General Discussions

General Discussions

What do you think about the Update? until now.

Have to say that the update are BLESSED and CURSED in many ways. main PERKS.

the dead hard changed is blessed although I think they over did the re-work about the perk, the animation is disaster.

the whole point from the Killer prospective and the problem with the perk it was the distance.

the window of the hit is to small if you have 40+ ping (it narrows it) even more which means don't use it.

you can't bully the killer no more with that perk and expect it will save\correct your mistake.

NOW only good survivor are gonna be in the game because good survivor don't need DH.

and bad survivor gonna cry about it because they are just bad without it.

The bad stuff - its way more easier to tunnel\camp the distance it like not existing anymore from the update I didn't eat even one DS. you just don't give a ######### no more as killer you can take it and its super fast to recover from it (that is a bad change) if they wanted to nerf it (even more) they needed to add the Exit gate Deactivation that's sound reasonable in the end of the game killer doesn't have any more to do but to camp if he gets a down at the end.

that's my opinion.

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  • Member Posts: 552

    Great, changes were needed. Surv and Killer is fun again. Surv before was just boring. I don't like to bully killers, so I played for escapes. Now it's harder, but thats the fun part.

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    Never used DH or DS, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Very good! Finally both roles are fun to play.

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    It's obviously the worst update in 6 years. Unreasonable and contradicting beyond everything. Not even gamebreaking bugs were so bad.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Thank you for us vs them, that definitely doesn’t get old.

  • Member Posts: 275

    Lol, they should send out one of their surveys, now. I can't imagine why they don't...

  • Member Posts: 452

    Perfect besides:

    DS being a 3 second stun.

    Killers being able to stack Thana, Gift Of Pain, Pentimento gen slowdown penalty.

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    Every game has had the survivors finish all 5 gens. By the time I get enough hooks to kill somebody, the doors are open. Then, I usually get one last kill because overconfident survivors screw around instead of just leaving.

    So, it's still an overwhelmingly strong survivor-performance, with a 2k only through aggressive mis-play.

    All the best killer perks are dead, but at least around 4 survivor crutches died too. So, it's nice seeing people tear out their hair and gnash their teeth over it. Almost worth losing BBQ.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    I don't miss DH, because rarely used it myself, it did me more harm than good. And in the old times with old DH people died like flies.

    I'm more concerned about overall speed buff for killers. Now I can do more mistakes in one match than I could allow in 3 matches. It's insane how easy it become...

    Survivor experience gone from terrible to complete hell. It was frustrating before, but now... My god...

    Only good survivors will be left, you say, right? As like 10% of player base? So DbD could have the same fate as Quake Champions for example.

    Wonder if there's anyway to make only good killers stay. Not an option, heh?

    The way I see this patch is an attempt to allow bad killers compete with good teams. Casual teams have zero chance now.

  • Member Posts: 857

    + DH nerf

    + Basekit killer buff

    -Gen time increase

    -Unhealthy perks buffed (Thana, Knock-Out)

    -Tunneling buffed

    -Camping buffed

    -SoloQ nerfed

    -Noed "nerfed" but not actually

  • Member Posts: 150


  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Increasingly better the more I play.

    Killer doesn't feel like "wait out DH during every chase while 7 gens pop" simulator and survivor is challenging but still very manageable. I think gens can probably go back to 80 seconds and soloQ needs some info improvements and I'd say we're aces.

  • Member Posts: 42

    The worst update

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