheels though.
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So bring back dead hard for distance VS M1 killers? No chance in hell the devs are doing that
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Maybe they buff lithe or sb that you can activate them when you want.
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As an avid user of Sprint Burst, being able to activate it whenever I want wouldn't be a good move in terms of balance.
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It would be even stronger than old dh in some situations.
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I got one...
Iron Will
Press Ability Activate Button while crouched to silence all Survivor grunts, scream, and breathing completely for 3/6/9 seconds. Running prematurely ends Iron Will. Iron Will is now an Exhaustion Perk. Amount of time would be subject to testing.
There, now people can have "Makes Zero Noise" Iron Will back, but at a cost. Also, as a plus, it could negate Infectious Fright, since it is an Exhaustion perk and requires manual activation.
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Besides, you can already kinda do this if you're smart with how you 99 it in a chase.
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But that means you can't do gens just have to continue sprinting but if killer uses fearmonger that's actually good. But dh big problem was you could use it to reach pallet or window you would not reached otherwise but if sb would have same activation mechanism you could do that and gain even more distance.
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What I meant was walking mid-chase after breaking line of sight in order to run down your exhaustion timer. If you're really good at looping and mind-gaming, you can get 2, maybe even 3 SB in a single chase. Of course this actually requires some skill, which old DH didn't.
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Good killer will never let you walk
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And a better Survivor will always find an opportunity 😏
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We don't need any of these, the game is balanced now