Forever freddy is back and it’s ruining soloq

I’m not even talking about Freddy, I’ve only come across one doing a daily. But wow the plagues, legions and pigs I’ve come across have stacked the gen slow downs so much that it’s so miserable.
can we please either cap how much gens can be slowed down or have penti, thana, play thing, dying light not stack with other slow downs?
it is so miserable and my soloQ teams are not sticking to gens. I purposely only being a gen rushing builds now.
I had forever dredge today. Match lasted 15min and we did 2 gens and all died.
I got base 30k+ bp and double pip from it somehow too. Not worth it tho
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Reading the same post over and over again is murdering me
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The reason behind the posts is murdering the game as well
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At least it's different from all the Dead Hard posts that eventually got Dead Hard nerfed.
If you are seeing a lot of posts about something, expect that something to be nerfed I guess.
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Oh, that's the funny part of this patch. 20k points on survivor, pipping, and still dying with the gens up because the games are taking 5ever.
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Feel free to not read them
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The matches go on so long but you don't make any progress. It just doesn't feel rewarding at all to play.
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Dead by Lack of Creativity. 🤣
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How have the devs not addressed this yet it is so unfun to play rn
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They won't touch it for now. They usually let changes roll for a few months before doing anything. That's the trend. Can't admit they didn't test balance properly before pushing to live.
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It's weird how such a big company with so much money doesn't have a dedicated QA team that actually works.
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They did internal testing with Legion 1.0 and thought they were "balanced". Look how that turned out.
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If profits keep flowing in regardless, there's no incentive to improve the product in a timely fashion.
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They probably do have a QA team but like any other game they might not find bugs or problems with the patch cause there might only be 10 people testing it, but when it comes out you have thousand's of people testing it and that is when bugs or problems will show.
One game i know that when it came out in early access you couldn't load into a match and they had to push out a fix in the first few hours of it, yet before it came out the bug never showed and i was one of the people that was playing the Beta version of it and had no problem loading in to a match. So people need to keep that in mind what i.e 10 people don't find when 20 thousand+ people play they will find things.
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Hasn't seemed work for Nurse, SWF, camping or any of the other complaints that will never die. Sometimes it's just a lot of screaming at a wall.
But seriously, I think keeping one thread on a particular issue going is probably going to be more effective than seeing a million new threads on the same topic, as at that point it just becomes annoying white noise.
But very little if any of these changes are going to be walked back at all until time passes and data is gathered, probably holiday season if at all.
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huh, sounds like there is an actual issue and a lot of people complain about it? Naaah, must be just one baby survivor main with 100 fake accounts
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Is matches lasting 15 minutes a bad thing?!? I dislike matches under 10 minute they just arent fun or worth the queues. 15-20 min or sorta the length I like.
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Last thing we need is them using their data, I’m certain whatever measures they use to gather data, they should consider using something else. Because as we’ve seen. It ain’t working.
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Well that's what they're gonna do regardless, because that's how this always goes. It'll be week/months before any major revisions to this update are made. Might as well make your peace with it.
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For 2 gens? Yes 15min is a lot of sleepy gameplay. It was probably entertaining for the killer tho
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Forever this, forever that, bro it's SoloQ, you think Dweet knows how to hit skillchecks?
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That build has been in the game for awhile now, I’m surprised no one really used it until now. These perks are only really an issue when together so capping gen repair slowdown at, say, 30-35% would address this issue easily, even if it is just a temporary fix.
Hopefully we get a hot fix and don’t have to wait until the next mid chapter for it to be addressed.
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Isn’t that more of a soloq problem rather than killer/perk problem? I bet competent swf would still easily overpower them.
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Now every killer is pretty much "forever" by stacking 3-4 gen regression perks
Pretty clear that gen perks need limitation like exhaustion perks have
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BHVR team that works on DbD is relativelly small.
Behavior does a lot of outsourcing if i'm not mistaken so the mayority of their employees aren't working on DbD and those who do are split between normal and mobile.
I could be wrong about this but i think that's the gist of it
Wouldn't surprise me if the budget they are allowed to use would also be relattively small
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900 people is not small.
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Behavior does a lot of outsourcing if i'm not mistaken so the mayority of their employees aren't working on DbD
Did you really just read the first sentence and ignore all the rest?
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Yes, cause everything should be designed around the less than 1% of competent SWF teams.
It's about the same as if Killers were nerfed based on the 1% of competent Nurse players. This also implies that all other killer players are trash.
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Extremely good idea to cap debuffs and buffs, healing speed and gen penalty need to be cap surely.
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I mean they heard some some problems and changed its just people didnt really stack slowdown to see how miserable it was.
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Yes....yes they did and they must think all 900 people work in the same department of BHVR....
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They really are getting into make the game better, you can see that the aot skins are kinda garbage because they focused a lot on this latest patch. We had the ptb to test, they heard the loudest complaints and addressed them we just didnt addressed this one loud enough so at least a week before a slight number change might happen.
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It is probably time for a cap on generator speed debuffs.
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Can I have a source on this "outsourcing" thing?
And if the team that works on DBD is STILL small, that's a major problem that needs to be addressed. This game is much larger now, they need to have a bigger team.
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Just their website tbh. It's not exactly a well kept secret, they have a couple of games shown they worked on
"Our successful development history includes multiple partnerships alongside the entertainment industries’ finest brand owners, and creators."
On top of that they also promote a healthy work enviroment above all.
That other companies seem to do more in the same timeframe is because bhvr doesn't work their employees to the bone.
This community is quick to talk bad about bhvr but they are honestly closer to what should be the norm.
Gamers are just spoiled
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15 minutes and no progression, yes.