Is prestiging really worth it?

Just wanted to know before I run along & P3 my Huntress & Nea. Haven’t really played & wasn’t sure if anyone has any objections to the new system?
Prestige is mandatory now. I mean, if you don't you'll run out of addons and stuff
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I must’ve skipped that part on the patch notes.
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Once you get to level 50, you have to prestige. But don’t worry, you won’t lose any items or add ons for prestiging anymore.
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There is no reason not to prestige anymore, it is essentially a free mechanic at this point. If you are asking if you should prestige certain characters, I would prestige anyone to P3 that you might use the perks of.
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We also have to pay 20k bloodpoints for the honour. Just so you're aware
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They made it mandatory as stated, and probably the most tedious, time consuming grind possible.
Would it kill BHVR to add a bulk button to just accept the mostly garbage on the blood web instead of making us go through it all individually, one by one? I also notice less decent items than before (when they promised prestiging would grant better items... it didnt really but more than I see now).