Time to take a break from solo queue survivor.

Solo queue is terrible, increasing gen progression was a mistake for solo queue, yes I can agree that generators can be fast when you play as a team and I wouldn't even mind if they get increased an additional 10 seconds for SWF squads, but solo queue just got butchered, They need to divide the buffs/nerfs they implement from solo queue and SWF squads.
The irony is that when Bloodlust was disabled for a week a lot of killer mains were posting that they would stop playing and that they would not play again until it was added back to the game, now we have the same for survivors (survivors posting that they are gonna leave) and they get laughed at by killer mains and told ''you are just bad at the game'' the hypocrisy from those players is so ridiculous. We could work together to reach an agreement with the devs but a lot (not all) killer players are salty when something is taken from them and incredibly toxic when survivors are the ones who get butchered.
I dont care about DS or DH, I never even used them but making generators slower for solo queue matches kinda ruined it for me, Im gonna save some disk space and just uninstall, I'll check for later updates to know when the game returns to a playable state for solo queue.
As a solo Survivor main, cya. Game feels just fine to me.
Also as someone who's been playing since 2016, I've personally seen Survivors crying wolf far more than Killers have on the forums, but this is anecdotal evidence and doesn't really mean anything. Most of the toxicity I've seen in this game has came strictly from Survivors.
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I really doubt you’re a survivor main when all your posts are so negative towards survivor.
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I mean you can believe whatever you want. Most of my thrill in this game comes from running and hiding from the Killer. This is something I've been hearing since 2016, that because I call other Survivors out on their nonsense, that suddenly I'm not a Survivor main.
Is it so hard to believe that perhaps, just maybe, that I disagree with the majority of what Survivors say? No no, can't be. I MUST be a Killer main.
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As a x, I am y, therefore z.
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yeah...solo queue is just fine.....just get guder....
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SoloQ is fine when you have decent teammates but when you have bad teammates who go down in chase in less than 15s you can't carry them anymore. But still this patch made tunneling and camping too viable which is problem.
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I have almost 6k hours in this game, 5k of those easily being solo Q. Solo Q is definitely not fine, and anyone who actually plays it would know that.
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You post the same tripe on every solo queue thread.
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I’m still enjoying it but that just because I never took it seriously. I just play for archives and to try out fun builds
Don’t blame you for leaving though especially with how some killers are playing
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How is this any different than when the game came out? The basement is the most dangerous place in the game. These kinds of things have been happening for 6 years lol
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Probably because other people keep making the same tripe threads. If people keep saying the same stuff, I will as well.
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The camping at entrance to basement or a survivor running around basement? The fact that two are on hook already shows camping...and another survivor going down as he stands there. Is there more to say on the matter? CAMPING IS THE NEW META! As stated before...not every survivor ran exhaustion perks. Looping was far more fun and outplaying.
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I ended up playing last night. The first 5 games were absolutely awful. Games ended with 2-3 gens left. So i decided that I would stop unhooking everyone and concentrate on gens, specifically. I was doing 4 gens by myself per game and everyone else died, but I escaped through the hatch. Then there were a few games where one other person was also doing gens and the entire team escaped through the gate. The biggest issue I came across was that, on average, nobody was touching generators. Then after a period of wins the games went back to being impossible. I was only able to do 2-3 gens before games ended in team wipes.
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How do we get survivors to work on gens instead of running around like monkeys? These games are winnable in soloQ, if people do the objectives.
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Mine have been dcing at 5 gens or suiciding or all end up slugged at the same time.
What are we supposed to do if this is the new norm?
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The time it takes to finish gens is longer. It's just long enough that killers can stand in front of a hook and patrol. 1 survivor will naturally go to the hook to get the unhook and see the killer face camping. Do this long enough and 3 survivors left with 3 gens left isn' viable for anyone to escape through the gates. Every game besides very few have been like this.
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Honestly I believe is the wisest decission you could make, did it myself yesterday too, pity the queues on Killer are around 5-7 minutes now in Europe even at 23:30.
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Sounds like the Survivors are playing overly altruistic. Only one Survivor should be attempting to make a play in the basement. If you the Survivors keep funneling into the basement instead of doing gens, what do you expect the Killer to do? This same exact scenario has been happening since the dawn of this game.
This photo also has 0 context. The Survivors could have very well all tried to save at the same time. The Killer could have seen one guy going to the basement and went back to defend the hook. As the 2nd guy was getting hooked, the 3rd guy probably tried to make a save and failed.
You legit can't blame the Killer for "camping" if you are literally running into his arms.
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Yeah I died in a few slug fests last night. It was just awful. I've been wondering if maybe unhooking ourselves will become an option for better gameplay. I've never really explored luck builds or self unhook builds. Not sure if it would even be viable.
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Yeah after my teams had a few wins and the games went back to impossible, i started thinking that, as well. The majority of my games have been that way too.
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It appears that a lot of survivors don't instinctively know these things in soloQ. Kindred activates and I see everyone run for the unhook. Lol
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A game can't be balanced on bad killers and low MMR because that makes the strong killers way more powerful and good killer mains pretty much unstoppable.
Survivors that are good are pretty much 10-15% of the roster. There is another 20-25% of decent survivors. That means that in every game you have higher changes of getting at least 2 potatoes and a decent survivor who thinks bullying the killer with a flashlight is still viable. 2 minutes into the game and you got 3 hooks already.
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Another killer only player.
He probably mains Omegablink Nurse and Stridor Spirit, tunnels the first survivor out at 5 gens, and then writes "ez" post game chat.
Nothing new, moving on.
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You can check my achievements on Steam then. I don't even have the achievement for injuring 100 Survivors after they throw a pallet. I don't even own Spirit, and I can count the number of times I've played Nurse on one hand lol
Don't be upset that I don't conform to the mob mentality that is Survivors. Sorry I'm actually decent at the game.
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Is getting a bad ratio what you're going for when you post something like this on survivor threads?! If so, good job. It's good evidence that you're a wolf in sheep's clothing.
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I've been at this song and dance for a long time. I could care less what my ratio on the forums is lmao again, feel free to check my achievements. I hardly play Killer. I don't even have some of the easiest achievements for them lmao if I was a Killer, you'd think I would at least have Outrage, but I don't.
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Don't even bother with him, judging by his snarky comments he gets stomped on by everyone and always resorts to ''you guys are ''mob'' as a defense, the whole world can tell him he is dead wrong on something and he'll just say ''you guys have mob mentality'' these type of losers think of themselves as better than everyone else when in fact people who act this way are below average but just have an inflated ego.
Post edited by Ink_Eyes on3 -
"Trust me bro"
"As solo survivor main"
Never change alright.
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Believe me I won't. I'm like a pointy rock, always in your shoe and never moves.
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Game has actually been balanced around average though.
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Please stop crying,please
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If you wanna cry we wont stop you man, we are here for you...
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Uninstalling is the right decision... Trying to change things with threats always works too...