What Anime/Manga series would you like to see get a full chapter?

With DBD starting to crossover with Anime/Manga license with the AOT cosmetics, if we were ever to get a full chapter based on one with a new killer, survivor, and maybe even a new map what series would you want it to be?
Jojo bizarre adventure. I would die for it
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It won't happen cuz it's not well known but Shiki would be pretty fitting.
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Bleach....Black Clover......One Piece......Overlord.....the possibilities are endless tbh
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Not sure if Persona counts but it has been my dream chapter from the beginning. It definetely is not a horror series but I think it could fit really well in the world of dead by daylight. That or Yume Nikki.
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Junji Ito.
Give us Tomie-Yui, Spiral-Corrupted-Dwight, Avantgard-Human-Chair-Felix and Human-Slug-Bodied-Ace.
On the killer side we get Soichis-Beloved-Pet-Faced-Huntress, Fuchi-Fashion-Trickster, Spiral-Hair-Day-Spirit and Gyo-Shark-Oni.
I bet there are other creative appliances of Junji Itos work :)
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Hellsing and Berserk. Both mangas/animes are horror. Characters and story just so good. But i don't know how they will add survivor from these licenses cuz they are so strong. I can not imagine that Trapper is chasing Guts.
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Goblin Slayer, Oni gets a Goblin Slayer armor set and when he powers up gets the glowing red eye.
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None. I hope they keep anime out of DbD.
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Death Note but it wouldn’t work.
Light as killer with the note book as his special ability and the survivor would be obvious.
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Vampire Hinter D, Black Clover, Berserk
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Too late for you then.
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Probably Beserk and JoJo
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Well with Attack on Titan, animes in DbD already. It is so late.
And they sold very well, so i think BHVR saw potential of Animes. We can expect more.
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Death Note
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Weebs really do ruin everything.
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Naruto (Imagine a squad of Claudettes all wearing Ninja Gear or Akatsuki capes).
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I don't want anime outside of cosmetic collabs. Anime doesn't translate to 3D well at all in the first place and would clash with DBD's aesthetic. The AOT skins already look kinda goofy.
My dream Collab is anything Junji Ito, but only as skins.
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Hellsing. Can't claim it doesn't match the tone of DBD, and there's a ton of characters to choose from on both ends. Not to mention the cosmetic potential would be sick.
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Boku no Pico
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Persona 3 enemy design for dredge , specifically the first one seen. Would be awesome
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Dio skin for trickster
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Why not 177013 instead?
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As a joke: Dragon Ball Z solely so we can see how many davids it takes to beat goku
Serious: Any anime with a monster in it
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tbh Attack on Titan was the only thing I really wanted to see.
But I suppose I wouldn't mind a cosmetic of Shinichi from Parasyte
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None. Skins from anime for existing characters? Sure but not a chapter
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omg yes
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Pokemon. Charlotte as Ash and Victor as pikachu (we need "power" skins)