I miss old Freddy

While he was definitely the weakest killer in the game, he was also extremely fun to play. So much so that he became my favorite slasher film killer. Just the idea of pulling people into your dream world while in the real world they can’t see you is awesome.
I miss the little animation of the black and orange smoke coming out of Freddy’s sleeve when he used his power and the fear survivors could show when they realized they’d been found and were falling asleep where they’d have to try to escape in those precious few seconds before Freddy could get them.
I honestly would not complain if they brought him back exactly how he was; weak but fun. Right now he’s definitely better, but not very fun to play as or against. Maybe if they brought old Freddy back, he could keep the powers he has now, but have to manually put people to sleep like before. A mix of the two Freddy’s. Maybe drop his aura reading he had when they were out of his TR. This way Freddy would retain his identity of being a dream demon while also having a legitimately scary dream world.
But I just want old Freddy back, man. Please BHVR, he was great.
Oh no.
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I came to tag the General but you beat me to it.
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I sorta forgot how old Freddy even played like. How was he fun again?
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Thank you, my friends <3
I really miss our old killer.
More than anyone does, that is for sure.
More than anyone ever will.
I need him back.
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Damn was just about to tag you my friend.
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You and me both 😂
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Oh yes.
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Oh hell yes!
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Yea I miss having 20 minute matches of holding M1 :( so sad he’s gone. /s
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His lullaby was for awake survivors instead of asleep and he was completely invisible. He would then need to pull you into the dream world in order to attack you with which then you can see him and hear his TR. There was a 7 second transition from awake to asleep where he did the intermittent appear and disappear until you fell asleep for real.
once asleep you had to wake up via another awake survivor or failed skill check. While inside you had an action speed penalty if I think 50% (which definitely wouldn’t work in today’s meta) and if you were outside his TR he could see your aura.
The fun factor was the pulling into dream world and actually having to want to break out. Just lore wise, only being able to see and be hurt by Freddy while you were asleep is way more fitting. Plus he was a pseudo good stealth killer and great at tracking.
He was way more fun to play as and against than current Freddy
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Serious question does anyone even like new Freddy? I feel like he’s just bland, uninspired, weak and doesn’t represent his source material well.
They said the reason they reworked him was because he was too weak but then they released killers like sadako and keep killers like Myers in the gutter
Just bring him back with his new teleport and some QOL changes like incapacitated in the dream transition and a hard cap on action speed penalties so he can’t stack slowdown perks
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How is new Freddy any more fun?
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God no.
I hope he stays buried and gone with the rest of 2017 dbd.
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This. I’d get on my hands and knees and beg for this.
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While I share your enthusiasm for the old bastard, I'm beginning to think you are bordering on unhealthy obsession and may need to see a professional lol! /s
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Not possible.
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I am just really passionate :)
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He was weak??? Well...any opinion is also opinion. :) By my opinion, he was one of strongest killers, and i rly loved to play him.
I rly liked, how his abilities and killing style was connected with his story - he had to put someone to sleep, and THEN he could harm them...but now?
Freddy is visible / invisible only at some range - #########?
Freddy can do ilusinarry traps / pallets - #########?
Freddy can teleport on gens - #########?
It seems like those changes made someone, who never seen any of Freddys movies.
Anyway - his rework was 1st step to quit this game (and latest patch was final step) because i realised that BHVR can (and will) change everything they got by their will and they dont care if ppls, who bought their product will like it or not. And with Freddy? Try to imagine this:
You will go on some car presentation. You will like this car and you buy it. Everyone is happy. After year or two, you will go to service for some technical check (because you MUST). On that check they will tell you "Hmmm...this is old, its can not be here, this must be removed, this makes too much noise"...and after that check, you will go from that service on bycicle instead your fency car.
This EXACTLY happened to Freddy and i see it as a mega-scam.
I know they wanted to make him a bit "balanced" but it seems like BHVR forgot on one key thing, that makes this game fun, and that is "this game is ASYMETRICAL multiplayer game". There are 4 survivors vs ONE killer. Survivors will never be able to kill killer and killer will NEVER be able to repair generators. What i want to say that this games was, is, and always WILL BE "disbalanced". That is what make this game...this game. So trying to "add some balance" to something stronger is
1) by my opinion nonsense, because as i said asymetry is key fun element in this game
2) on survivors / killers to balance this asymetry by choosing correct perks / items / addons / offerings
3) definetly NOT on BHVR, because they making this game. Not playing it.
Another thing is reworking perks - why? Because some are stronger (and logically more played) then others?
BHVR again not realising that
1) they make "ranked-only game" so if you want to climb up, you must take best equip, wich means logically take best perks. There is no space to experiment with new builds, because by that you will probably loose and climb down.
2) some perks are (and ALWAYS will be) somehow stronger than others. Thats why they are played. And nerfing them because they are played? Especialy if they are unique and have no alternative? It's mega nonsense and it taking away fun from their game.
I got on this game 6 years (over 3k hours) and i have seen enough changes. This game drowned in "nerfs and fixes" so deep, that i think it's impossible for it to get back on "surface". Only possibility for it is move forward and make a "bigger mess". That all giving me question - "do i rly want to deal with that mess? Or should i just give it up and try to look for something else"? I think we all know this answer.
So im leaving this sinking ship, grabbing popcorn and just watch discusions how more and more ppls complain on BHVR. :)
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Damn bro you went on a whole other tangent. You want a caprisun?
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I don’t have to spend 5 minutes on 1 gen
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Only if you didn’t know how to wake up. Plus new Freddy is just holding W except every time he hooks your gen loses 20% progress from pop
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Old Freddy was stronger and funnier than his current state.
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Rather that than having forever Freddy. Anybody whose played against forever Freddy would’ve preferred ANYTHING over him. People are bitching and moaning that Thana Legion is boring while Freddy was that if he took Steriods and had the genes of Arnold (can’t say his last name for legal reasons).
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I also miss old Freddy, but the people losing their composure have a point.
The 50% slowdown while asleep will have to be replaced with something less tedious to deal with.
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Which you have to go across map, away from the gen you were working on while Freddy is chasing someone. 2 people or more not doing gens beacuse they need to wake up just to get put back to sleep by the timer or by Freddy M1ing them. Lose - Lose.
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You know, I do have a concept for a Freddy Rework that I would like to share.
I hope you like it ^-^
Pull survivors into the Dream World
-Survivors who are awake do not see The Nightmare.
-Once targeted by The Nightmare’s power, survivors enter the Dream Transition for 7 seconds.
-The Nightmare’s Movement Speed Penalty for putting a survivor into the Dream Transition lasts for 1 second.
-During the Dream Transition Survivors can see The Nightmare intermittently and they suffer from the Incapacitated status effect.
-When the Dream Transition Lapse, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.
Once in the Dream World:
-Survivor’s auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his terror radius.
-Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 40%.
-To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action.
-Failed Skill Checks can also wake up.
-Hooked Survivors wake up.
Special Ability: Dream Projection
-Teleport to a Generator in view. Releasing the button early will cancel the action.
-Survivors cannot interact with the targeted Generator.
“You have nothing to worry about. This won’t hurt one… little… bit.” -Freddy Krueger
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Would his TR be like on-release Freddy with the 16m? I think it'd be interesting if they combined the on-release and old Freddy aspect of his TR:
16m TR, but survivor auras are not shown for 10 seconds after they leave his TR.
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I originally thought about keeping his 24m TR and make the auras instantly revealed.
It is still a combination of on-release Freddy and Old Freddy, just the other way around.
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Either or is pretty great. I think I'd prefer your way as well. I remember when those auras would eat through distortion stacks for any survivor in the dream world. That was pretty funny.
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I know, right?
The amount of map control you could have with those auras...
Ah, great memories from better days.
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Old Freddy is just better. Maybe not in strength but I've always said it doesn't seem like players are looking for that in killers. If they were, we'd see more of Artists or even current Freddy but you just don't see many of them. Because they honestly aren't too fun. That goes more for Freddy than Artist but it's clear people actually just want... Fun killers. Old Freddy was that. And he had an important part, he was more accurate to Freddy Krueger.